It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our comrade Nathalie Moreau. Brilliant and dedicated activist, Nathalie passed away on September 5 surrounded by her family, victim of an ovarian cancer that was diagnosed a little less than four years ago. Our solidarity first goes to her relatives, her partner, children, siblings and other family members, as well as her countless friends, work colleagues, to those valiant women with whom she shared a similar condition since 2012 and of course to her comrades, who all lose an irreplaceable companion, a friend and a combatant. Nathalie had a lasting impact on the lives of all those who were fortunate to know her, in all spheres of activity in which she has been involved. For us who accompanied her in her militant life, she will remain a model of intelligence, courage and determination, an inexhaustible source of inspiration who will continue to embody the communist future for which we are fighting. We will announce soon how we intend to pay tribute to her.

Revolutionary Communist Party, Central Committee
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