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AFL: Must see matches of 2017

Must see matches of 2017

Gary Ablett is homesick and his future remains undecided, according to his manager

GARY Ablett is homesick after six years at Gold Coast, his manager says.

It emerged this week that the Suns captain and highest-paid player had asked after the season if he could be traded back to Geelong despite having two years to run on a three-year contract.

The Suns quickly shut down the move but Ablett’s manager Liam Pickering won’t rule out making another trade request at the end of next season.

media_cameraGary Ablett requested a trade home this month.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen next year,” Pickering said on SEN radio today.

“There’s absolutely a possibility he’ll finish the next two years there (at Gold Coast), it’s a probability — he’s captain.

“There’s a lot of water to go under the bridge before he finishes his career.”

Ablett, the son of Cats superstar Gary Ablett Sr, played nine seasons at Geelong before leaving to join Gold Coast at the end of 2010.

“He’s been there for six years,” Pickering said. “He actually just asked the question and said, ‘I’m homesick, I want to be able to get around my family’.

“They said, ‘No dice’ and that was the end of it.

“You don’t know unless you ask. The answer was pretty emphatic and we’ve moved on.

“It’s no big deal from my end. I have hundreds of those conversations every year with clients. He’s still there, he’s still captain.”

Originally published as ‘Homesick’ Ablett’s future still up in the air