- published: 04 May 2016
- views: 3495
Joseph Muscat (born 22 January 1974) is a Maltese politician who has been Prime Minister of Malta since 2013. Muscat has been leader of the Labour Party since 6 June 2008, and he was Leader of the Opposition from 1 October 2008 to 10 March 2013. Previously he was a Member of the European Parliament from 2004 to 2008.
After the Labour Party's victory in the March 2013 general election, Muscat took office as Prime Minister on 11 March 2013.
Muscat received his secondary education at St Aloysius' College, Malta. He received his tertiary education at the University of Malta and the University of Bristol. He graduated Bachelor of Commerce in Management and Public Policy (University of Malta, 1995), Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Public Policy (University of Malta, 1996), Master of Arts in European Studies (University of Malta, 1997) and Ph.D. in Management Research (University of Bristol, 2007) with a thesis on Fordism, multinationals and SMEs in Malta.
Muscat worked as a journalist with the party's radio station, Super One Radio. He later took on a similar role at Super One, becoming the station's assistant head of news in 1996. He was also editor of the party's online newspaper, maltastar.com between 2001 and 2004. Muscat wrote a regular column in l-Orizzont, a Maltese-language newspaper published by the General Workers'Union and its sister Sunday weekly It-Torca, and was a regular contributor to The Times, an independent newspaper published in Malta.
Xarabank team (Fabian Demicoli, Olwyn Jo Saliba and Mandy Micallef Grimaud) followed Prime Minister Joseph Muscat for a day.
For the full transcript visit www.lovinmalta.com
PL Mass Meeting | Joseph Muscat | 22 Settembru 2012
Prim Ministru nervuz fuq naha / Mexxej Laburista konvincenti fuq naha ohra . Dan kien l-ezitu tad-dibattitu organizzat mill-gurnal The Times bejn il-mexxejja tal-partiti politici.Mid-diskussjoni dwar il-qghad u l-energija sat-trasport pubbliku u l-kontabilita' politika, harget id-differenza bejn il-pozittivita' ta' Joseph Muscat u n-negattivita' ta' Lawrence Gonzi.Bl-aktar dikjarazzjoni li tispikka tkun li, jekk jitlef l-elezzjoni generali li gejja, Lawrence Gonzi ma jirrizenjax u jibqa' jmexxi lill-Partit Nazzjonalista
Id-diskors tal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat fil-Parlament.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat Interviewed on Sky News UK 24Oct13
Lovin Malta interviewed Malta's Prime Minister Joseph Muscat on the Panama papers scandal, decriminalisation of cannabis, overdevelopment in Malta, Boris Johnson, Jeremy Corbyn, Theresa May and Donald Trump. For more info and the full 360 video, visit www.lovinmalta.com www.facebook.com/LovinMalta www.twitter.com/LovinMalta
Prime Minister of Malta and Chair-in-Office of the Commonwealth, Dr Joseph Muscat, reflects on the importance of the Commonwealth.
The MIM "Mediterranean Economic Forum - Unleashing Malta's Potential" Conference 14th and 15th November 2012 Radisson Blu Resort, St Julian's www.maltamanagement.com
Many Maltese have little more than a vague idea about the workings of the European Union. So on Europe Day, we decided to expose the basic facts and values of Europe in a way that even a child could understand. How? By asking our country's top politicians to sit for an interview. Little did they know, they were in for a surprise... Europe Day falls on May 9 and is an annual celebration of European integration in the Union of values and peoples. The European Parliament Office in Malta decided to mark this occasion by creating a video of Malta's President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil and EU Commissioner Tonio Borg being interviewed by a small group of children aged 6 to 10.
Brussels, April 2007: Joseph Muscat, socialist MEP from Malta, talks to EUX.TV about the EU's plan to tackle excessive roaming charges on crossborder mobile phone calls.
An interview with Joseph Muscat on Bondiplus aired 31 March 2008, talking about the MLP Leadership Race
ONE.COM.MT - Waqt attivita’ politika tal-Partit Nazzjonalista f’Għawdex, kien hemm l-intervent tal-kandidat nazzjonalista Salvu Mallia li nfexx jattakka lill-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat billi sejjaħlu l-agħar diżgrazzja. L-attakki komplew minn Simon Busuttil li attakka s-suċċessi li kiseb il-Gvern fil-gżira Għawdxija.
EN - European Council Day 2 - Brexit and ... CETA - Departure doorstep by Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister of Malta and incoming Presidency of the Council of the European Union #EU2017MT on Brexit .... and CETA: "I think that what we had was just an illustration by the Prime Minister (Theresa May) on the state of play. There weren't any negotiations, there weren't any discussions. To my mind, if there are all these problems to have a simple trade agreement with Canada, just imagine an agreement with the United Kingdom ! Thank you" - 21.10.2016 - European Council, Brussels. Joseph Muscat will be President in charge of the Council of the European Union in March 2017, when Theresa May is supposed to trigger Article 50. © Frédérick Moulin 2016 - EU2016 - European Council -All rights reserved.
Ghanafest 2015 - Joseph Muscat (In-Nizza) & Nordai Desira - Copyright 2015 Ghanafest/PBS Malta Limited/Authors. All Rights Reserved.
ONE.COM.MT - Il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat ltaqa’ mal-Prim Ministru tar-Renju Unit, Theresa May. Fi New York, fejn huwa impenjat b’laqgħat u sessjonijiet ta’ diskussjoni tan-Nazzjonijiet Magħquda, il-Prim Ministru, qed ikolllu wkoll numru ta’ laqgħat bilaterali b’dik ma’ May tkun waħda mill-iktar importanti.