Alex’s review of Lock In (Lock In, #1) > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Kaora (new)

Kaora Nice review. Looking forward to this one!

message 2: by Alex (new)

Alex Ristea Thanks! Have you read his other stuff by any chance?

message 3: by Lee (new)

Lee Great review Alex. One day i'll get round to reading some of his work. I have had Old Man's war on my shelf for years.

message 4: by Alex (last edited Aug 24, 2014 03:56PM) (new)

Alex Ristea Definitely read OMW before this one. Not that they're related, but I just think it's a better novel.

message 5: by Kaora (new)

Kaora I tried Old Man's War but didn't get very far. The blurb for this sounds interesting though.

message 6: by Dara (new)

Dara Great review, Alex!

"However, I never got quite invested enough to give it five stars. It was satisfying, but was missing a certain something to make me fall in love."

This is kind of how I feel about both Scalzi novels I've read (Old Man's War and Redshirts). Those two felt shallow, Redshirts more so than OMW. Redshirts came off totally lazy and uninspired to me. I like Scalzi as a person but not his work.

message 7: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan S. Harbour So now that the prequel is free, do I get my damn $2.99 back?

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