- published: 18 Aug 2017
- views: 1148
"Ich Will" (German for I Want) is a single by Rammstein. It was originally released in Germany on September 10, 2001. Since it was released the day before the September 11, 2001 attacks, many channels did not air the music video (which was to debut on U.S. television the night of September 11, 2001). The German single contains a live cover version of The Ramones' song "Pet Sematary", sung by keyboardist Flake.
The music video of "Ich Will" features the band members staging a bank robbery, making it seem as realistic as possible. The video shows both the robbery and its aftermath, and moves between these two scenes.
The robbery: The band is shown entering a bank wearing stockings over their heads, except for Flake, who has a very large and elaborate bomb strapped to his chest. They quickly remove their masks and head for the front desk. A bank employee reaches for the panic button, but she is seen Richard, who presses her hand against the button, intentionally triggering the alarm. The woman faints, and Richard dances with her unconscious body until Ollie confirms that the Polizei and Media have arrived. The group continues to terrorize the hostages and vandalize the bank, while also fantasizing about the media storm when they exit. In another room, Till is giving a live interview to the an press, who appear to be slain in the next scene, though the broadcast continues. As the band (excluding Flake) exit the bank unarmed, they are swarmed by members of the Spezialeinsatzkommando instead of the media as anticipated. Despite this the band seems to revel in the attention they are getting, and shortly after the timer on Flake's bomb reaches zero. The video quickly flicks through a series of short clips from some of Rammstein's other music videos,(Seemann, Du hast, Du riechst so gut '95, Du riechst so gut '98, Stripped and Sonne) then comes to an end.
Moni220560 - Erzeugt mit AquaSoft DiaShow Ultimate: http://www.aquasoft.de
Michelle & Matthias Reim - Nicht verdient (offizielles Musikvideo) Mehr Informationen: http://www.michelle-aktuell.de http://www.matthiasreim.de Folgt Michelle: https://www.facebook.com/MichelleOfficial https://www.instagram.com/michelle_aktuell Folgt Matthias Reim: https://www.facebook.com/matthiasreim https://www.instagram.com/reim.matthias Unsere "Ich find Schlager toll" - Playlist mit den neuesten Schlager Hits ▶️ https://lnk.to/IchFindSchlagerToll Neu: "Ich find Schlager toll - Die Klassiker" – Die Playlist mit den größten Schlagern aller Zeiten ▶️ https://lnk.to/IFSTKlassiker Alle deine Schlager-Musikvideos: ▶️ http://bit.ly/OffizielleVideos "Ich find Schlager toll"-Webseite: ▶️ http://bit.ly/IFST-webseite Kanal abonnieren: ▶️ http://bitly.com/YTSchlager Text: DU BIST ...
"Ich Will" (German for I Want) is a single by Rammstein. It was originally released in Germany on September 10, 2001. Since it was released the day before the September 11, 2001 attacks, many channels did not air the music video (which was to debut on U.S. television the night of September 11, 2001). The German single contains a live cover version of The Ramones' song "Pet Sematary", sung by keyboardist Flake.
The music video of "Ich Will" features the band members staging a bank robbery, making it seem as realistic as possible. The video shows both the robbery and its aftermath, and moves between these two scenes.
The robbery: The band is shown entering a bank wearing stockings over their heads, except for Flake, who has a very large and elaborate bomb strapped to his chest. They quickly remove their masks and head for the front desk. A bank employee reaches for the panic button, but she is seen Richard, who presses her hand against the button, intentionally triggering the alarm. The woman faints, and Richard dances with her unconscious body until Ollie confirms that the Polizei and Media have arrived. The group continues to terrorize the hostages and vandalize the bank, while also fantasizing about the media storm when they exit. In another room, Till is giving a live interview to the an press, who appear to be slain in the next scene, though the broadcast continues. As the band (excluding Flake) exit the bank unarmed, they are swarmed by members of the Spezialeinsatzkommando instead of the media as anticipated. Despite this the band seems to revel in the attention they are getting, and shortly after the timer on Flake's bomb reaches zero. The video quickly flicks through a series of short clips from some of Rammstein's other music videos,(Seemann, Du hast, Du riechst so gut '95, Du riechst so gut '98, Stripped and Sonne) then comes to an end.
Wie ein Stein gefallen
vom Sturm verweht
Zum Himmel geflogen
Mit Sternen übersät
will mehr, noch mehr
Mit heißen Schauern
in die Kälte geschickt
wieder aufgeheizt
der nächste Trip
will mehr, noch mehr
von der Nacht geblendet, in Licht getaucht
Donnerrollen unter Decken, berauscht
komm her, will mehr
Zwischen Kissen geschlachtet
feinster Lustmord
wiedergeboren, Liebesakkord
will mehr, viel mehr
Auf die Spitze getrieben
Puls hochgejagt
benebelt, bewölkt
wieder aufgeklart
will mehr, noch mehr
Völlige Stille in Deiner Hand
Feuer gelöscht, gleich wieder entflammt
komm her, will mehr, wirf mich aus der Bahn
Zeig mir den Weg
geh zu weit
schick mich über den Zenit
will Wunder sehen
und abdrehen
will alles, erspar mir nichts
Noch lange nicht kuriert
ich brauch viel mehr, viel mehr als genug
Ozean geöffnet
Mond knallrot
von Wellen zerrissen
will mehr, noch mehr
Die Augen geschlossen
Kreisel rotiert
sphärische Farben
von Blitzen getroffen, fast verreckt
von Deinen Lippen zugedeckt
komm her, will mehr, quer durchs Paradies
Zeig mir den Weg
geh zu weit
schick mich über den Zenit
will Wunder sehen
und abdrehen
will alles, erspar mir nichts
Noch lange nicht kuriert
ich brauch viel mehr, viel mehr als genug
Bleib hier, geh nicht weg
Bedarf noch ungedeckt
Pfleg mich gesund, pfleg mich krank
tu was für meinen Untergang
Liebe frontal, laß mir keine Wahl
bis es nicht mehr weiter geht
Erlös mich von diesen Qualen
Sehnsucht riesig noch zuviel Gefühl
Zeig mir den Weg
geh zu weit
schick mich über den Zenit
will Wunder sehen
und abdrehen
will alles, erspar mir nichts
Noch lange nicht kuriert