Maggie 'takin' it like a champ' - killed in purported alternate 'Walking Dead' clip

Postmedia Network

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Lauren Cohan as Maggie in "The Walking Dead." (Supplied)

It was bad enough for fans of The Walking Dead that Abraham and fan fave Glenn fell victim to Negan’s head-bashing bat, Lucille.

Could have been worse, though. Much worse.

A video leaked online, purporting to show a different death scene for TWD Season 7 premiere. And the leaked scene, on poor-quality video (the original version of which was evidently ordered to be taken down by AMC but was reuploaded by other users), appears to show Negan taking a couple of swings at pregnant Maggie’s head, complete with the “taking it like a champ” line he used as he rearranged Abraham’s skull in the version that aired.

The short video was the first alternate death scene to leak, although producers included brief clips of all the major characters getting whacked by Negan in flashes seen through Rick’s eyes. Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who plays the nefarious Negan, admitted as much to Interview magazine.

“Look, that whole episode was hard, and also because I did go through and smack everybody with Lucille at a certain point,” he said. “Everybody took a hit. All of that was hard.”

For fans of the show, losing two characters in the same episode was painful. Maggie’s husband Glenn, played by Steven Yuen, made his first appearance early in the debut season and was a favourite while, Abraham (Michael Cudlitz) was a later addition to the cast.

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