Paramedics tend to the man bystanders thought was involved in an elaborate Halloween prank. Picture: Gordon McComiskie
media_cameraParamedics tend to the man bystanders thought was involved in an elaborate Halloween prank. Picture: Gordon McComiskie

Halloween runs riot in Sydney as assaults confused for costumes

HALLOWEEN celebrations have played more tricks than treats in Sydney overnight, with partygoers confusing violent assaults with particularly convincing costumes.

Early on Friday night, numerous emergency services crews were called to Central Station to a man lying on the platform, haemorrhaging a significant amount of blood.

Emergency services were called by concerned onlookers when a knife was seen protruding from the man’s neck.

But the fleet of ambulances was quickly called off, as it was revealed the knife and blood were more dramatic than deadly.

media_cameraPolice were called to break up a fight after pedestrians realised it wasn’t just a Halloween prank. Picture: Gordon McComiskie

Several hours later, Josh Barkley was walking along Broadway when he saw two friends, decked out in gruesome gore for Halloween celebrations.

“To begin with I thought it was just like a Halloween prank, I initially thought they were friends, there was so much blood,” he said.

The two seemed to be skylarking and play fighting as they made their way home in Halloween costumes.

“I’ve seen the victim, against the light pole there, getting held by the scruff of the neck with absolute blood everywhere,” he said.

He said that the man was punched in the face several times as he was held up against the light pole.

media_cameraThe scene in the rain as police restrain a man overnight. Picture: Gordon McComiskie

“That’s when I realised it was real and came in and broke it up, and that’s when the police rocked up,” he said.

“I literally walked in half way through it — I didn’t see the start of it and saw blood just absolutely everywhere,” he said.

It took six Riot Police to hold the man down and restrain the man.

He writhed on the ground wailing as his victim received treatment by paramedics to his bruised face, soaked in blood.

Police said the alleged attacker was taken into custody and they were continuing to investigate the incident.

7 internet-inspired costumes you'll see this Halloween0:50

The internet has changed Halloween as we know it. From Sexy Ken Bone to Harambe the Gorilla, here are seven costumes you'll be sure to see around the streets this Halloween.

7 internet-inspired costumes you'll see this Halloween

Originally published as Vicious assault confused for costume