book-evolutionary-road Evolutionary Road: A Strategic Guide To Your Law Firm’s Future

In this 2013 strategic guide for law firms, Jordan Furlong describes and details an evolutionary timeline consisting of five distinct stages of development for the legal profession:

  • The Closed Market
  • The Breached Market
  • The Fully Open Market
  • The Expanding Market
  • The Multidimensional Market

He teams discussion of the timeline with essays on regulation, law schools, competition and pricing to deliver a powerful message about lawyers’ future in an orderly and easy-to-digest context — complete with a Companion Discussion Guide to help your firm start planning for the future today.

Smart law firms, large and small, will use this 40-page book to tee up effective strategic planning and market innovation. Evolutionary Road is an ideal blueprint for annual retreats and partnership planning meetings. Plus, its easy-to-use discussion guide includes specific facilitation exercises and discussion starters prepared in collaboration with Attorney at Work.

Available Now from Attorney At Work

Coming in Fall 2016: Law Is A Buyer’s Market: Building A Client-First Law Firm In A Brand New Legal World

The world has turned upside-down for law firms. Long accustomed to the exclusive and comfortable delivery of hourly-billed legal services to a passive and compliant client base, law firms have experienced a wrenching decade of upheaval. Economic crises, technology explosions, and a regulatory revolution have spawned a wave of innovative legal providers that have caught law firms completely off guard. Newly empowered clients have adopted aggressive buying behaviours and begun dictating the terms of their relationships to law firms. Law has become a buyer’s market, and it’s never going back.

Faced with this unprecedented competitive landscape and an industry-wide drop in demand for their services, law firms need effective solutions to these existential challenges, and fast. In this new book, Jordan Furlong, one of the foremost analysts of the global legal market and a leading strategic forecaster of its future, explains how to create a law firm built to succeed in this new market. Re-envisioning the purpose of firms and the role of lawyers, Furlong has designed a transformative buyer-first law firm that rethinks the business model, culture, client service, competitiveness, profitability, growth strategies, diversity, and leadership of legal enterprises.

When clients change their purchasing patterns, lawyers need to change their approach. Law Is A Buyer’s Market can help your law firm re-engineer itself for the legal services market of the 21st century.

Pre-ordering begins Summer 2016

Coming in Winter 2017: Content Marketing and Publishing Strategies for Law Firms, by Steve Matthews and Jordan Furlong (ABA Publishing)

A publishing strategy is the critical link between the firm’s overall business development strategy and its content marketing efforts. It clarifies the firm’s publishing goals, its intended audience, its targeted content, its chosen methodologies, and its measures of success. It is the strategic framework within which all content marketing efforts take place.

We are now at a critical juncture in content marketing: how law firms proceed in these next several months may make or break all future efforts within the firm to conduct marketing based on published content.

There is no shortage of material available to lawyers and law firms regarding the use of content marketing and social media. But there is a paucity of information about the strategic context within which these efforts should take place, and about the role of “publishing’”as the lens through which these efforts should be viewed. This book, by Stem Legal Web Enterprises President Steve Matthews and Law21 Principal Jordan Furlong, fills that gap.

Pre-ordering begins Fall 2016