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Traderoo website has been updated


Based on your feedback, we've re-vamped the homepage and reorganised the categories to make it easier to find what you need as well as list your items in the most logical categories for people to find them.

The main category changes include:

  • A simpler two tier layout when you sell your items.
  • Consolidation of some categories ie: 'For the home' now includes home furnishings together with small appliances.
  • Some low-volume categories have been removed.
  • Print categories haven't been impacted - they'll stay the same as they currently are in the newspapers.
  • The homepage now has more 'Featured Seller' ads and brings the most-popular categories to the top with all the categories then displayed in alphabetical order when you click 'show more'.

    We're always looking to improve the site so if you've got some feedback, let us know by clicking the aqua-coloured button on the right-hand side of the page.

    Thanks for reading and we hope you like the changes!

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