- published: 10 Sep 2016
- views: 97232
Harlan Kredit (born 1939) is a multiple award-winning Dutch-American high school teacher from Lynden, Washington. He was the first Washingtonian teacher ever to be inducted into the National Teachers Hall of Fame. He has spent the majority of his career at Lynden Christian High School. Kredit is also a ranger at Yellowstone Park in Wyoming during the summer and a prolific photographer for the National Park Service.
Kredit has gained renown for his "investigative" approach to teaching secondary biology and emphasis on leadership, and for his efforts in fish and wildlife conservation, particularly along Whatcom County's Fishtrap Creek (which eventually dispenses into Puget Sound). His students know him for his familiar exclamation of "It's a great day to be alive!"
Harlan Kredit was born and raised in Lynden, Washington, alongside Fishtrap Creek, which contained "huge numbers of salmon each fall."
Kredit graduated from Calvin College in 1961 and taught high school science education in Hudsonville, Michigan from 1962 to 1972. In 1967 he gained a master's degree in Science Teaching from the College of William and Mary.
Kredit yang dibolehkan - Ustad Khalid Basalamah
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They don’t know,
They won’t see,
They won’t change,
They won’t be,
They won’t love,
They won’t go,
They won’t touch,
So they don’t know,
How much it takes for me to stay awake,
Dodging the poisonous darts you throw with your face,
I try to avoid the dark but it’s hard,
When you let go of me like rose pedals in the front yard,
One card, we play till we pass out,
Used to be my ace, now I’m feeling assed out,
So I back out the front porch,
While you reconsider what you really want more,
Me? Nah, I got a knack at leaving you breathless,
Bringing out the smiles that the angels eat for breakfast,
You deadest on watching me step,
Across a bed of coals just to see which arguments next,
Stress don’t leave when you’re next to me,
I’m my kinder side, you’ve got the best of me,
So let’s act like we don’t care,
There’s a moonlit path outside,
We should go there,
And make the clouds part,
I’ll grab you by the wings and you can guide me through the wild part,
Then that smile starts to speak,
Telling me why it’s been gone for weeks,
If it was all on me,
We’d get together right now,
Debate our different lifestyles,
And this is how it might sound,
They don’t know,
They won’t see,
They won’t change,
They won’t be,
They won’t love,
They won’t go,
They won’t touch,
So they don’t know,
What it’s like to wake up to a princess,
Eyes like a lighter, you spark my interest,
We invest too much to be selective,
Ingest solitude then redefine my objective,
Cause that necklace really makes me want to choke you,
Kill all the demons that grab your soul and hold you,
If I could mold you to just my shape,
I’d change absolutely nothing,
Mm that’s great,
Now that we got it all out on the table,
Come here baby girl I want to fuck with your halo,
Grab you by the hips and settle the score,