- published: 16 Oct 2016
- views: 966998
Tim is a 1979 Australian romantic drama film. It was written and directed by Michael Pate, based on the 1974 novel by Colleen McCullough.
It is the story of the developing relationship between an older, middle-class American woman, Mary Horton (played by Piper Laurie) who lives on her own and a handsome, developmentally impaired 24-year-old gardener, Tim Melville (played by Mel Gibson), whom she hires. Tim lives with his sister, Dawnie (Deborah Kennedy), who is a year older than him, and their parents Ron (Alwyn Kurts) and Emily (Pat Evison). Dawnie marries her boyfriend, Mick Harrington (David Foster). Dawnie and Mick make clear they dislike Mary and oppose her relationship with Tim, but do not state their reason for feeling that way. Emily dies, Tim marries Mary and Ron dies.
Michael Pate first read the book in 1975 and was immediately taken by it. He optioned the screen rights to the book, wrote the screenplay, and decided to direct.
Pate wanted the female lead played by an international actor and spoke with Deborah Kerr, Jean Simmons and Glenda Jackson. Jackson was interested but was not available until 1982 so Piper Laurie was cast instead.
L'IPHONE 7 ! - Feat. TIM
Chievo - Milan - 1-3 - Highlights - Giornata 8 - Serie A TIM 2016/17
Actors: Melora Walters (actress), Dermot Mulroney (actor), Yankie Grant (miscellaneous crew), Sheri Reeves (miscellaneous crew), Jeanine Rohn (producer), Philippe Caland (producer), Brandon Smith (actor), Bill Stinchcomb (actor), Lewis Tan (actor), Sandhya Shardanand (producer), Shondra Marie (actress), Joseph Semense (producer), Lorie Kapila (miscellaneous crew), Brandon Alan Makovy (actor), Nina Yang Bongiovi (producer),
Genres: Drama,Actors: Scott Cooper Ryan (actor), Daniel Goldhaber (writer), Daniel Goldhaber (director), Daniel Goldhaber (editor), Daniel Goldhaber (producer), Isabelle Link-Levy (producer), Ursula Grisham (actress), Christian Adams (miscellaneous crew), Jaime de Sousa (actor), Paris Peterson (actor), Christian Adams (actor), Amanda Dunham (producer), Drew Levin (producer),
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Short,Actors: Leontine Petit (producer), Joost de Vries (producer), Rifka Lodeizen (actress), Chrisnanne Wiegel (composer), Bert Luppes (actor), Jean-Claude Van Rijckeghem (producer), Melcher Meirmans (composer), Ernie Tee (miscellaneous crew), Koen Maenhout (miscellaneous crew), Wouter Jansen (editor), Merlijn Snitker (composer), Cathrien Tromp (miscellaneous crew), Leny Breederveld (actress), Monica Petit (costume designer), Johnny de Mol (actor),
Genres: Family,Actors: Claire Risoli (actress), Tony Salantri (actor), Jovanny Venegas (actor), Alex Zeldin (writer), Alex Zeldin (writer), Alex Zeldin (producer), Alex Zeldin (producer), Alex Zeldin (editor), Alex Zeldin (director), Anthony B. Phillips (actor), Chris Abdou (actor), Viet Wilcots (actress), Richard Miraan (actor), Dean Palacios (actor), Joe Duffy (actor),
Plot: Tired of living with his over-bearing mother, Art would give anything to escape dealing with her rules anymore. After his wish comes true, Art is thrown into a world where everyone he meets treats him as if they are his mother. Art soon realizes that having many mothers could be a whole lot worse than having just one.
Genres: Comedy, Family, Short,Actors: Peter James Iengo (editor), Peter James Iengo (writer), Peter James Iengo (director), Gerard Adimando (actor), Peter James Iengo (producer), Peter James Iengo (producer), Peter James Iengo (writer), Adam Piacente (actor), Anthony Vaccarella (actor), Oceana Christopher (actress),
Plot: Casey lost his mother to a fatal disease now forced to deal with his abusive drunken father. Casey decides to escape his life in the big apple, and move down south to get his college education. Turning away from everything he knows, he finds himself working on a farm with an old cowboy, and his young daughter Alex. These three people may have been lost, but will now find their way through each other.
Genres: Drama, Romance, Short,Actors: Nick Afanasiev (actor), Nick Afanasiev (producer), Devin Goodsell (actor), Christopher W. Miller (director), Christopher W. Miller (writer), Christopher W. Miller (producer), Tamara De La Guerra (actress), Dave Barret (actor), Jonathon Ziegler (actor), Alex Mancuso (actor), Robert Blake (actor), Veronica C. Aguilera (editor),
Plot: A story about a teenage boy growing up in Fentress County, Tennessee. After witnessing an argument between his mother and drunk step-father, he soon discovers his brother's plans to go through with something that they were against. Based on experiences of director Christopher W. Miller.
Keywords: army, brother-brother-relationship, military, skateboardingActors: Sandeepkumar Singh (producer), Sandeepkumar Singh (editor), Sandeepkumar Singh (director), Louis J. Wilson (actor), Tim Ajro (actor), Matthew Wood (producer), Eddie Lura (actor), Pradeepkumar Singh (producer), Shantanu Rao (writer), Kristina Suarez (actress), Omer Idrizi (actor), Isa Idrizi (miscellaneous crew), Andy Ryan (miscellaneous crew),
Genres: Adventure, Drama, Short, Thriller,Actors: Elart Coello (producer), Rich Ragsdale (composer), Asad Farr (producer), Manuel Hinostroza (producer), Marian Zapico (actress), Michael Amundsen (writer), Michael Amundsen (editor), Greg Anton (producer), Gustavo Sánchez (producer), Bailey Gaddis (actress), Ronald Garcia (miscellaneous crew), Diego Acuna (actor), Lisa Denke (actress), Nelson Castillo (writer), Nelson Castillo (director),
Genres: Horror,Actors: Joyce Porter (actress), Tony Abbate (actor), Alissa Bailey (actress), Brandon Linden (editor), Brandon Linden (producer), Brandon Linden (writer), Brandon Linden (director), Angela Harris (actress), Lepolion Henderson (actor), Tim Donovan (writer),
Plot: A Chicago schoolteacher on vacation from her husband stops at an outlet mall in Pleasant Prairie Wisconsin. While staying near the mall she starts a relationship with one of the local boys who works at the mall. The film follows their relationship as well as the community surrounding the boy and the mall.
Keywords: african-american, independent-film, mall, video, wisconsinActors: DeMar Richardson (writer), DeMar Richardson (producer), DeMar Richardson (producer), DeMar Richardson (director), DeMar Richardson (editor), DeMar Richardson (composer), DeMar Richardson (writer), DeMar Richardson (actor), Brandon Beatty (actor), Tyrane Aiken (actor), Lloyd Evans (actor), Nicholas George (actor), William Whitehurst (actor), Brentton Stevens (actor), Jamaar Gaye (actor),
Genres: Drama, Thriller,Et toi, t'as le seum aussi des fois? N'oublie pas de laisser un ÉNORME pouce bleu, de partager la vidéo et de t'abonner! Télécharge Face Up: Face Up Apple App Store: http://bit.ly/6sqdf3 Face Up Google Play: http://bit.ly/zer5zre Rejoins moi sur les réseaux sociaux: Twitter ►@Tim_Videos (https://twitter.com/Tim_Videos) Snapchat ► timvideos Instagram ► @timvideos Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/TIM-514337461987800/?ref=bookmarks Contact pro ► timbcontact@gmail.com Si tu vois ceci, commente "Merci Damien Bonconsèye" ! Merci à Dylan & Kaza pour l'écriture: Dylan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBN96oCewZo Kaza: https://twitter.com/KazaHachemi Cette vidéo est sponsorisée par Ubisoft. Merci! - TIM.
Et toi t'es un gamin ou pas ducoup ? Si tu as aimé la vidéo, tu peux laisser un ÉNORME pouce bleu, partager la vidéo sur tes réseaux sociaux, et tu peux même t'abonner! (Truc de fou tu vas voir) Rejoins moi sur les réseaux sociaux: Twitter ►@Tim_Videos (https://twitter.com/Tim_Videos) Snapchat ► timvideos Instagram ► @timvideos Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/TIM-514337461987800/?ref=bookmarks Contact pro ► timbcontact@gmail.com Si tu vois ceci, commente "RIP Barnabé, 2016-2016" ! Merci! - TIM.
Je vous dévoile enfin mes sosies... Dans cette vidéo je regarde avec vous mes sosies que vous m'avez envoyé, et le résultat est plutôt...je vous laisse voir! Si tu as aimé la vidéo, tu peux laisser un ÉNORME pouce bleu, partager la vidéo sur tes réseaux sociaux, et tu peux même t'abonner! (Truc de fou tu vas voir) En plus à 200'000 j'aimes, je fais quelque chose d'incroyable. Si tu toi aussi tu trouves des sosies de moi, envoie les moi sur les réseaux sociaux, j'en ferais peut-être une deuxième vidéo! :) Rejoins moi sur les réseaux sociaux: Twitter ►@Tim_Videos (https://twitter.com/Tim_Videos) Snapchat ► timvideos Instagram ► @timvideos Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/TIM-514337461987800/?ref=bookmarks Contact pro ► timbcontact@gmail.com Si tu vois ceci, commente "Tim en blond plat...
Aujourd'hui j'ai voulu vous racontez des blagues de beaufs, mais je crois qu'il y a une couille dans le potage.. Laisse un j'aime, partage et abonne-toi si t'es une belle personne. Si toi aussi tu as une blague beauf, mets là dans les commentaires et tu passeras peut-être dans un 2ème épisode! Rejoins moi sur les réseaux sociaux: Twitter ►@Tim_Videos (https://twitter.com/Tim_Videos) Snapchat ► timvideos Instagram ► @timvideos Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/TIM-514337461987800/?ref=bookmarks Contact pro ► timbcontact@gmail.com Si tu vois ceci, commente "Qui pisse dans le vent se rince le dents" ! Merci! - TIM.
Dans cette vidéo, ma soeur a répondu à vos questions plutôt...je vous laisse regarder! Je vous ai demandé sur twitter de poser vos questions à ma soeur, et dans cette vidéo, elle y répond !. Il s'agit de questions drôles, de défis ou encore de tutos de gymnastique (vous comprendrez pourquoi). Laisse un ÉNORME pouce bleu si la vidéo t'a plu, partage un max sur tous tes réseaux sociaux et abonne-toi à ma chaîne! Vous êtes 1MILLION BORDEL, vous êtes des fous mais merci quand même ! :D Abonne-toi : https://www.youtube.com/user/TimOfficialVideos?sub_confirmation=1 Rejoins moi sur les réseaux sociaux: Twitter ►@Tim_Videos (https://twitter.com/Tim_Videos) Snapchat ► timvideos Instagram ► @timvideos Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/TIM-514337461987800/?ref=bookmarks Contact pro ► timbconta...
Mon frère serait-il plus musclé que moi..?! Aujourd'hui dans cette vidéo on se retrouve pour le #TimTesTellement qui consiste à lire vos meilleurs tweets sur ce hashtag! N'oublie pas de partager la vidéo sur tout tes réseaux sociaux, de laisser un pouce bleu et surtout de t'abonner! 100'000 j'aimes pour une deuxième vidéo dans laquelle je lis vos #TimTesTellement ? :) Et pour le deuxième épisode, laissez vos meilleurs #TimTesTellement dans les commentaires de cette vidéo, je sélectionnerais parmi les plus originaux/drôles! Rejoins moi sur les réseaux sociaux: Twitter ►@Tim_Videos (https://twitter.com/Tim_Videos) Snapchat ► timvideos Instagram ► @timvideos Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/TIM-514337461987800/?ref=bookmarks Contact pro ► timbcontact@gmail.com Si tu vois ceci, comment...
On peut dire que...Pokémon GO m'a littéralement rendu fou? Rejoins moi sur les réseaux sociaux: Twitter ►@Tim_Videos (https://twitter.com/Tim_Videos) Snapchat ► timvideos Instagram ► @timvideos Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/TIM-514337461987800/?ref=bookmarks Contact pro ► timbcontact@gmail.com Si tu vois ceci, commente "Poké Mangue Go ?" ! Merci! - TIM.
Aujourd'hui dans cette vidéo on voit plusieurs types de livreur, et toi t'es plutôt livreur de pizza ou d'enfants? Laisse un ÉNORME pouce bleu si t'as aimé la vidéo, partage sur tes réseaux sociaux et abonne-toi! :)) Rejoins moi sur les réseaux sociaux: Twitter ►@Tim_Videos (https://twitter.com/Tim_Videos) Snapchat ► timvideos Instagram ► @timvideos Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/TIM-514337461987800/?ref=bookmarks Contact pro ► timbcontact@gmail.com Si tu vois ceci, commente "Mark i love u" ! Télécharge le jeu gratuitement ici : http://gmlft.co/A_8 Rejoins ma Team Honor et soutiens-la via le hastag #TeamHonor dans la discussion #Asphalt8HonorCup ! Participe pour avoir une chance de nous rejoindre sur Live Asphalt 8 avec Dylan et moi !
J'avais vraiment envie de vous parler de l'Iphone 7 ... Ses arnaques, ses fausses bonne raisons de l'acheter, sa pauvre évolution par rapport au 6 + ... Bref qui me l'offre ? :) Merci à Tim pour sa participation : https://www.youtube.com/user/TimOfficialVideos Mes réseaux sociaux: Instagram : http://bit.ly/23NazXh Twitter : http://bit.ly/1qNNWnh Facebook : http://bit.ly/1Slbs7t Snapchat : DylandelreyduQ S'abonner à ma chaine : http://bit.ly/1Wx0hrZ PS : si tu vois ce message, écris "JE VEUX UN IPHONE 7" dans les commentaires ! Peut être que j'en offrirais un sur ma chaîne un de ces 4 ! Pour voir le test waterproof de l'iphone 7 par Jojol, c'est ici: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xsvt9CJbiyI A bientôt pour une nouvelle vidéo, bisous bisous!
CHIEVO-MILAN 1-3 MARCATORI: pt 44' Kucka; st 1' Niang, 31' Birsa, 49' aut. Dainelli CHIEVO (4-3-1-2): Sorrentino; Cacciatore, Dainelli, Gamberini, Gobbi; Izco (20' st de Guzmán), Radovanovic, Castro; Birsa; Inglese (15' st Meggiorini), Floro Flores (32' st Pellissier). A disp. Frey, Rigoni, Spolli, Seculin, Costa, Parigini, Bastien, Confente. All. Maran MILAN (4-3-3): Donnarumma; Abate, Paletta, Romagnoli, De Sciglio; Kucka, Locatelli, Bonaventura; Fernández Saez (36' st Poli), Lapadula (25' st Sosa), Niang (43' st Bacca). A disp. De Souza da Silva, Vangioni, Ely, Vasconcellos Ferreira, Gómez, Pasalic, Plizzari. All. Montella ARBITRO: Rocchi NOTE: Ammoniti: Dainelli, Locatelli, Paletta, Meggiorini, Cacciatore. Angoli: 7-2 per il Chievo. Recupero tempo: pt 2', st 5' Iscriviti al canale uff...
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Festival of Lights 10/2016 Berlin Alex Funkturm Film + Music by Tim Travell All tracks in this video produced by Tim Travell Filmed: 13.10.2016
ESPN First Take - Today 9-7-16 Stephen A. Smith & Max Kellerman. Stephen A. Smith On Russell Westbrook, Tim Tebow & Yankees Stephen A. Smith On Russell Westbrook, Tim Tebow & Yankees Stephen A. Smith On Russell Westbrook, Tim Tebow & Yankees ESPN First Take 9-8-16
I invited some of my good friends to come insult me and each other for an hour. Enjoy! Subscribe to these dudes! Ricky Shucks http://youtube.com/ibeshucks Steve Greene http://youtube.com/stevegreenecomedy Harley Morenstein http://youtube.com/HarleyMore Eric Ochoa http://youtube.com/supereeego Peter Flores http://youtube.com/peedeeflo Wax http://youtube.com/waxandherbalt
The Best Of Tim McGraw ||Tim McGraw's Greatest Hits Update 2014 00:00 Live Like You Were Dying - Tim McGraw 4:58 Don't Take The Girl - Tim McGraw 9:08 It's Your Love - Tim McGraw, Faith Hill 12:54 Just To See You Smile - Tim McGraw 16:29 Something Like That - Tim McGraw 19:33 My Next Thirty Years - Tim McGraw 23:12 The Cowboy In Me - Tim McGraw 27:17 She Never Lets It Go To Her Heart - Tim McGraw 30:19 I Like It, I Love It - Tim McGraw 33:43 Watch The Wind Blow By - Tim McGraw 38:20 Please Remember Me - Tim McGraw 43:15 Real Good Man - Tim McGraw 47:30 Southern Voice - Tim McGraw 51:32 My Best Friend - Tim McGraw 56:12 Everywhere - Tim McGraw 1:01:03 Grown Men Don't Cry - Tim McGraw 1:04:57 Back When - Tim McGraw 1:09:27 Angry All The Time - Tim McGraw 1:13:58 Last Dollar (Fly Away) - Tim ...
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Tim's best friend proposed! Thanks to Video Blocks for sponsoring this episode. Go to http://www.videoblocks.com/greggy Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/kindafunny?sub_confirmation=1 Support us and get the shows early here! http://www.patreon.com/kindafunny Check out our store! http://www.kindafunny.com/store Follow us on Twitter! Greg - http://www.twitter.com/GameOverGreggy Colin - http://www.twitter.com/NoTaxation Tim - http://www.twitter.com/TimGettys Nick - http://www.twitter.com/Nick_Scarpino Kinda Funny - http://www.twitter.com/KindaFunnyVids Every day Greg Miller, Colin Moriarty, Tim Gettys, and Nick Scarpino talk about the biggest stories in nerd culture.
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Shay Carl — From Manual Laborer to 2.3 Billion YouTube Views Show notes: http://fourhourworkweek.com/2016/06/27/shay-carl/ SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1dSzTkW About Tim Ferriss: Timothy Ferriss has been listed as one of Fast Company's "Most Innovative Business People", Forbes Magazine's "Names You Need to Know," and is the 7th "most powerful" personality on Newsweek's Digital 100 Power Index for 2012. He is an angel investor/advisor (Facebook, StumbleUpon, Twitter, Evernote, Uber, and 20+ more) and author of the following books: The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body and The 4-Hour Chef. Tim is listed as #13 in the "100 Most Influential VCs, Angels & Investors" rankings, and Newsweek calls him "the world's best guinea pig," which he takes a compliment. Connect with Tim Ferriss: Visit the Ti...
DOWNLOAD THE COLLECTION: http://smarturl.it/TimTimebomb http://timtimebomb.com http://facebook.com/TimTimebombMusic https://twitter.com/TimTimebomb http://youtube.com/TimeTimeBombVideo Mixtape #4 - They Wanna Hold Me With Wrongful Suspicion 1. Poison 2. Wrongful Suspicion 3. Indestructible 4. Roots Radicals 5. It's Quite Alright 6. Django 7. Up To No Good 8. Dope Sick Girl 9. Adina 10. Black Derby Jacket 11. Harry Bridges 12. Timebomb For more info go to http://www.timtimebomb.com
Hey! Could ya help, Jenny J.?
Gotta problem at home
And I don't really know what to do.
Oh! The kid's outta control
And the ring in the nose
And the terrible clothes gotta go.
And he won't listen to me
Is he just to blind to see?
See! That he's angry with me
And he doesn't feel love
As I give him the shove out the door.
And his problem is with me
Am I just to blind to see?
And it's what you need
Total Inside Makeover
Hey! Could ya help, Sally J.?
Would ya look at his hair
And the far-away stare in his eyes?
And I just don't understand