- published: 27 Aug 2016
- views: 3831
Taekwondo (/ˈtɛˈkwɒnˈdoʊ/) is a Korean martial art. Taekwondo was developed during the 1940s and 1950s by various Korean martial artists combining and incorporating the elements of Karate and Chinese Martial Arts along with combining the indigenous and traditional-based Korean martial arts styles of Taekkyeon, Subak, and Gwonbeop.
The oldest governing body for taekwondo is the Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA), formed in 1976 by a collaborative effort by representatives from the nine original kwans, or martial arts schools, in Korea. The main international organizational bodies for taekwondo today are the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF), founded by General Choi Hong Hi in 1966, and the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF), founded in 1973 by the KTA. Gyeorugi ([kjʌɾuɡi]), a type of full-contact sparring, has been an Olympic event since 1992. The body known for taekwondo in the Olympics is the World Taekwondo Federation.
Beginning in 1947, shortly after the end of the occupation of Korea by Imperial Japan, new martial arts schools called kwans were opened in Seoul. These schools were established by Korean martial artists who had studied primarily in Japan during the Japanese rule. The umbrella term traditional taekwondo typically refers to the martial arts practiced by the kwans during the 1940s and 1950s, though in reality the term "taekwondo" had not yet been coined at that time, and indeed each kwan was practicing their own unique style of martial art. During this timeframe taekwondo was also adopted for use by the South Korean military, which only served to increase its popularity among civilian martial arts schools.
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TKD Test of Skills ( Blood Brothers)
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1997 Pro TKD Master D. Lee vs B. McCutchean (Part 1)
GOLD - World TKD Championships 2014 - Ind.F.U30 - Korea - P2 + P5
Spiderman Visits Great Lakes TKD
ROUNDHOUSE KICK: http://bit.ly/RoundHouseTutorial FRONT LEG ROUNDHOUSE: http://bt.ly/FrontLegRoundHouse HOOK KICK: http://bit.ly/HookKickTutorial SPIN HOOK KICK: http://bit.ly/SpinningHookKick TORNADO KICK: http://bit.ly/TornadoKickTutorial BACK KICK: http://bit.ly/BackKickTutorial JUMP BACK KICK: http://bit.ly/JumpBackKickTutorial DOUBLES: http://bit.ly/TKDDoublesTutorial VIDEOS - http://www.WongsWorkout.com FACEBOOK - http://bit.ly/WongsFB INSTAGRAM - http://bit.ly/WongsInstagram MUSIC GENEROUSLY PROVIDED BY https://www.youtube.com/user/NoCopyrightSounds
Watch Best Taekwondo Knockouts PART TWO here: https://youtu.be/6ga98FeYFww People Are Awesome Taekwondo Edition Video Link: https://youtu.be/-mTQVagR13c Taekwondo Best Kicks Taekwondo Round kicks KO Best Knockouts Compilations 2013 taekwondo vs mma taekwondo vs karate taekwondo vs kickboxing taekwondo vs boxing taekwondo vs street fighter taekwondo vs jiu jitsu taekwondo vs muay thai the most epic knockouts (KO) Round kick tutorial Best Taekwondo kicks taekwondo olympics knockouts
SEMIFINAL 9th WTF World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships 2014 held in Aguascalientes, Mexico. 1st Place | Individual Female Under 30 You-Lee Choi from Korea https://www.facebook.com/LentsTaekwondo https://www.instagram.com/LentsTaekwondo https://www.Twitter.com/LentsTaekwondo https://www.lentstaekwondo.com
Una pequeña demostración de parte de Cristhoper Velazques maestro de Tkd y Saúl Antonio Lara Camargo Maestro de kung fu y kick boxing, y mostrando el ganador por votaciones para interpretar al personaje kof con sus movimientos y poderes... ;) ASI QUEDARON LAS VOTACIONES KING 17, IORI 9 y ANDY 5 SUSCRIBETE Y SÍGUENOS EN NUESTRAS REDES SOCIALES! =)! FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/fanfilmseries TWITTER: https://twitter.com/FanFilmIV Gracias por ver el vídeo, recuerda COMPARTIRLO =)! COMENTARIOS DEL DIRECTOR: Afiliados a Machinima Únanse a la producción del Fan film KOF para lograr algo grande y poder mostrar el potencial que hay en México
Spiderman performing and teaching at Great Lakes TKD in Michigan. Thank you Master Frohriep for making this possible. You have become a true friend and you are always welcome to my home. I hope you like it :) Please Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe! Thank you :) Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/GingerNinjaTrickster Twitter- https://www.twitter.com/GNT_AaronGassor Instagram- http://instagram.com/gingerninjatrickster FOR BOOKINGS EMAIL- aarongassor@hotmail.com What are the songs? The music is royalty free! The Artists and song names are below :) ALL4BEATZ - CANT STOP 74BPM & NOSEYUK1 - ROYALTY FREE HIPHOP CLUB BANGER!!!! - PICK UP (FREE DOWNLOAD)
Everything I've ever done
And everything I have
Amounts to nothing
Keeps on crushing you within
Sometimes you want to be alone
It won't find the time to understand
And concentrate on everything you see
If you think about it hard you'll know