Fairfax Media Network

Australia Extended GFS Rainfall Forecast

rainfall forecast

About Extended GFS

Medium-Range Forecast model; one of the operational forecast models run at NCEP. The MRF is run once daily, with forecast output out to 240 hours (10 days).

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Footy weather keeping race-goers and cricketers wrapped up

19:21 EDT

Melbourne has chilled through its coldest pair of days this late in the year since 1983, reaching a footy-season like 13.2 degrees on Saturday and 14.2 on Sunday.

Cooler start to the working week for southwest WA

12:21 EDT

Following a nice Sunday to end the weekend, the mercury is set to plunge on Monday as a cold front welcomes the working week.

Melbourne weather: 'Bleak' weekend forecast with warmth unlikely until November, BOM says

23:01 EDT

Hail storms, heavy rain and gusty winds have lashed Victoria and hundreds of people have called for help from emergency services as a cold front moved across the state.