- published: 09 Apr 2016
- views: 8243
Camera Gear | Full Frame vs APS-C
Camparison of APS-C- and Full-Frame-DSLR -- Knowledge-Base (English Version)
APS-C vs Micro Four Thirds: Which Produces a Better Quality Image, APS-C Crop Sensors or M4/3?
30mm vs 50mm Prime Lenses Comparison For Full Frame And APS-C Cameras | Video DSLR Tutorial
35mm Full Frame, APS-C, and 1.0-Type Sensor Depth of Field Comparison
APS-C ou Full Frame - Les différences.m4v
Canon APS-C Lens Suggestions, Spring 2015 | Photography Tips
【カメラ】APS-Cには35mmだ!Canon EOS 70D EF 35mm F1.4L soezimax
Choosing your next Sony Alpha APS-C E-Mount Lens
Hey everybody! If you're in the market for a new mirrorless camera, DSLR, or you're just curious about camera sensor's you probably have a few questions. This video breaks down the key differences between a full frame sensor and an APS-C sensor.
Ralfs Foto-Bude - The Photo-Page for everyone http://www.ralfs-foto-bude.de My topic of today is .... MORE My topic of today is the comparison of APS-C- and Full-Frame-DSLR. I explain the pros and cons of booth systems. I compare the APS-C-DSLR Nikon D7100 with the Full-Frame Nikon D600. Both sensors have 24 Megapixe. Here you find the Test-Pictures: Nikon D7100: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ralfs-foto-bude/sets/72157633127420690/ Nikon D600: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ralfs-foto-bude/sets/72157632361088957/ Support Ralfs Foto-Bude and buy the Nikon D7100, the D600 or any other stuff in my UK-Amazon-Shop: Nikon D7100: http://astore.amazon.co.uk/ralfotbud02-21/detail/B00BJCTHHK Nikon D600: http://astore.amazon.co.uk/ralfotbud02-21/detail/B009A92UKK US-Amazon-Shop: Nikon D7100: http:/...
http://www.artoftheimage.com - APS-C vs Micro Four Thirds: Which Produces a Better Quality Image, APS-C / DX Crop Sensors or M4/3? Check out User Reviews & Amazon's LOWEST price on the Olympus OM-D E-M10 at http://tinyurl.com/q4zfqnz P.S. If your kids liked Diary of a Wimpy Kid, check out my ebook series, "Diary of a Nerd King" available NOW on Amazon at http://tinyurl.com/97sdg4o . Please pass it along... thanks! My latest YA eBook, Teenage Assassin Episode 1 is out and available for download on Amazon at http://tinyurl.com/7dluk2r
This video explains to you the differences of 30mm and 50mm prime lenses for full frame and crop sensor cameras. Equipment used: Canon 600D Canon 5D Mark2 Sigma 30mm f1.4 Canon 50mm f1.4 Canon 50mm f1.8 Rode SmartLav+ Lightfox Softbox
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In this video, Gary compares the Full Frame, APS-C and 1.0-Type sensors and how they effect your image's depth-of-field. SONY CAMERA COURSES Sony a6300 Course: https://goo.gl/ucMFhT Sony a7Rii Course: https://goo.gl/yJX3Ip Sony a7Sii Course: https://goo.gl/i0krdm Sony a6000 Course: https://goo.gl/AD9KBC Sony a7ii Course: https://goo.gl/dhbH7v Sony RX10ii Course: https://goo.gl/moJdKs Sony RX100iv Course: https://goo.gl/xNSLtL Sony a7 Course: https://goo.gl/AbRcBC Sony a7S Course: https://goo.gl/zznB8Z Sony a7R Course: https://goo.gl/movFji Sony a77 Course: https://goo.gl/vo6Vdm Sony a77ii Course: https://goo.gl/pRf0Uc Sony a99 Course: https://goo.gl/SYmqOJ EDUCATIONAL COURSES Sony Mirrorless Cinema Series: https://goo.gl/bMWBeP How To Shoot A Wedding: https://goo.gl/UED4HY An In-Depth Di...
APS-C ou Full Frame - Les différences du capteur photo : http://objectif-photographe.fr/capteur-plein-format-et-aps-c-explique-simplement/ Dans cette vidéo, j'explique pourquoi quand on monte un objectif sur un appareil petit format ou grand format, la focale change. J'espère que ca pourra en aider certains. Sur le blog Objectif Photographe, un récapitulatif des points forts et points faibles de chacun des formats
Its that time of the year again when I announce my recommendations on which lens are the best value for the money to provide photographers, 'hobbyist and enthusiast alike' with suggestions on which lens to use on their Canon EF-S (APS-C) camera bodies. These suggestions are broke down into 3 categories from beginner, hobbyist and then enthusiast. Visit my blogs homepage at: http://www.ExodistPhoto.com Looking to buy one of the photos seen in my tutorials? Visit my profile on DeviantART: http://joewjacksonjr.deviantart.com Join Exodist Photography Community on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/groups/exodistphotography/ Looking for other ways to follow us try these.. Twitter: http://twitter.com/exodistphoto Tumblr: http://exodistphotoblog.tumblr.com Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/Ex...
APS-Cセンサーのカメラには35mmレンズがピッタリ! ブログ記事 BLOG http://soezimax.com/headroom/archives/11007 ・CANON EF 35MM F1.4L(Amazonアフィリンク) http://amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/B00005KHS3/soezimax-22 ・CANON EOS 70D(Amazonアフィリンク) http://amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/B00DQIBF84/soezimax-22 ☆SOEZIMAX_LINKS BLOG→ http://soezimax.com/headroom/ Twitter→ https://twitter.com/soezimax FaceBook→ http://www.facebook.com/soezimax/ Google+→ https://plus.google.com/+soezimax/ 1st CHANNEL→ http://www.youtube.com/user/soezimax 2nd CHANNEL→ http://www.youtube.com/user/soezimax2 3rd CHANNEL→ http://www.youtube.com/user/soezimax3 _
http://www.markgaler.com Mark Galer is the Sony Alpha Ambassador for Australia Image Sample Galleries: https://www.flickr.com/photos/markgaler/collections/72157651729492172/ This movie is part of a support network to help Sony Alpha photographers get the most out of their equipment and their passion for photography. Subscribe to the movie channel and the http://www.markgaler.com site to connect to the Sony Alpha Community.