- published: 26 Oct 2016
- views: 202270
MinutePhysics (styled without a space) is an educational YouTube channel created by Henry Reich. The channel's videos include time-lapsed drawing to explain physics-related topics in approximately one minute. As of November 2015, the channel has over 3 million subscribers.
Videos from MinutePhysics have been featured on PBS NewsHour,Huffington Post,NBC, and Gizmodo.
The most popular MinutePhysics video, with more than 9.85 million views, is the one explaining the consequences when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. Another popular MinutePhysics video features Reich explaining why pink is not actually a color. Reich has also uploaded a series of three videos explaining the Higgs Boson.
MinutePhysics has collaborated with Vsauce, as well as the director of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Neil Turok. MinutePhysics has also made two videos which were narrated by Neil deGrasse Tyson. MinutePhysics is also a channel that is able to be viewed through YouTube EDU.
This video is about how life arose and what its main function or purpose in the universe seems to be. Thanks to http://www.audible.com/minutephysics for supporting this video, and to Sean Carroll for collaborating on it! Playlist of the full video series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoaVOjvkzQtyZF-2VpJrxPz7bxK_p1Dd2 Link to Patreon supporters here: http://www.minutephysics.com/supporters.html This video is about how life arose and what its main function or purpose in the universe seems to be. Throughout the universe there is a driving tendency for entropy to increase and free energy to be used up; however, sometimes there is some sort of barrier holding back further potential increase in entropy - these entropically favored but not directly possible reactions (like hydrogen n...
Thanks to Google Making and Science for supporting this series, and to Sean Carroll for collaborating on it! His book can be found here: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/bigpicture/ Playlist of the full video series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoaVOjvkzQtyZF-2VpJrxPz7bxK_p1Dd2 Link to Patreon supporters here: http://www.minutephysics.com/supporters.html AMAZING Interactive Entropy explainer by Aatish Bhatia: http://aatishb.github.io/entropy/ This video is about why entropy gives rise to the arrow of time, and also how the initial low-entropy condition of the universe is responsible for the fact that we experience time right now, and how ultimately it will lead to the high-entropy heat death of the universe. REFERENCES & ADDITIONAL INFORMATION David Wallace on entropy ...
This video is about how we don't just need energy to power our lives, we need *low entropy* energy! Thanks to Google Making and Science for supporting this series, and to Sean Carroll for collaborating on it! His book can be found here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/316646/the-big-picture-by-sean-carroll/ Playlist of the full video series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoaVOjvkzQtyZF-2VpJrxPz7bxK_p1Dd2 Link to Patreon supporters here: http://www.minutephysics.com/supporters.html This video is about how we don't just need energy to power our lives, we need *low entropy* energy! This is also known as "free energy", and one way of thinking about entropy is as the lack of free energy. The sun provides us with useful, low entropy, energy in the form of photons of visible l...
Thanks to Google Making and Science for supporting this series, and to Sean Carroll for collaborating on it! His book can be found here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/316646/the-big-picture-by-sean-carroll/ Playlist of the full video series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoaVOjvkzQtyZF-2VpJrxPz7bxK_p1Dd2 Link to Patreon supporters here: http://www.minutephysics.com/supporters.html This video is about why there's no such thing as cause and effect at the level of fundamental particle physics, and how our everyday experience of cause and effect arises due to entropy, the large-scale arrow of time, and the leverage certain events have over others. This can explain not only the existence of causes and effects, but also memories, records and so on. REFERENCES & ADDITIONAL ...
Listen to "The Paradox of Choice" for free at http://www.Audible.com/minutephysics This video is about the orbital mechanics of why it’s so hard to crash into the sun – the energy it takes to get there is astoundingly high, compared with leaving the solar system. Thanks to everyone who supports MinutePhysics on Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/minutephysics Link to Patreon supporters here: http://www.minutephysics.com/supporters.html Music by Nathaniel Schroeder, http://www.soundcloud.com/drschroeder REFERENCES International Atomic Energy Association report on nuclear waste storage: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/LTS-RW_web.pdf And Slate’s article on actual potential solutions to nuclear waste: http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/green_room/2009/11/atomic_...
How can time be slower and faster at the same time? Thanks to http://www.audible.com/minutephysics for supporting MinutePhysics This video is about the famous “Twin paradox” of special relativity, and how time can appear to be faster for two different observers at the same time. Thanks to everyone who supports MinutePhysics on Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/minutephysics Link to Patreon supporters here: http://www.minutephysics.com/supporters.html Music by Nathaniel Schroeder, http://www.soundcloud.com/drschroeder REFERENCES Muon lifetime and time dilation/relativity: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/relativ/muon.html#c2 MinutePhysics video about Time Rotations & Einstein: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajhFNcUTJI0 Experimental test of time dilation using doppler shift ...
This video is about the difference between complexity and entropy, and how complex things like life can arise from disorder. Thanks to Google Making and Science for supporting this series, and to Sean Carroll for collaborating on it! His book can be found here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/316646/the-big-picture-by-sean-carroll/ Playlist of the full video series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoaVOjvkzQtyZF-2VpJrxPz7bxK_p1Dd2 Link to Patreon supporters here: http://www.minutephysics.com/supporters.html This video is about the difference between complexity and entropy, and how we can see complex things like life, planets, galaxies, humans, intelligence, consciousness, etc arising in our universe when the overall tendency of the second law of thermodynamics is towards ...
GO HERE NOW: https://www.einsteinathome.org Einstein@Home wikipedia page: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein@Home This video is about gravitational waves in the weak field limit as discovered by the LIGO collaboration, explained by parallels to electromagnetic radiation, sound waves, water waves, etc. I want to see Cat LIGO ASAP! Thanks to everyone who supports MinutePhysics on Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/minutephysics Link to Patreon supporters here: http://www.minutephysics.com/supporters.html Music by Nathaniel Schroeder, http://www.soundcloud.com/drschroeder REFERENCES Linearized Einstein Equations: http://web.phys.ntnu.no/\~mika/week10.pdf Gravitational Wave Detection: http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0034-4885/72/7/076901/meta LIGO Mirror Test mass suspensi...
Thanks to Audible.com for supporting this video: http://www.audible.com/minutephysics Original video collaboration with Vsauce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN-FfJKgis8 Thanks to everyone who supports MinutePhysics on Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/minutephysics Link to Patreon supporters here: http://www.minutephysics.com/supporters.html Music by Nathaniel Schroeder, http://www.soundcloud.com/drschroeder REFERENCES Gravity & Spherical Shells: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/mechanics/sphshell.html More Shell Theorem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_theorem Density inside the earth (Preliminary Reference Earth Model): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:RadialDensityPREM.jpg Gravitational acceleration inside the earth: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:EarthGrav...
What if you went back in time and killed your own grandfather? Would you still be born? Or would you have thus killed yourself? Thanks to Google #sciencegoals for sponsoring this video! Link to the previous MinutePhysics video: https://youtu.be/XayNKY944lY If you could travel back in time, and you killed your grandfather, would you be killing your future self? What do physics, complexity theory, and computer science have to say about this famous murderous time-travel paradox? Scott Aaronson Notes that discuss time travel and computation, computational complexity, closed timelike curves, and the grandfather paradox: http://www.scottaaronson.com/democritus/lec19.html Technical paper that discusses the same thing: http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0502072 Thanks to everyone who supports Minu...
Schroedingers cat described by Paul
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Вам когда-нибудь казалось, что во вселенной есть что-то, что нельзя увидеть? Что ж, знакомьтесь – «Тёмная материя». Перевод: Елизавета Полоцкая Редактура: Роман Савинов, Алексей Малов Озвучка: Вадим Полтавцев Монтаж: Вадим Полтавцев Обложка: Софья Зозуля Источник: https://youtu.be/Af0_vWDfJwQ © https://www.youtube.com/user/minutephysics Переведено и озвучено: vertdider.com
阿尔法小分队海外粉丝 513995058 字幕组人员招募中!
Проект «Минута физики» популярно описывает явления и загадки мира физики. Расстояние от нас до Луны, может, и равно 1, 3 световой секунды, но вопрос в том, что за бред лунатика — измерять расстояние в единицах времени? Редактура: Алевтина Поминова Озвучка: Вадим Полтавцев Монтаж: Вадим Полтавцев, Илья Волков Обложка: Софья Зозуля Источник: https://youtu.be/Wp20Sc8qPeo © https://www.youtube.com/user/minutephysics Переведено и озвучено: vertdider.com
Each semester we host an event called Freethought Speaker Series. This semester, we brought Henry Reich, the creator of MinutePhysics. The video shows him giving his talk, "The Physics of Free Will".
November 30 Colloquium at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario. Thanks to Neil Turok for inviting me to speak! also available at http://pirsa.org/displayFlash.php?id=11110110 http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca http://www.perimeterscholars.org Created by Henry Reich
http://www.edukwest.com/edukwest-84-with-henry-reich-of-minute-physics/ Minute Physics is a YouTube channel by Henry Reich that contains short videos answering all sorts of questions around the subject in one minute each.
It’s here! Science stuff, mind-blowing stuff, Vsauce stuff, oh my!! THE CURIOSITY BOX: https://www.thecuriositybox.com/ Jake’s video about The Curiosity Box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p91-GhjgeEU Minute Physics on why December days are the longest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZMMuv0Ltyo StandUpMaths on calendars and leap days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkt_wmRKYNQ Tom Scott on the Equation of Time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9Qnobvx_kM My video on what would happen if the Earth stopped spinning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0-GxoJ_Pcg GREAT visuals showing how Earth moves around the sun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82p-DYgGFjI http://www.timeanddate.com/ George Washington’s birthday: https://www.archives.gov/legislative/features/washington/ real-time...
The idea of Minute Physics is to deal with certain physics in a couple of minutes. But a couple of minutes is not really adequate to deal with the topic of Einstein's relativity and totally distorts it.
Whether it's dark matter, natural selection, climate change, or actual rocket science, it's always a challenge to explain the biggest questions in the universe in just a few minutes. Some of YouTube's top EDU creators will discuss how they approach complicated questions, how they've mastered the art of explaining, and whether you can really fit the whole universe inside a YouTube video.
Filmed at VidCon 2014 by Dr_Boom, who then gave it to Destin so more people could see it. Check his channel out here! http://bit.ly/1qWfrGj Derek from Veritasium https://www.youtube.com/user/1veritasium Henry from MinutePhysics https://www.youtube.com//minutephysics Destin from Smarter Every Day https://www.youtube.com/smartereveryday 2:00 -- Who is the most awesome of the three? 3:05 -- Derek's Citizenship. 4:30 -- Derek's Facebook Experiment. 5:50 -- Stolen library book. 6:15 -- New definition of the kilogram. 8:00 -- Man on the moon, 'merica. 9:45 -- $10 million silicon sphere. 10:45 -- Reaching more women by Derek's good looks. 12:55 -- Hard topics in videos, gaining understanding by making videos. 15:00 -- Women as guests in videos. 16:15 -- YouTube education in classrooms. 17:20...
NO LONGER LIVE. Video recorded from the Google+ Hangout on Air from the Education on Air Conference. People in the video are (from left to right) Brittan Berry, google+ moderator http://sites.google.com/site/eduonair Henry Reich, MinutePhysics http://youtube.com/minutephysics James Sanders, teacher and youtube.com/edu guru http://bit.ly/uuS4Hy Michael Stevens, Vsauce http://youtube.com/vsauce Sai, cognitive science guru http://bit.ly/KQ3b7e Derek Muller, Veritasium http://youtube.com/1veritasium Created by Henry Reich
Newtonmas Hangout on Air with MinutePhysics, Carin Bondar and Veritasium