Federal Politics

Paid parental leave designed 'to get women back to work': Social Services Minister Christian Porter

Australia's paid parental leave system is designed to help women return to work rather than bond with their newborn children, Social Services Minister Christian Porter said on Monday. 

Defending the government's plans to end so-called "double dipping", where mothers receive taxpayer-funded parental leave at the same time as paid leave from their employer, Mr Porter said saving money from high-income earners would make the system more sustainable for others. 

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Paid parental leave backlash

The Government wants to rein in spending on paid parental leave to save money in the budget but there's a lot of opposition to the proposal. Courtesy ABC News, Channel 7.

Currently new mothers have access to 18 weeks paid leave at the minimum wage, plus any additional entitlements paid for by their employer. 

The government last week introduced legislation limiting access to the government funded scheme, which could come into effect as early as January 1.

Labor has called on the Senate crossbench to block the changes. 

Mr Porter was asked on ABC radio if parental leave was designed to help women return to work or to assist mothers to bond with their newborns. 


"It's always been the case that the scheme has been designed, and these changes are also designed, to try and ensure that as many mothers are participating in the workforce and are able to re-participate after the birth of a child, having provided for a fair amount of time to bond with the child after birth," he said.

"I'm in a family that's been through that myself." 

Social Services Minister Christian Porter.
Social Services Minister Christian Porter. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Porter said all welfare schemes required necessary limits to be sustainable.

"To enable us to have a sustainable scheme that can have the best direction of funds to low-income earners and to bring in for the first time a whole range of women in dangerous professions... and mums in casual professions, we have to find savings in the scheme. 

Labor's spokeswoman for social services Jenny Macklin.
Labor's spokeswoman for social services Jenny Macklin. Photo: Andrew Meares

"We think the best way to find savings is to look at that top part of the scheme, where there are people with very generous employer-funded schemes who are also receiving a full $12,000 amount, which leaves them with an 18-week amount, far in excess of what some people earn in an entire year," he said. 

Labor's Jenny Macklin said 80,000 mothers would be worse off by as much as $12,000. 

"We estimate that 40,000 to 50,000 women who are already pregnant are going to lose some or all of their government-funded paid parental leave, which is a pretty modest scheme by international standards," she said. 

Crossbench senator Derryn Hinch said voters were telling him to help fix the budget deficit, but didn't want to see cuts to their own government benefits. 

"It is a case of not in my backyard. They say you must cut the deficit, but not in my area," he told Channel 7.  

"I have not seen the final legislation, but I will look at it."

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson indicated her party would help pass the cuts, saying the government should work to "pull the budget back".

"We cannot keep affording this. People always want a handout... nobody wants double dipping".

"Businesses are screaming out because they cannot afford it anymore. The government cannot afford it. We're over $400 billion in debt in this country... if we don't do anything about it, our children will not own our own country."

If Labor and the Greens oppose the governments changes they will require the support of the Nick Xenophon Team to pass the Senate. 

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