
Congratulations to our friends at the IAS on 25 years - they'll be stepping up their social media game this year with a bunch of lists of 25 things that y'all should check out. And this definitely wasn't written by the person who works on both these projects

可能是包含下列内容的图片:一人或多人、毛发和上面的文字是“#1: Direct Democracy”
可能是包含下列内容的图片:一人或多人、毛发、户外服装和上面的文字是“Direct Democracy is when people are able to make decisions about the things that affect them directly, like their workplaces, their water, or their access to birth control.”
可能是包含下列内容的图片:一人或多人、毛发和上面的文字是“Direct Democracy means that people's votes or voices are heard directly, not approximated via an electoral college or mediated by representatives.”
可能是包含下列内容的图片:上面的文字是“The IAS is celebrating 25 years of promoting, challenging, and publishing antiauthoritarian ideas. For more on anarchist thought, or to support our authors, thinkers, and grantees, check out anarchiststudies.org.”
Institute for Anarchist Studies

We're celebrating our 25th year of the IAS - we'll be sharing a list of 25 various ideas and concepts over the next couple weeks and then sharing another list of 25 of something - else all year long!

#25YearsOfAnarchism #25AnarchistConcepts