Schedule - 4th Annual North American Anarchist Studies Network Conference, New Orleans, LA, 4-6 January 2013

Friday Evening

Zeitgeist Multidisciplinary Arts Center
5:00-6:00   Registration at Zeitgeist
6:00-7:00   Opening Plenary. Welcome from the NAASN and “Anarchy in the Big Easy: A Brief History”
7:00-8:00   Poetry Reading with Dennis Formento, Bill Lavender, Alexis Murauskas, Izzy Oneiric, Andrew Hoyt reading Virgilia d’Andrea translations, and Nathan Jun reading Pietro Gori translations.
8:00-8:30   A Tribute to filmmaker Helen Hill with a short film
8:30-10:00   Radical comic book artist Seth Tobocman presents “Disaster & Resistance: A Political Comix Slide Show”
10:00-11:00   LIVE, LOCAL MUSIC with the Sweet Street Symphony


Zeitgeist Multidisciplinary Arts Center & Katz Furniture Warehouse
8:00-9:00   Breakfast and Registration at Zeitgeist
9:00-10:20   Panels 1 & 2
10:30-11:50   Panels 3 & 4
11:50-2:00   Lunch & Tours
2:00-3:20   Panels 5 & 6
3:30-4:50   Panels 7 & 8
5:00-6:00   Workshops 1 & 2
6:00-7:00   Workshops 3 & 4


Zeitgeist Multidisciplinary Arts Center & Katz Furniture Warehouse
8:00-9:00   Breakfast
9:00-10:20   Panels 9 &10
10:30-11:50   Panels 11 & 12
11:50-2:00   Lunch & Tours
2:00-3:20   Panels 13 & 14
3:30-4:50   Panels 15 & 16
5:00-6:00   Closing Plenary at Zeitgeist


Panel 1 (Zeitgeist)
    • Barnet, Derek. “The Politics of Becoming Anarchism: Deleuze, Insurrection, and Resistance”
    • Culp, Andrew. “Subverting the Metropolis: Empire, Escape, and Revolution”
    • Wood, Alden. “Deserting Empire, Deserting Humanism: Anti-Humanist Critiques of the Individual, Absolute Knowledge, Rationality, and History in Tiqqun’s Introduction to Civil War”

Moderator: Michael Loadenthal

Panel 2 (Katz Furniture Warehouse)
    • Amster, Randal. “Anarchism Goes to War”
    • Thomson, Brad. “Our Dreams Will Never Fit in their Barracks: Anarchist Veterans of the U.S. Military”

Moderator: Ted Troxell

SATURDAY, 10:30AM-11:50AM

Panel 3 (Zeitgeist)
    • Clark, John. “Objet Petit @: In Search of the Impossible Community”
    • Jun, Nathan. “Rethinking the Anarchist Canon: History, Philosophy, and Interpretation”
    • Krimerman, Len. “Extending the Anarchist Family, Eliminating Anarchist Marginality”

Moderator: Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro

Panel 4 (Katz Furniture Warehouse)
    • Campbell, Michelle. “You Didn’t Build That: Post-Anarchist Feminism and the Construction of Subjectivity”
    • Maypop, Marika. “The Politics of Pleasure: Transforming Personal & Social Sexual Relations”

Moderator: Candice Metrailer


Panel 5 (Zeitgeist)
    • Engel-Di Mauro, Salvatore. “Anarchism and Environmental Degradation”
    • Piser, Gabriel. “Frack and Friction: The Contested Futures of Development in Appalachia”
    • Sethness-Castro, Javier. “For an Ecological Anarcho-Communism” (via SKYPE)

Moderator: John Clark

Panel 6 (Katz Furniture Warehouse)
    • Birmingham, James. “St-Imier Then and Now”
    • Knight, Ryan. “Returning to the Marx/Bakunin Debates: An Attempt to Extract an Anti-colonial or Post- colonial Anarchism”
    • Applegarth, Lindsey. “Tolstoy on Anarchism and Buddhism”

Moderator: Michael Ristich


Panel 7 (Zeitgeist)
    • Crow, Scott. “Solidarity Not Charity: A Story of the Common Ground Collective in New Orleans”
    • Flaherty, Jordan. “Community Organizing Against the Prison Industrial Complex: Lessons from New Orleans to the NYPD to the Jena Six”

Moderator: Yasin Frank Southall

Panel 8 (Katz Furniture Warehouse)
    • Bourne, Kyla. “Space, Surveillance and Security Culture: An Ethnography of Urban Struggle in Chicago”
    • Pino, Carolina. “Shellhouse [living portable]“
    • Tofano, Mario. “Mask of a Multitude: Staging Anarchy in the City”

Moderator: Erin Lierl


Workshop 1 (Zeitgeist)
    • McHenry, Keith. “The Anarchist Response to Sandy, Katrina, and the Global Economic Crisis”

Moderator: Sean Walsh

Workshop 2 (Katz Furniture Warehouse)
    • Crossland, Dave. “BLACK WHITE AND READ ALL OVER: A Poster Design Workshop”

Moderator: Duane Williams


Workshop 3 (Zeitgeist)
    • Camille Daum-Lobko, “The Transition Towns Movement, a Path to Community/Local Empowerment, and Its Radical Implications”

Moderator: Max Cafard

Workshop 4 (Katz Furniture Warehouse)
    • Panagioti, “No System but the Ecosystem: Earth First! and Anarchism”

Moderator: Jeff Brite


Panel 9 (Zeitgeist)
    • Gordon, Uri. “Anarchism and the Future of Statecraft” (via SKYPE)
    • Mujanović, Jasmin. “State Fetishism in Bosnia-Herzegovina: An Anarchist History”
    • Torres, A.E. “On the Discourse of Comradeship in the Yiddish Anarchist Press, 1890-1991″ (via SKYPE)

Moderator: David Hamilton

Panel 10 (Katz Furniture Warehouse)
    • Bidima, Jean-Godefroy. “Taxes and Societies in Proudhon and Sloderdijk”
    • Hoyt, A.D. “Anarchist Historiography: Addressing Three Common Fallacies”
    • Ristich, Michael. “Anarchist Sympathies: Benjamin Tucker, Rhetoric, and the End(s) of Anarchism”

Moderator: Kenyon Zimmer

SUNDAY, 10:30AM-11:50AM

Panel 11 (Zeitgeist)
    • Bell, Tawd. “All gods, no masters! Toward a spiritual Anarchism”
    • Karistai, Daniel. “The Dethronement of God: A theology of the Incarnation for Post-Christian Church”
    • Troxell, Ted. “Christian Theory: John Howard Yoder and the Postanarchist Turn”

Moderator: Kezia Kamenetz

Panel 12 (Katz Furniture Warehouse)
    • Brenn, Matt. “Precarity, Abandonment, and Play”
    • Loadenthal, Michael. “Queerly Mutant & Ideologically Deviant: Faux Tolerance and the Neoliberal Masking of Violence”
    • Stinard-Kiel, Sarah. “Carework & Collective Organizing: The political problems and possibilities of caring”

Moderator: Lydia Pelot-Hobbs


Panel 13 (Zeitgeist)
    • Beck, Eric. “Beyond Coops and Currency Alternatives: Towards a Critical Anarchist Political Economy”
    • Guldi, Jo. “Global Finance and the Rise of an International Squatter Culture, 1946-2012″
    • Hayes, Ryan. “‘Nothing to show for it’: on archiving & amplifying social movement culture”

Moderator: Len Krimerman

Panel 14 (Katz Furniture Warehouse)
    • Fortier, Craig. “Decolonization & Resurgence: Anti-Authoritarianism, Migrant Justice and Indigenous Solidarity”
    • Myers, Michael. “Overcoming Political Atomization In a Digital Age”
    • Olson, M.G. “Exploring Anarchist Approaches to ‘on-the-ground’ Transnational Solidarity”

Moderator: Emily Green

SUNDAY, 3:30PM-4:50PM

Panel 15 (Zeitgeist)
    • Rosemont, Penelope. “Surrealism, Situationism and Anarchism”
    • Sakolsky, Ron. “BIRDS OF A FEATHER: Flights of the Anarcho-Surrealist Imagination”

Moderator: Bill Lavender

Panel 16 (Katz Furniture Warehouse)
    • Gordon, Hilary. “Visual Polemics of Food Shortage in Revolutionary Spain”
    • Lee, Andrew H. “Resurrection: Anticlericalism and Gendered Anarchism in the Work of Federica Montseny”
    • Zimmer, Kenyon. “The Forgotten Revolution: North American and European Anarchists in the 1911 Mexican Insurrection”

Moderator: James Birmingham