Friday, September 15, 2006

The Trailer

Anti G8 Mobilization

Dear people,

from 26.05. to 10.06.2007 we are planning to built up a Convergence Center in Hamburg to support the protest against the G8-summit in Heiligendamm (06.06.-08.06.2007). The exact space of time should be orientated on the needs of the activists. The center should take place in the “Rote Flora”, a left political project, which is occupied since 16 years, uninhabitated but used in several ways. Thinking that it is reasonable to offer a place for international activists before the summit will start, we want to give a place where people can meet to get connected and prepare the protest. A metropolis like Hamburg is a dedicated actionfield, to put the local fights in a global context. As the biggest harbour of Germany and “gate to the world” Hamburg is a junction for the global exploitation. So we are thinking that it is a good occasion not to focus only on Heiligendamm, but to attack also the profiteers of neo-liberal policies in local coherence and to make them puplic. Therefore the Convergence Center will be a initial point to preparate for the summit-protest and for direct action. For us it is very important to give a good base for the internationals to prepare their resistance in Germany. There will be workshops, lawyers, soup kitchen and places to sleep, possibilities to get infos and to get connected. For us it is a logistical challenge to organize all this and so you are requested to get actively involved in the preparation and realisation of the center. We want to emphasise that this is also a call for international activists to bring their creativity, their ideas and their action from now on and during the center to Hamburg. We are thinking that it makes sense to have an additional point of preparation and refuge related to the camps in Meck-Pom and so we would appreciate the organisation of more Convergence Centers in close-by cities like Rostock and Berlin.

Help is concretely need for:
soup kitchen, (places to sleep in hamburg), infrastructure / material, translators, medics and events / workshops

Wiki: at the rubrik „Hamburg Convergence“

contact per mail: convergence-hh[at]


For more information about the days of action see:

Links For more information

Friday, August 04, 2006


the "" website mentioned in the video no longer exists.


More information on how to get to the G8 summit protest and where to stay is coming up.

Stay tuned