Hillary the new Nixon if the FBI doesn't stop her first

 Greg Jarrett says the FBI's decision to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton's illegal use of a private server as secretary of state is far from the only scandal likely to destroy her as President.

How did she and her husband suddenly become so very, very rich?

There are multiple reports that the FBI has opened a criminal investigation into potential corruption within the Clinton Foundation. Newly leaked emails show that charity official Doug Band, while raising money for the foundation, also steered millions of dollars to Bill Clinton. Quite the cozy relationship. However, if the foundation was not operating strictly as a charity under the laws governing non-profit groups, it could be deemed an illegal enterprise. In other words, criminal fraud.

How much money did the former president pocket? One Band email is especially revealing : “President Clinton’s business arrangements have yielded more than $ 30 million for him personally, with $ 66 million to be paid out over the next nine years should he chose to continue with the current engagements.”

The boat-loads of cash came from Clinton foundation donors --the same donors who had business before Clinton's State Department and some of whom appear to have received benefits therefrom. For example, Hillary helped UBS avoid the IRS, and then Bill got paid $ 1.5 million dollars. Thereafter, their foundation received a ten-fold increase in donations. If that was a reward for Hillary’s machinations, then it constitutes bribery under federal law, 18 U.S.C., section 201.

When asked recently to explain what appears to be blatant double dealing and the stench of pay-for-play, the Clinton campaign did not really deny it, but simply said the charity did wonderful work. It certainly did --it did wonderful work enriching the Clintons’ bank account.

If you ever wondered how Bill and Hillary got so outrageously rich, Band's emails make explicit the compelling and incriminating evidence the Clintons used their foundation for personal profit. It's a prosecutor's dream. A "smoking gun" document if ever there was one.

(Thank to reader Jeff.)