HELP loans to cost budget six-fold by 2026 as unpaid loans surge

Education Minister Simon Birmingham warns that higher education costs have grown dramatically over recent years.
Education Minister Simon Birmingham warns that higher education costs have grown dramatically over recent years. 4bc-com-au

The cost of subsidised university and other higher-education loans is going to explode over the next 10 years, likely prompting cuts to the scheme in next month's budget.

The Parliamentary Budget Office estimates the annual burden of supporting HELP loans will increase to more than $11 billion in 2025-26 from $1.7 billion this financial year.

Education Minister Simon Birmingham said the government saw no option but to ensure higher education costs remain affordable.

"There is no point believing that just by racking up ever-increasing debts today, that somehow Australians down the track will miraculously be able to pay for them," he said.

HELP loan portfolio – impact on net debt.
HELP loan portfolio – impact on net debt.

The former federal government removed limits on university enrolments and expanded the loans scheme to vocational training students.

The size of outstanding HELP loans is expected by the budget office to hit $185 billion by 2026 from $42.3 billion last year, creating a major burden for the federal government, which currently wears the cost of loans that are never repaid and the cost of the discount interest rates.

Much of the pain to future budgets will because of a increase in the number of loans that are expected to turn sour or never be repaid, the cost of which the budget office says will jump from $1.9 billion, or 19 per cent of new loans, to $4 billion, or 21.8 per cent.

Budget office officials accused former and current governments of failing to be "fully transparent" about the budget impact of policy changes that have increased the number of students accessing the scheme.

"The growing impact of HELP is largely due to policy decisions taken since 2008, particularly the introduction of demand-driven funding model and the announced policies to reduce government subsidies and to allow universities to set their own fees," the budget office said in a report published on Wednesday.

Proposals made to cut scheme's costs

The Turnbull government is under pressure to find budget savings. Several proposals are being considered to curb the cost of the HELP scheme. The Grattan Institute last month recommended lowering the repayment threshold from around $54,000 to $42,000.

Following increases and the ultimate removal of limits on enrolments between 2010 and 2012, students accessing government-supported loans jumped in five years from 308,000 to 522,000 in 2015, according to the report.

Budget office analysts expect that number to reach 696,000 by 2026, in line with population growth.

They say there is likely to be a further bump in HELP numbers in 2017 when the loans scheme is extended to non-university courses and institutions.

Kim Carr, Labor's higher education spokesman, said the figures showed the government's policy of deregulating university fees is "fiscally reckless".

"Today we see more evidence that the Liberals' plan to Americanise Australian universities is not only bad for students – it's also bad for the budget and bad for taxpayers," he said.