Federal Politics

Immigration department spends millions on leadership classes

They say true leaders are born not made, but the immigration department hopes millions of dollars of taxpayer cash can change that.

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection has paid Sydney-based strategic advisory company Bendelta almost $4 million for "leadership training" since Peter Dutton took over the portfolio in December 2014, it can be revealed.

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And the department has just signed a $2.6 million contract with Bendelta for "leadership development workshops" to be delivered over the next nine months.

Government tender documents suggest hundreds of thousands of dollars went to Bendelta since early 2015 for "scenario based training", executive coaching and a guest speaker at a conference.

Bendelta specialises in bringing "transformational change" to organisations and helping their leaders inspire their workforce.

"At the heart of this is our ability to create exponential organisations by realising, harnessing and combining the unrealised human potential they possess," the company says on its website.


A spokesman for the department said that, as an organisation with more than 14,000 employees that has just had significant structural change, it had hired Bendelta to deliver programs "specifically tailored to our requirements".

"This approach is more cost-effective than sending staff to externally available programs at a higher cost which may not be directly relevant to our circumstances," the spokesman said.

The current contract includes leadership and coaching programs for almost 4200 staff, ranging from junior APS3 officers to senior executives.

Other departments have paid Bendelta for leadership courses but their bills have ranged between $10,000 and $800,000.

Treasurer Scott Morrison and Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Peter Dutton during question time at ...
Treasurer Scott Morrison and Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Peter Dutton during question time at Parliament House.  Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Contracts also show the department has embarked on a renewed "offshore" advertising campaign, spending $150,000 a month to deter asylum seekers considering travelling to Australia by boat.

As previously revealed by Fairfax, the department also spent $6 million on a slick telemovie to deter would-be refugees.

Last week it was revealed the department's paramilitary Australian Border Force had started a podcast to get its message out. Mr Dutton said the podcast was aimed at circumventing the "left-wing media".