- published: 19 Nov 2011
- views: 5313
Liuyang (simplified Chinese: 浏阳; traditional Chinese: 瀏陽; pinyin: Liúyáng) is a county-level city under the administration of Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, China. Liuyang is located in the northeast of Hunan province, in the east of Changsha City, and adjoins the province of Jiangxi. In 2010, Liuyang’s GDP is 55.677 billion RMB (8.225 billion dollars). Liuyang has an area of 5,007.75 square kilometers with a population of 1,407,104 (in 2010). There are 27 towns and 6 townships (in 2009). The government seat is in Guankou Subdistrict.
I saw this on an episode of Three Kingdoms (2010) and I really like this song. Does anyone know what is the name and artist of this song? I would appreciate the help because I've tried to look for it online everywhere and couldn't find a single clue towards it. Thanks guys!
Just for fun by listening and trying to play it on the piano. Did not cover the piece completely.
Soundtrack - 'influenced' by Traditional Chinese Folk Music and instruments, New Age Soundtrack - Animation and Music by Jambodhi - (Pictures from Wikipedia) (Korg Kronos keyboard) Soundtrack music, Fantasy Music. For 1St Album Jambodhi CD on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0030GM7FW?ie=UTF8&camp;=213733&creative;=393177&creativeASIN;=B0030GM7FW&linkCode;=shr&tag;=yogheainf-20&creativeASIN;=B0030GM7FW&keywords;=jambodhi&qid;=1343601031&redirect;=true&ref;_=sr_1_cc_1&s;=aps&sr;=1-1-catcorr For 1St Album Jambodhi CD on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/jambodhi/id345465012 .................................................................................................. Ancient Chinese music was not regular like western music, was ad hock, flowed like river, sometimes fast, sometime...
Wu Na (巫娜) - Chinese Guqin Of Sky (天禅 Thiên Thiện) ++++++Tracklist++++++: 01. 古琴禅修 Meditation By Guqin Cổ cầm thiện tu 02. 幽玄 Subtlety U huyền 03. 知音天籁 The Sound Of Nature Tri âm thiên lại 04. 月下流泉 Spring Flow Under The Moon Nguyệt hạ lưu tuyền 05. 虚静 Stillness And Emptiness Hư tĩnh 06. 心印自然 Free The Mind In Nature Tâm ấn tự nhiên 07. 美丽新世界 Beautiful New World Mỹ lệ Tân Thế Giới 08. 任逍遥 Unknown Pleasures Nhậm tiêu dao 09. 平静的喜悦 Quite Joy Bình tĩnh đích hỉ duyệt 10. 觉醒 Wake Up Giác tỉnh
【絃色流轉】許嫚烜 2014 古箏跨界音樂會 《絃色流轉》 許嫚烜的古箏創想 台灣首張古箏跨界音樂創作輯 王建民、吳蠻、黃好吟、張儷瓊、鄭德淵、樊慰慈、鍾耀光 來自各界名家的一致讚賞 專輯融合中國箏、日本箏等東亞箏樂特點,在多變的節奏與豐富的調式裡,加入提琴、雙簧管、鋼琴、巴烏、笛、中阮、打擊等樂器,打破傳統曲調與現代技法的藩籬,熱情而神秘、沉靜而典雅的多樣風情,為古箏當代音樂創作翻開嶄新的一頁。 「許嫚烜」乍聽有些陌生的名字,她是專輯製作人、古箏演奏家、作曲家、大學講師...等,她目前除了身為文化大學中國音樂學系講師之外,也是風潮膾炙人口香草生活系列專輯的製作人之一,其中由她所操刀製作的《日安 波斯菊》更入圍第22屆流行音樂類金曲獎「最佳演奏專輯獎」!全方位才女許嫚烜,首次以古箏演奏家的身分,將她醞釀10年的傾心之作完整呈現給樂迷。當代琵琶權威吳蠻讚嘆:「嫚烜的古箏創作,代表了當代音樂家對音樂積極探索的態度和理念,值得聆聽!」。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 秘境絃舞 ◇作曲 許嫚烜 ◇古箏 許嫚烜 ◇大提琴 范宗沛 ◇笛、巴烏 吳宗憲 ◇打擊 吳政君 黃沙起舞在未知邊境,召喚著生命的熱情。 這首從2002年開始發想的曲子,靈感來自當時的一部電影,影片中鮮麗奇幻、靈巧浪漫的故事與配樂,催生了這首箏樂作品。一開場的旋律,便揭示了此曲帶有濃烈中亞色彩的情調,古箏與大提琴此起彼落的言語,訴說一趟神秘之行悄然開展,勾勒出潛藏在巴烏與笛聲中,躍躍欲舞的靈魂。由始自終不斷變化的節奏,是邊境的心跳,也是原始熱情的層層撩撥。 -----------------------...
You're a genius if you watch Top 20s ;3 August 28th, 2015 ↓ - Song Goes Up (Since The List Starts With 20 At The Top) ↑ - Song Begins To Descend The Chart ☆ - New Chart Entry --- - Song stays In Same Position XXX - Song Drops Off Chart ☆Re Entry☆ - Song Reenters The Chart After Falling PW - Previous Week WO - Weeks On Chart PEAK - Highest Chart Position Of Song Nash's Music Top 20 Chart is based on personal iPod plays through an app called Musicrazor. **EXCLUSIVE 21-30** 30. Lush Life - Zara Larsson 29. Potahat Tik - Zvika Brand ft. 69 28. Sugar - Robin Schulz 27. Let It Be Love - Jessica Sutta 26. Jerome - Zella Day 25. Crash And Burn - Thomas Rhett 24. Get High - Alle Farben 23. Burning House - Cam 22. Instant Crush - Natalie Imbruglia 21. The Unknown - Foxes 20. ↑ (PW 9/ WO 8/ P...
"Shiliu Ban" (十六板, Sixteen Sections), a piece from "Xiansuo Beikao" (弦索备考, String Music Reference; also called "Xiansuo Shisan Tao" (弦索十三套, "13 Suites for Strings"), an important collection of Chinese instrumental music published in Beijing in 1814, during the Qing Dynasty. This recording is from a 3-CD set released in China in 2009. The performers are probably as follows: ● Xue Ke (薛克), huqin ● Tan Longjian (谈龙建), sanxian ● Zhang Qiang (张强), pipa ● Lin Ling (林玲), guzheng There are probably at least three additional instruments in this recording (xiao, dizi, and sheng), but the names of the players are unknown. The collection's compiler, a nobleman, scholar, and musician of Mongolian ethnicity named Rong Zhai, (荣斋) stated his aim in carefully notating the thirteen pieces in the collect...