
Video shows Donald Trump publicly humiliating Jennifer Hawkins

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Surfaced video shows Trump embarrassing, kissing Jennifer Hawkins

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump tries to humiliate Australian super model Jennifer Hawkins and leans in for what appears to be a non-consensual kiss on stage at a corporate event in Sydney 2011. Vision courtesy Huffington Post.

Australia's own Jennifer Hawkins has joined the long list of women who have been humiliated by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

A video has emerged showing Trump publicly embarrass the supermodel, and lean in for what looks to be a non-consensual kiss, in front of thousands of guests at a corporate event in Sydney five years ago.

Jennifer Hawkins appears to turn her cheek as Donald Trump goes to kiss her.
Jennifer Hawkins appears to turn her cheek as Donald Trump goes to kiss her. Photo: Supplied

The video clip begins with Trump telling the audience his belief in exacting revenge.

"I believe, get even with people, if they screw you, screw them back, 10 times harder," he said. "And I'll give you an example, Jennifer Hawkins."

Trump went on to tell guests he was furious with the 2004 Miss Universe because she had refused to introduce him at the National Achievers Congress at the Sydney Entertainment Centre on September 21, 2011.

"I thought she dissed me," he said.


He called out for Hawkins to join him on stage, where she defended herself by explaining she was only informed of the event that same morning.

"There was a miscommunication, of course I wanted to come here," she said. "I found out this morning. It was a miscommunication with my management, so I'm sorry," she says on stage.

Donald Trump and Jennifer Hawkins in 2004.
Donald Trump and Jennifer Hawkins in 2004. 

"I felt really bad." 

Trump then tells guests he was going to lie about her intellect. 

Jennifer Hawkins after being crowned Miss Universe
Jennifer Hawkins after being crowned Miss Universe Photo: Supplied

"I was actually going to get up and tell you that Jennifer is a beautiful girl on the outside, but she's not very bright," he said. "But that wouldn't have been true, but I would have said it anyway."

She then became the subject of sexual innuendo.

Jennifer Hawkins during the Miss Universe contest in 2004.
Jennifer Hawkins during the Miss Universe contest in 2004. Photo: Supplied

"She came tonight, she came, came, she came, she came," Trump told a laughing audience. "See, so they have the same filthy minds in Australia."

"As you," Hawkins replies.

Hawkins apologises again, before Trump leans in in an apparent attempt to kiss her on the lips.

She turns her face and the kiss lands on her cheek, before she hastily asks whether she can return to her seat.  

Reports on the video by The Huffington Post in the United States have added to Trump's battle to convince women to vote for him.

It has been reported Hawkins has recently cancelled interviews to avoid being asked about her relationship with Trump.

Hawkins hosts Foxtel's reality TV program, Australia's Next Top Model, which returned to air in late September.

She reportedly cancelled a series of interviews booked to promote the show, and her manager Sean Anderson of 22 Management has told media she would not be commenting on Donald Trump.

"Jennifer is not interested and will not be commenting on Donald Trump," he said. "She is not interested in getting involved in the politics."