Federal Politics

Warren Mundine slams 'joke' inquiry into Indigenous incarceration

Warren Mundine, the chairman of the Prime Minister's Indigenous Advisory Council, has slammed the setting up of an Aboriginal incarceration inquiry, in an extraordinary attack on the government's approach to Indigenous affairs.

Mr Mundine questioned which "dickhead" had thought up the Australian Law Reform Commission's inquiry into possible remedies to the incarceration crisis, announced on Thursday.

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'Dickhead': Warren Mundine unloads

It's 'a joke', 'a total waste of money', thought up by 'a dickhead' - the PM's Indigenous Advisor doesn't think much of a new inquiry announced by George Brandis. Courtesy ABC News 24.

"I just find this a joke, and I'm getting sick and tired of the crap that is coming out of this government in regard to Indigenous affairs, concerning incarceration rates, in regard to the juvenile detention area," he told Sky News. He said a lot of work had already been done on the issue.

"I don't know who the dickhead is that thought up this incredible, brilliant idea; it's just a total waste of taxpayers' money," he said.

Attorney-General George Brandis and Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion said the law reform commission's terms of reference would be subject to consultation with Indigenous communities and the inquiry would seek to address a "national tragedy".

"The degree of civilisation in any society can, among other things, be judged by looking at the condition of its prisons," Senator Brandis said. "It is a sad reflection on Australia that our first peoples are so grossly over-represented in our nation's prisons."


The announcement has received a mixed reaction, with Labor and the Change the Record campaign acknowledging the opportunity it presented, but arguing that it was not a complete solution and some concrete answers were already available.

Mr Mundine said lethal violence against Aboriginal women was "rampant" and well-known but the government "just sort of waffle on with a whole lot of rubbish, quite frankly, and it's about time this government got its act together in this area".

Warren Mundine: Inquiry is ''a total waste of taxpayers' money''.
Warren Mundine: Inquiry is ''a total waste of taxpayers' money''. 

Since the royal commission into Aboriginal deaths in custody handed down its report in 1991, the proportion of Indigenous Australians in the prison population has risen from 14 per cent to 27 per cent.

Indigenous teenagers are 24 times more likely to be incarcerated than their non-Indigenous peers, and Indigenous women are 30 times more likely to be in prison than non-Indigenous women.

George Brandis said the law reform commission's terms of reference would be subject to consultation with Indigenous ...
George Brandis said the law reform commission's terms of reference would be subject to consultation with Indigenous communities. Photo: Andrew Meares

Senator Scullion said Mr Mundine's comments on Thursday afternoon were "complete and utter garbage" and that the implementation of previous recommendations and a new inquiry can occur simultaneously.

"Warren and me are good mates and we like having robust conversations - I can see we are going to have one. Look, we can walk and chew gum at the same time," he said.

The tensions raise questions about whether the government's chief advisory body on Indigenous affairs is being consulted on key policies. Mr Mundine was also not consulted before the announcement of the royal commission into Northern Territory juvenile detention.

Change the Record, a coalition of advocacy groups focused on Indigenous incarceration, welcomed the opportunity of the inquiry but said the broader context should be addressed by federal, state and territory governments in a Council of Australian Governments process.

"We know that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rates, and experience of violence, are strongly linked to social and economic disadvantage, and so the inquiry must include a focus on early intervention, prevention and diversion programs," co-chair Shane Duffy said.

Greens senator Rachel Siewert said she was "astonished" by the announcement of another inquiry and that "we have known what we need to do for over 25 years now. The royal commission into deaths in custody made 339 recommendations, a large number of which have not been implemented."

Last week, Labor frontbencher, Yawuru elder and ex-royal commissioner Patrick Dodson said his former colleagues on the deaths in custody inquiry would be "absolutely horrified" by a parliamentary hearing that discussed incarceration, labelling Senator Scullion's testimony "an appalling demonstration of ignorance".

With Jane Lee


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