Monday, September 25, 2006

Ungdomshuset Special / Denmark

102 years of resistance.

"Ungdomshuset", (Youth House), originally named "Folkets Hus" (Peoples House), was build in 1897 as a shelter for the emerging workers movement in a time when every attempt to organize amongst the working class was under constant attack by both the state and the capitalists, and remained a stronghold for the working people and the struggle for a better life in many years.

"Ungdomshuset" was won through years of fighting with the police and goverment authorities in the beginning of the 1980's, after the BZ (Squatters Movement) had fought for places to live and autonomous zones for being alive.

Since then the house have been a user controlled autonomous zone with concerts, festivals, peoples kitchen (FNB) and political organization.

During the years, the local goverment authorities, have attempted to close the house down, but the strong resistance from activists and users of the house have kept the house up and running.

In 1999, the local authorities sold the house to a fake corporation, that shortly after was bought out by the far right-winged fanatic christian group "Faderhuset", (House of the lord).

A few months ago, the(ir) high court ruled that the house should be handed over to the right-winged christian group.

This resulted in a weekend of action:

Friday. The biggest party the house have ever seen with thousands of people.

Saturday: Happy Sunshine Parade from Ungdomshuset to Christiania,
(Christiania is a 35 year squatted military base in the center of copenhagen)

Sunday: Reclaim The Streets. (Police Attacks Protest)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ungdomshuset Special / Friday

Mega Huge Much Love Party

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