- published: 12 Oct 2016
- views: 40312
Sindh /sɪnd/ (Urdu: سندھ ; Sindhi: سنڌ) is one of the four provinces of Pakistan, in the southeast of the country. Historically home to the Sindhi people, it is also locally known as the Mehran. It was formerly known as Sind until the 1956 Constitution of Pakistan. Spelling of its official name as Sind was discontinued in 2013 by an amendment passed in Sindh Assembly. The name "Sindh" is derived from the Sanskrit Sindhu, a reference to the Indus River that passes almost through the middle of the state.
Sindh is the third largest province by size, and second largest province by population. It is bordered by Balochistan province to the west, Punjab province to the north, the Indian states of Gujarat and Rajasthan to the east, and Arabian Sea to the south. The provincial capital and largest city of the province is Karachi, which is Pakistan's largest city and the country's only financial hub.
The province has a diverse industrialized economy which emphasizes on manufacturing, education and agriculture development. It is a major exporter of fruit and vegetables to other parts of the country.
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Actors: Chad Alva (actor), Evan Stone (actor), Michael Vegas (actor), Lily Labeau (actress), Bree Olson (actress), Bobbi Starr (actress), Scott Taylor (writer), Eddie Powell (director), Gabrielle Anex (editor), Alyssa Branch (miscellaneous crew), Ralph Long (miscellaneous crew), Mark Nicholson (miscellaneous crew), Elaina Raye (miscellaneous crew), Freddy Fingers (miscellaneous crew), September (costume designer),
Genres: Adult, Comedy,Actors: Jesse Adams (actor), Desiree West (actress), Blair Harris (actor), Turk Lyon (actor), Michael Morrison (actor), Ken Scudder (actor), Jonathan Younger (actor), Connie Peterson (actress), Mimi Morgan (actress), Eileen Welles (actress), Crystal Dawn (actress), Kitty Shayne (actress), Marlene Munroe (actress), Dashile Miguele (actor), Andrea Lange (actress),
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Wer jemals wirklich aktiv auf der Suche nach einem Partner oder einer Partnerin war, kriegt schnell den Eindruck alle attraktiven Menschen seien charakterlich schlecht. Ist das so? Es folgen 5 Fakten zum Thema: Sind alle gut aussehenden Menschen Arschlöcher? ➡ Faktastisch jetzt abonnieren: http://bit.ly/faktastisch Gib uns einen Daumen nach oben und schreibe deine Meinung über das Video in die Kommentare. ➡ Unser Buch auf Amazon: http://amzn.to/1c9prlM ➡ Faktastisch auf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/faktastisch ➡ Faktastisch auf Instagram: http://instagram.com/faktastisch ➡ Faktastisch auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/faktastisch ➡ Faktastisch auf Google+: http://google.com/+FaktastischNet1 Schicke uns Verbesserungsvorschläge oder Ideen für den YouTube-Kanal an: kontakt(aet-Zeiche...
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Hier mal ein paar Dinge, die wir tun, wenn wir allein sind. Ich hoffe ich bin nicht die einzige.. :D DAUMEN HOCH, wenn dir das Video gefällt! :) WIE GUT KENNEN WIR UNS ➜ https://youtu.be/J_rSqmycctk WORKOUT FÜR FAULE ➜ https://youtu.be/ybxOEp8McpA VLOG ➜ https://youtu.be/Yq9pw-pileI - FACEBOOK ➜ https://www.facebook.com/IschtarIsik - TWITTER ➜ https://twitter.com/IschtarIsik - INSTAGRAM ➜ http://instagram.com/ischtarisik - TUMBLR ➜ http://ischtarisik.tumblr.com - BLOG ➜ http://ischtarisik.blogspot.de Kamera: Panasonic Lumix GH4 Schneideprogramm: final cut Top: H&M; Kimono: TK MAXX Jogginghose: REVIEW Top: H&M; * Affiliate Links, die ich freiwillig einfüge ** In diesem Video erfolgt KEINE Zusammenarbeit :) ❤
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[50 Cent]
Look If you ain't worth a mil, you ain't far from broke
Got anought heart to sell weed but you scared of dope
I wouldn't snitch on my peoples if the feds grabbed me
Yo ass would hit more notes than Ron Isley
I wouldn't rhyme about Rolleys if I had no watch
Wouldnt write about crack if I ain't had no spot
You talk six coupe shit you only pushing a trey
Got bitches shutting you down in the C.L.K
For cats like you, crime don't pay
You just linger in the hood, them niggaz blow you away
You the type to get paper when I'm locked up, get yo jewels rocked up
Then have to tuck em in when I pop up
Niggaz in the hood sayin '50's Grimy'
Cause they hit me wit Kosami and now they can't find me
If you see it how I see it, my watch is yo whip
And I can cop anotha one afta each assist
[Chorus x2]
You ain't no gangsta
You'se a busta, a customer, a sucker
You fake fraudulent motherfucker
You ain't a gangsta
I should cut ya, cock back and bust ya or stomp you out cause
We don't trust ya
[50 Cent]
You owe a nigga? You don't wanna pay him?
Kill him, that's what they said ta ta disapper him
Y'all ain't got to believe me
When I'm done with this rhyme if theres time I'll hit a flick
Wit Mariella this connect bitch, Peruvian chick
She ain't hot but eevrytime I fuck the coke right drops
When it's time to get it on (what)
I pull over the thong (uh huh)
Fuck till I nut then get up, I'm gone (yeah)
Usualy hit it watchin tele way out in L.A.
I like it when she say 'Papi I feel it in my Belly'
Call up all my niggaz in New York on the celly
First thing I'm sayin is 'Nigga what da deally'
Pack a trey pound up under my Pelle Pelle
Y'all niggaz want war, clap clap, Oh really?
I watch niggaz slang packs in front of the deli
Got 20 inch chrome sittin on my perili
Lorenzo on the Benzo nigga you feel me?
[Chorus x2]
You ain't no gangsta
You'se a busta, a customer, a sucker
You fake fraudulent motherfucker
You ain't a gangsta
I should cut ya, cock back and bust ya or stomp you out cause
We don't trust ya
[50 Cent]
Fix the cell, blast the room devil spray, turnin proof
Hoe whip, bulet proof, yopu ain't fuckin wit me, duke
Bricks from Filipe, 19 five, what we pay
Cop on a week mad hard to catch him on the weekday
Niggaz backed up, slugs to the gut, that'll bet him up
Gettin fed thru his arm in a hospital wil slim him up
Get it thru yo head, 50 Cent don't care
I cock triggers light the blockup, iller than times square
Real shit, you spit it cause you seen it
I spit it cause I did it and I mean it
Man, I don't like none of y'all
Fuck around I'll run in y'all pop one in y'all
Had the whole hood talkin bout what I done to y'all
Listen I don't give a fuck if you blood or cuz
I got love for thugs niggaz firing slugs
Stage rapping ass niggaz ain't sold no drugs
Gotta show me some love cause my sins are bluffed
[Chorus x2]
You ain't no gangsta
You'se a busta, a customer, a sucker
You fake fraudulent motherfucker
You ain't a gangsta
I should cut ya, cock back and bust ya or stomp you out cause
We don't trust ya