Matea GoldCompte certifié


National political reporter for the Washington Post, covering money and influence. I still believe in newspapers.

Washington DC
Inscrit en mai 2008

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  1. Trump's new lobbying rules are rife with holes, vague - and could be unconstitutional, reports:

  2. Ford has said often and repeatedly - and CEO Mark Fields said it to me - that the company isn't moving jobs or a plant to Mx.

  3. A Trump fan responded to my Romney tweets with discriminatory Mormon-hating material. Election is over, but Twitter is still a dark place.

  4. Jeb Hensarling says he's "very excited" to help drain the swamp. Has been in congress for nearly 14 years. Was aide to a senator as well.

  5. Latest fad in political committees / super PACs: "drain the swamp"-themed groups

  6. Congress isn't bringing back earmarks — not yet, at least

  7. Just to drive the point home: Trump has been talking to world leaders on unsecured lines without being briefed or prepped for the calls.

  8. Clapper sticking around until inauguration. Not going anywhere for 64 days.

  9. Trump lobbyist ban will allow hiring of former lobbyists like Pence aide Josh Pitcock, who just deregistered Monday:

  10. "His followers don’t fact-check anything — they’ll post everything, believe anything."

  11. My latest w/ : In Trump’s Washington, rival powers and whispers in the president’s ear

  12. ...which is the department famously forgot on the debate stage in 2012.

  13. Fun read on Trump Tower: The home of a reality show, a campaign and now a transition

  14. 87+ dead in Aleppo province today. Several bombs damaged children's hospital, forcing patients to cower in basement:

  15. Ryan unilaterally halts plan to restore earmarks just before it was about to pass in closed conference

  16. I have no home for this Orrin Hatch quote from today but it's so perfect that I wanted to share it with all of you:

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