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Results 0 - 10 of 706 found in "Other"
Small Screenshot picture of Anger and frustration with no apparent target.  Ingest that verbal poison.
Rantings and observations. Humor and anger. Photography, music and the outdoors. What pisses me off? Most often it's someone like yourself.

Small Screenshot picture of One Million Footnotes
Footnotes to a nonexistent book, a series of observations, a novel without the plot, the autobiography of an imagination, linked poetry of the everyday world, an impossible....

Small Screenshot picture of English, August.
In a strange place, you have to hold your own. -

Small Screenshot picture of LuvCube blog: Find, live, and enjoy love
LuvCube blog discusses tips and ideas to succeed at and enjoy your relationships

Small Screenshot picture of Disarranging Mine
Sometimes about life from Central, Illinois, USA. Sometimes not.

Small Screenshot picture of Corey Stewart Songwriting
All things to do with songwriting, its performance, and the creative process in general.

Small Screenshot picture of Common sense journalism
Comment and information on journalism, editing, new media

Small Screenshot picture of Oh ... Really?
Jaded. Cynical. Justified. Rants, opinions, observations and musings by a single mom with challenging teen-age children, an ex from hell and the snarky sense of humor to make it all amusing.

Small Screenshot picture of Catalogablog
Library cataloging, classification, metadata, subject access and related topics.

Small Screenshot picture of PaulKatcher
A view from Manhattan's Upper West Side. One man's take on sports, news, wacky web finds and the occasional hottie

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