- published: 18 Apr 2014
- views: 424816
Broadly, a citation is a reference to a published or unpublished source (not always the original source). More precisely, a citation is an abbreviated alphanumeric expression embedded in the body of an intellectual work that denotes an entry in the bibliographic references section of the work for the purpose of acknowledging the relevance of the works of others to the topic of discussion at the spot where the citation appears. Generally the combination of both the in-body citation and the bibliographic entry constitutes what is commonly thought of as a citation (whereas bibliographic entries by themselves are not). References to single, machine-readable assertions in electronic scientific articles are known as nanopublications, a form of microattribution.
Citations have several important purposes: to uphold intellectual honesty (or avoiding plagiarism), to attribute prior or unoriginal work and ideas to the correct sources, to allow the reader to determine independently whether the referenced material supports the author's argument in the claimed way, and to help the reader gauge the strength and validity of the material the author has used. As one article has argued, citations relate to the way authors perceive the substance of their work, their position in the academic system, and the moral equivalency of their place, substance, and words.
Grote Jongens uit de Cite
Why We Cite Sources
Kingsize - Grote Jongens v/d Cite ft. MocroManiac & Sjaak
How to make an MLA Works Cited page in Word
Grote Jongens van de Cite: de Drugsoorlog in Parijs 1080 HD
How to Cite Sources: Citing Without Quoting
Panorama - Grote Jongens uit de Cite Deel 1
Panorama - Grote Jongens uit de Cite 3
ABONNEREN: ► http://goo.gl/A0D4cU AANRADER: # MOCRO MAFIA E-BOOK ► http://ul.to/3m6tywiy # MOCRO MAFIA iPhone ► http://ul.to/pje68inp # DE WEG NAAR MEKKA [Complete serie] ► http://goo.gl/KT5UbP ► LAAT EEN COMMENT ACHTER ► DEEL DIT OP FACEBOOK & SOCIALMEDIA ► EN BELANGRIJKSTE.. GENIET!
Watch this quick video to learn a few reasons why we cite information sources in academia.
Follow: Kingsize Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeKingsizeShow Instagram: http://instagram.com/dekingsizeshow Sjaak Twitter: https://twitter.com/SjaakDOP Instagram: http://instagram.com/sjaakdop MocroManiac Twitter: https://twitter.com/MocroManiac Wilde Westen Records: Twitter: https://twitter.com/WildeWesten Produced en Mix & Master: Luviuz: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Luviuz Instagram: http://instagram.com/luviuz Regie & Edit: Mike Static Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeStatic Instagram: http://instagram.com/director_mikestatic Camera: Bas Wessels: Set Assist: Mitchel Karna Gaffer: Pim Wessels Assissten Camera: Arfan Choudry Met dank aan: Kings Wheel Tech Viaductweg 1 Den Haag Voor info en/of boekingen: wildewestenrecords@gmail.com ###
2:10 -- Citing a webpage 4:22 -- Citing an article from a database 6:42 -- Citing a book This video covers how to set up the Works Cited page as well as how to format citations for specific types of sources in MLA format. If you need to know how to set up a Word 2010 document in MLA format before you even begin typing your paper, I have a video for that as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ap7Q1t1D_ws Hopefully this will help you write your MLA paper in proper format!
ABONNEREN: ► http://goo.gl/A0D4cU # MOCRO MAFIA E-BOOK ► http://ul.to/3m6tywiy # MOCRO MAFIA iPhone ► http://ul.to/pje68inp # DE WEG NAAR MEKKA [Complete serie] ► http://goo.gl/KT5UbP ► LAAT EEN COMMENT ACHTER ► DEEL DIT OP FACEBOOK & SOCIALMEDIA ► EN BELANGRIJKSTE.. GENIET!
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This is a sample video from a video tutorial course titled "How to Cite Sources and Avoid Plagiarism". Here's the table of contents: Part 1: What is Plagiarism? 1.1 Plagiarism: the Basic Definition 1.2 Downloading or Buying Whole Papers 1.3 Cutting and Pasting from Several Sources 1.4 Changing Some Words but Copying Whole Phrases 1.5 Paraphrasing Without Attribution 1.6 The Debate Over "Patchwriting" Part 2: How to Cite Sources 2.1 When Should I Cite a Source? 2.2 What Needs to be Cited? 2.3 How to Cite: Mark the Boundaries 2.4 Citing Exact Words 2.5 Citing a Longer Quotation 2.6 Citing a Source But Not Quoting 2.7 A Comment About "Common Knowledge" 2.8 Citation Styles: MLA, APA, CSE, Chicago, Turabian, oh my!
Être un gars de cité, y'a que dans la cité que c'est bien ! Ou y'a les cités d'or aussi ça va. SOIS UN DURUM ET SUIS MOI SUR LES RESEAUX SOCIAUX: Twitter : @serhat_more (https://twitter.com/Serhat_More) Page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/SerhatMore Instagram : serhat_more Facebook perso : http://www.facebook.com/Crash.Serhat Habillé par www.lescrevards.com Merci à Oktay, Volkay, Sertan, Hasan, Ergin, Chocapic Serho et Dayana ! En vrai j'avais de beaux cheveux mais je voulais mettre ce bonnet il est stylé
Sur cette vidéo le boss final de la prison impérial. Bonne vidéo ;) Site officiel du jeu : http://www.elderscrollsonline.com/fr/agegate Tous les sets 5 et 2 pièces du jeu : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YXQZK3nKyYsDsBziVHROXJuLepXCH9-5aSDeMQ0X_hc/htmlview
Famous European side actress Kimberley Nixon look very beautiful and lovely in white dress at home
Parliament has paid tribute to the fallen soldier and former UPDF representative Major General Julius Oketta who passed on Saturday morning at Kadic Hospital due to heart failures. The legislators however questioned the rationale used to deploy, promote and reward UPDF soldiers – with many citing discrimination.
bele peyserler coxdu . anasini sikim onun.Adi murad..cin dir evvel nomre de verdim zeng elemedi videoya cekdim mende. ANASINI SiKiM PEYSERIN
Iuri e rian
Sur cette vidéo le boss final du donjon cite des cendres I. Bonne vidéo ;) Site officiel du jeu : http://www.elderscrollsonline.com/fr/agegate Tous les sets 5 et 2 pieces du jeu : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YXQZK3nKyYsDsBziVHROXJuLepXCH9-5aSDeMQ0X_hc/htmlview
"Ghosts of Cité Soleil" s'inscrit dans les derniers soubresauts du régime corrompu et autoritaire de Jean-Bertrand Aristide à Haïti. Dans la capitale Port-au-Prince, les milices du dictateur, baptisées "les chimères" et armées par les autorités, font régner la terreur au sein de la rue. Ce documentaire fait le portrait de l'une d'entre elle, installée dans l'un des quartiers les plus pauvres de la ville, appellé ironiquement Cité soleil.
Captions: None http://endnote.com Use the Transcript button to jump to sections of the class.
OVERTAKE THE CITE WITH GHOULS! | Roblox: Tokyo Ghoul Online - Episode 1 Link to game: https://www.roblox.com/games/440895297/2x-EXP-Tokyo-Ghoul-Online JOIN THE owTreyalP STEAM GROUP! ***This is where in the future you'll be hearing from me with streams, sub games, hangouts, potential giveaways, and all that jazz! Also some silly stuff like posting gifs to each other xD itll be fun! Link to it: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/owTreyalPCommunity/ __ *********FAN ART WANTED!!!********* Fan art is definitely wanted! If you have any, make sure to send it to me on twitter (@owTreyalP) or email me at owTreyalP(at)gmail(dot)com! YOUR ART WILL APPEAR ON LIVE STREAMS, TWITTER, INTROS, AND OUTROS! :D __ Can We Get 150 Likes for this Video?!? Thanks you guys! :D _ Support on Pateron for subscrib...
Bienvenue sur ma chaîne pour la cité de Kropta. Chaîne des organisateurs : Ekalict : https://www.youtube.com/user/Yuma331 MrCakeYT : https://www.youtube.com/user/xXAzerty22Xx Cette série est inspirée de la cité des sables de Zelvac, c'est un évènement qui dure 6 jours et dont le but est d'être le joueur qui possedera le plus d'émeraudes. Pour cela des PNJ échangent des ressources contre des émeraudes.
Siket2 Neraka Takde Cite Lain...Dia Marah Orang Cerita Pasal Akhirat - Ustaz Azhar Idrus Daripada Abdullah bin Amr r.a, bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda," Maksudnya "SAMPAIKANLAH DARIKU WALAU HANYA SATU AYAT" (HR. Imam Bukhari) ================================================ Untuk FULL VIDEO Admin sarankan saudara-saudari mendapatkan VCD yang ORIGINAL di kedai-kedai terpilih berhampiran atau hubungi Pengedar secara terus melalui Studio Mukmin dan Galeri Al Mizan. Jangan lupa LIKE dan SUBSCRIBE channel ini SEKARANG :') Kuliah Ustaz Azhar[LAWAK BETUL] Ustaz Azhar Idrus dan Yassin Senario -Semarak Ramadhan Selangor 2014, Idrus | 23 Ogos 2014 | Bentong Pahang,Ustaz Azhar Idrus Banyaknya Nikmat Allah,(WAJIB TENGOK) Ustaz Azhar Idrus - Peluang Hidup Untuk Kita,Ustaz Azhar Idrus, Soal jaw...
Run with me baby, let your hair down
through every station, through every town
run with me baby, let's take a chance
from Heathrow to Hounslow, from the Eastern Block to France
Europe is our playground, London is our town
so run with me baby now
Run with me baby, let your hair down
through every station, through every town
run with me baby, let's make a stand
from peepshow to disco, from Spain to Camber Sands
Europe is our playground, London is our town