- published: 05 Oct 2016
- views: 3536
Object may refer to:
25 Walkie-Talkies Inspired Object Renames That Are Sure To Make You Giggle-Wiggle
【WoT:Object 430 II】ゆっくり実況でおくる戦車戦Part263 byアラモンド
► World of Tanks: USA vs USSR - T110E3 vs Object 268 Tank Destroyer Line - Face Off #19
Object Shipping in a Nutshell
Watching Object Overload Episode 7
Brawl for Object Palace - Episode 2a: "Not-so Wild Hippies"
Apocalypse Rising Adventures - Ep.65 ALIEN OBJECT?
UFO Observes Falling Object Over Douglas, Isle of Man
__proto__ vs prototype - Object Creation in JavaScript P5 - FunFunFunction #52
Object Lockdown Intro [Updated for OLD4]
25 Walkie-Talkies Inspired Object Renames That Are Sure To Make You Giggle-Wiggle | List25 Want more? Check out the Sports & Entertainment Playlist: http://bit.ly/2cqF3xd If you like this video subscribe to List25: http://bit.ly/1rPhSQH At first it seems normal. Why wouldn't you call them walkie-talkies? That's what they are! But when you think about it for a while, it almost becomes comical. Why not talkie-walkies? Or walker-talkers? To give you some history, walkie-talkies were invented right around the time of World War II. In fact, there was a similar radio transmitter/receiver that was called the handie-talkie. They were both developed by Motorola and used extensively during the war. The handie-talkie was actually the handheld version while the walkie-talkie was carried as a backpack...
「World of Tanks(ワールドオブタンクス)」のゆっくり実況プレイ動画Part263になります。 T-54の影に隠れた強戦車!?玄人向けのソ連中MTで出撃です。 今回は代理投稿として「弟モンド」による実況プレイとなっています。 ■プレイヤー:_Yves_Elaine_Austin_[CROWN] ■搭乗戦車:Object 430 II(ソ連のTier9中戦車) ※ハーフHD対応となっており、画質設定を720pにしてご視聴下さい。 ・Twitter→ https://twitter.com/mosomondo ・Mail→ moso_mondo@yahoo.co.jp
World of Tanks USA Tank Destroyers vs Soviet/USSR Tank Destroyers. World of Tanks Tank Face Off Series. World of Tanks 15 vs 15 Tank Battle Series. World of Tanks USA vs USSR. ►Streaming: http://www.twitch.tv/dezgamez ►Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DezGamez ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/DezGamez ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey! Today I am going to give you one face off filled epic epic boomsticks. USA vs Soviet tank destroyer line - T110E3 line vs Object 268 line. Which tanks are going to win? Let's find out! Enjoy! Music used: From: https://player.epidemicsound.com/ From The Shadows 10 - Johan Hynynen Battle - Johan Hynynen Battle Of Wills 3 - Jon Björk Log In - Andrius Klimka & Andrey Kulik – WoT Intro Login © Wargamin...
I'm full of regrets now :D I do not own any of the characters in this video. Pen belongs to JacknJellify (https://www.youtube.com/user/jacknjellify) Apple belongs to AnimationEpic (https://www.youtube.com/user/AnimationEpic) Pineapple belongs to LOS-Official (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOC75a6SpYUyytP-Mv18uiQ) Made the whole thing in 12 hours :0 Adobe Illustrator and After Effects were used. Original Pen-Pinapple-Apple-Pen video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E00Zuayv9Q Check out my Artwork!: http://katyjsst.deviantart.com
New type of video, let me know what you think? I'm open to criticism as long as I can use it to improve myself. I made this video in like 5 days. I'm not extremely proficient at editing in Vegas. But I hope videos like these are gonna change that. If you can give me any editing advice that would be greatly appreciated. But overall I just hope you enjoy this so I can make more. :D music by Kevin MacLeod of Incompetech.com and Silent Partner. Sound effects from various sources, but mostly Freesound.com and friends sending me them Screaming sounds from Zach Hadel aka PsychicPebbles "Have a little cry mate" song by Dexter Manning Heavenly choir music is from somewhere? I don't know, if you do know please tell me so I can properly credit the source.
I finally got something out. sorry if the wait for this was VERY long. I just had trouble working on this, and to say that this is only the first part of the episode...yeah. this episode is 2 parts. I hope you enjoy this episode. and Expect Part 2 to come out in the next few months. Follow me on other social media platforms: Twitter - https://twitter.com/OfficialHHJ1 Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrbnMeSPU2i_dmNdr_dRR3A DeviantArt: http://officialhhj.deviantart.com
WHAT IS THIS? Get more connected: ➜Join my ROBLOX group :D! : http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2630091 ➜Follow me on Twitter! : https://twitter.com/Bandites1 ➜Follow me on Google+: https://goo.gl/oYQxln ➜Email: MasterB2856@gmail.com ➜Public Skype: hescominginthecrossfire ➜Discord Server: https://discord.gg/0sxLWspBgBDVINhf Cheap PC that can EASILY run ROBLOX and a few other games: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/HHDZ6h (TOWER ONLY!) Specs: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/zKNtcf - (Updated as I get new parts) (Includes my mic, keyboard, and mouse) __ Software: Recorder: Open Broadcaster Software: (https://obsproject.com/) Secondary Recorder: Plays.TV Editing: Movie Studio 13 (Platinum Edition)
Interesting image submitted to the MUFON website, witness claims he photographed an object falling into the sea near the Isle of Man, he also witnessed a metallic disc shaped UFO which appears to be heading towards the falling object, was this a rescue mission, a UFO shoot down, or perhaps a combination of both. MUFON Ref: 79544 More UFO Videos Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFlrQIwewEM&list;=PL3um0Chn7c0Do2jFcWuZcMur6xqOoWV4n Join My Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/paranormalcrucible/ Please subscribe to watch more great vids.
We explore the __proto__ property on JavaScript Objects, and how it relates to the normal prototype. Basically, the .__proto__ property points to the object that the current object actually will use when doing lookups on the prototype chain, while ".prototype" only exists on functions, in case you want to use those objects as constructors passed to the new keyword. # Stuff mentioned in the video: • Full series: Object creation in JavaScript https://goo.gl/pCt2tX • Music in the video: Peacock by 7 minutes dead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi-xOhMqrkg # I'm also active on: • Twitter https://twitter.com/mpjme • Medium https://medium.com/@mpjme • Quora https://www.quora.com/profile/Mattias-Petter-Johansson
Didn't change much, but I felt like uploading this anyways lol New bodies by me, Connor [RealWorldAnimations] and Witzi
This was a mini franchise song. Hope u guys enjoy.
Read your free e-book: http://hotaudiobook.com/mebk/50/en/B00YN5T36U/book Design, implement, and successfully manage your cloud storage using Openstack Swiftabout This Booklearn the fundamentals of cloud architecture and improve usability of your Cloud storage using Openstack Swiftperform basic data transfers and access-control list management using Rest Apisillustrated with examples and Swift's latest features, this book is a complete guide to installing, managing, and administering your cloud storage and its capabilitieswho This Book Is Forif you are an It administrator and you want to enter the world of cloud storage using Openstack Swift, then this book is ideal for you. Basic knowledge of Linux and server technology is beneficial to get the most out of the book.what You Will Learnlear...
Read your free e-book: http://hotaudiobook.com/mebk/50/en/B0047T7NEQ/book If your job involves working with digital content, your need to make sense of interoperable digital information by managing resources with care and quality metadata and by connecting users to resources and resources to resources is greater than ever. In this issue of Library Technology Reports, Michael Witt helps you do just that. If you are an Electronic Resources Librarian, Digital Archivist or work with Digital Catalogs in any capacity, this report is a must-read for you.the Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange specification defines a set of new standards for the description and exchange of aggregations of web resources. This presents an exciting opportunity to revisit how digital libraries are manag...
Heavy Object ep 5 eng sub (ヘヴィーオブジェクト Hevī Obujekuto?) is a Japanese light novel series, written by Kazuma Kamachi and illustrated by Ryō Nagi. ASCII Media Works have published eight volumes since 2009 under their Dengeki Bunko label. It has received three manga adaptations. An anime television series adaptation by J.C.Staff began airing on October 2, 2015. Please Like Video : Heavy Object Episode 5 (English Sub ) HD Subscribe ! thank you
World of Tanks Object 268 Gameplay Review. World of Tanks Object 263 Gameplay Review. World of Tanks Best Soviet Tank Destroyer. World of Tanks Patch 9.16 Update Review, 9.16 Test Server. ►Streaming: http://www.twitch.tv/dezgamez ►Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DezGamez ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/DezGamez ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back on World of Tanks test server 9.16, to test out some of the tanks that I do not have. I think one of my next grinds is going to be one of the two Soviet tank destroyers... So either Object 263 or Object 268, but which one? Let's find out! Full list of World of Tanks 9.16 Update changes: http://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/pc-browser/46/public-test-version-916/ Enjoy! ------------------------...
Finally! After 8 months of hard work! The episode is done! Hopefully you guys enjoy! This took a long while! :D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow Tobu: http://www.7obu.com http://www.soundcloud.com/7obu http://www.facebook.com/tobuofficial http://www.twitter.com/tobuofficial http://www.youtube.com/tobuofficial Music Links: 'Harrassing the Mailman' - teknoaxe (http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe) http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_2.php?q... 'Hope' - Tobu (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP625...) (Released on NoCopyrightSounds, the record label dedicated to releasing free music which can be freely used in media creations.) Fire and Explosion Effects animated by Alex Redfish: https://www.youtube.com/user/designRedfish http://alexredf...
Magic Box Toys Collector presents: Surprise Toys - Guess That Object Challenge ! We had so much fun doing this challenge. Each of us had 5 mystery objects hidden inside our backets. If you guessed what the object was with your eyes covered and before 60 seconds passed you would get a point. If you didn't - point lost. So please tune in to find out who won this awesome challenge!!! Thank you again for visiting and please don't forget to share this video with your friends and family : ) SUBSCRIBE BUTTON: http://www.youtube.com/c/MagicBoxToysCollectorSurpriseToysSurpriseEggsPlayDohOrbeez Here are our other videos: SHOPKINS SURPRISE EGGS Shopkins Season 4 Sweet Spot Gumball Machine https://youtu.be/8zMECGvTPbY BIGGEST SURPRISE EGG Ever! Surprise Toys Eggs Shopkins My Little Pony Doc McSt...
Bedankt voor het kijken! Abonneer ook op lindsey Abonneer ook op het nieuwe kanaal van Tim en ik. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu1Ivx91M2UHVF-YgQQujcw Mijn Instagram: https://instagram.com/Famkelouise_ Snapchat : Famkelove Famkelouise merchandise: https://www.armoowasright.nl/webshop Video's are edited with Final Cut pro or Imovie. Sound effects are from the Imovie library. If other music songs or effects are used for video's they will be written in the description box. music: Business: Famkelouise@outlook.com Cameras: Nikon Coolpix S9900
Door tries making a movie about contestants competing in a challenge to win a prize, but things don't go as planned and the movie isn't just about the contestants anymore.... People who weren't credited in the credits: Thumbnail - Cormac Music - Rise Of The Crusader by AcesArco
Get the Cheat Sheet Here : http://goo.gl/CQVZsW Best Object Oriented JavaScript Book : http://amzn.to/1L0Mvs8 Support me on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/derekbanas 01:50 JavaScript Objects 02:36 Objects in Objects 04:12 Constructor Functions 05:58 instanceof 06:28 Passing Objects to Functions 08:09 Prototypes 09:34 Adding Properties to Objects 10:44 List Properties in Objects 11:38 hasOwnProperty 12:42 Add Properties to Built in Objects 14:31 Private Properties 18:01 Getters / Setters 21:20 defineGetter / defineSetter 24:38 defineProperty 27:07 Constructor Function Getters / Setters 29:40 Inheritance 37:13 Intermediate Function Inheritance 39:14 Call Parent Functions 41:51 ECMAScript 6 47:31 Singleton Pattern 49:32 Factory Pattern 52:53 Decorator Pattern 54:52 Observer Pattern
Terence Kemp McKenna was an author, lecturer, philosopher and shamanic explorer of the realm of psychedelic states. He spoke and wrote about a variety of subjects, including metaphysics, alchemy, language, culture, technology, and the theoretical origins of human consciousness. He has been described by some as being "so far out, nobody knows what he's talking about", and by others as "the most innovative thinker of our times". To shake us out of our perceptual torpor, McKenna played the holy fool, the crazy wisdom sage. He pushed our faces in the most exotic, lurid inventions of modern science and technology. What elevated him above most other prophets was that he delivered his prophesies with a wink, an implicit acknowledgement that ultimately reality is stranger than we CAN suppose. McKe...
In this tutorial I'm going to break down how you can turn any object or spline into a light source in Cinema 4D! This method is a great alternative to large render hits you could get by using Global Illumination. First, set up my carrot scene with some basic textures. Then, I'll show you how you can use Area Lights to turn any object or spline into a light source. Finally, we will go over some things to be wary of using this technique as well as how to prep the scene for possibly compositing a glow in After Effects. Watch the tutorial here: http://www.eyedesyn.com/tutorials/using-object-light-cinema-4d/ This was recorded live on the Live Design Stream at www.twitch.tv/eyedesyn. To get alerted for future live design casts & get sneak peeks at new tutorials before anyone else, sign up...
You are an object, an object for my pleasure
I can fuck you, I can beat you, I can do as I please... because you are less than human
You are a thing... a thing with tits, a thing with a mouth, a thing with an ass, a thing with a cunt
I will use you; I will use you and throw you away
You exist only for my use, then you cease to be useful
You are disposable just like the rest of your gender