25 October 2016

French police launch demolition of “Jungle” refugee camp in Calais

By Kumaran Ira and Alex Lantier, 25 October 2016

The Socialist Party government’s hailing of the police assault on the camp as a “humanitarian” operation designed to protect refugees is an odious political lie.

Obama administration split on “Plan B” for Syria intervention

By Bill Van Auken, 25 October 2016

The US National Security Council reportedly discussed proposals to provide heavy weapons to Al Qaeda-linked rebels, but took no decision.

Mosul offensive intensifies regional tensions as Turkish soldiers intervene in Iraq

Turkish bombing in Syria threatens wider war

More on the war in Iraq and Syria »

Clinton beginning informal talks with congressional Republicans

By Patrick Martin, 25 October 2016

The Democratic presidential candidate is preparing a right-wing administration with significant Republican participation.

The 2016 elections and the dead-end of “lesser evil” politics

As school funding cuts continue
Clinton and Trump committed to new attacks on public education

More on the 2016 US elections »

After installation of Popular Party government
Podemos, pseudo-left prepare for political power in Spain

By Alejandro López, 25 October 2016

Faced with a weak right-wing government backed by the social democrats, Podemos is grooming itself to take power in order to continue the attacks on workers.

Scottish National Party pushes for second independence referendum

By Steve James, 25 October 2016

For Sturgeon and the SNP leadership, the threat of a new independence poll is a tool to extract concessions from London—primarily over the terms of Brexit.

Legal challenge to Brexit threatens constitutional crisis in UK

Plans take shape for red-red-green federal coalition in Germany

By Johannes Stern, 25 October 2016

Under conditions of deepening economic and political crisis, sections of the ruling elite see such a coalition as a good option to enforce austerity and war.

Germany: 1.4 million live on welfare for more than eight years

By Elisabeth Zimmermann, 25 October 2016

Of the 4.2 million jobless deemed fit for work, many have been dependent on Hartz IV payments for years, facing constant harassment from the job centres.

Layoffs hit US auto industry as sales slow

By Shannon Jones, 25 October 2016

Sales for 2015 are set to come in well below the record levels of 2016, leading the major auto companies to carry out production cuts, with the support of the UAW.

Unifor’s Detroit Three “pattern” pact and the ruling class assault on pensions

By Roger Jordan, 25 October 2016

Big business representatives are applauding Unifor for giving up newly-hired autoworkers’ right to a guaranteed pension and are calling for this to become a new Canada-wide standard.

Blue Cross retirees in Michigan to protest health benefit cuts

By E. Galen, 25 October 2016

Thousands of retired workers are losing group coverage and being forced onto individual plans offered through a private exchange, at much higher cost.

US agency report documents failure to act on Flint water crisis

By James Brewer, 25 October 2016

The Office of Inspector General found that the Environmental Protection Agency had both the evidence and legal authority to act in June 2015, much sooner than it did.

Sri Lanka assists India to isolate Pakistan by not attending SAARC summit

By Pradeep Ramanayake, 25 October 2016

The Sri Lankan prime minister has unequivocally backed the Indian government’s efforts to exploit the Uri military raid to undermine Pakistan and boost India’s great power ambitions.

New in French

Les élections américaines de 2016 et l’impasse du “moindre mal”

Par Patrick Martin, 25 octobre 2016

Le républicain Donald Trump est un milliardaire démagogue qui cherche à jeter les bases d’un mouvement fascisant ; Hillary Clinton est la représentante de Wall Street et de l’appareil de militaire et des services de renseignements.

Élection présidentielle française de 2017
Le débat des candidats de la droite préconise des mesures d’austérité et d’État policier

Par Kumaran Ira, 25 octobre 2016

Le monde politique français est unanime pour que la haine anti-musulmans et le régime d’État policier deviennent des caractéristiques permanentes de la vie politique.

New in Spanish

La asalto estadounidense contra Mosul y la hipocresía imperialista

Por James Cogan, 24 octubre 2016

Tanto en Siria como en Irak, los objetivos de Estados Unidos son los mismos: afirmar su dominio sobre la región productora de petróleo más importante del mundo.

New in German

US-Wahl: Was steckt hinter der Kampagne gegen Russland?

Von Andre Damon, 25. Oktober 2016

Eines der Hauptthemen bei der amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahl 2016 sind die Unterstellungen, Russland wolle die Wahl durch Cyberangriffe manipulieren.

Frankfurt: Hunderte Studierende hören Vortrag von David North

Von unseren Korrespondenten, 25. Oktober 2016

Unter dem Titel „Philosophie und Politik in Zeiten von Krieg und Revolution“ stellte North sein Buch „Die Frankfurter Schule, die Postmoderne und die Politik der Pseudolinken“ vor.

Philosophie und Politik in Zeiten von Krieg und Revolution
Vortrag in Frankfurt/Main

Von David North, 25. Oktober 2016

Diesen Vortrag hielt David North am 22. Oktober 2016 an der Frankfurter Goethe-Universität. Er setzt sich kritisch mit den Konzeptionen der Frankfurter Schule und der Postmoderne auseinander.

Militäroffensive auf Mossul verschärft regionale Spannungen

Von Jordan Shilton, 25. Oktober 2016

Die Militäroffensive auf die nordirakische Stadt Mossul verschärft nicht nur die Auseinandersetzung zwischen der irakischen und der türkischen Regierung, sondern auch andere regionale und religiöse Konflikte.

Ufo sagt Streiks bei Eurowings ab

Von Dietmar Henning, 25. Oktober 2016

Die Spartengewerkschaften sind inzwischen nicht mehr von Verdi zu unterscheiden.

EU streitet über Handelsabkommen und Kriegskurs gegen Russland

Von Alex Lantier, 25. Oktober 2016

Die Europäische Union kann sich weder auf eine gemeinsame Politik einigen, noch die immer schärferen Spannungen zwischen ihren Mitgliedsstaaten verbergen.

Other Languages


Social inequality and the fight against capitalism

25 October 2016

Facts and figures featured in the analysis conducted by French political economist Thomas Piketty underscore that there is no possibility of combating ever-growing social inequality other than by means of socialist revolution.

Earlier Perspectives »

Mehring Books

Hundreds attend lecture by David North in Frankfurt, Germany

By our correspondents, 25 October 2016

In a lecture titled “Philosophy and Politics in Times of War and Revolution,” David North presented his book The Frankfurt School, Postmodernism and the Politics of the Pseudo-Left.

Philosophy and Politics in an Age of War and Revolution
A lecture delivered at the Goethe University in Frankfurt

By David North, 25 October 2016

This lecture by World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board Chairman David North was delivered in German on October 22 at the Goethe University in Frankfurt. North spoke at the invitation of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality.

November 5 Antiwar Conference

Socialism vs. Capitalism and War
The SEP and IYSSE schedule November 5 antiwar conference in Detroit

The November 5 conference, “Socialism vs. Capitalism and War,” and the building of a new movement against imperialist war


Following meeting, leading Black Lives Matter activist endorses Clinton

By Gabriel Black, 25 October 2016

The meeting and subsequent endorsement express the deepening political collaboration between the Democratic Party establishment and the official Black Lives Matter movement.

Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates: The dystopian vision of racial politics

Billionaires back Black Lives Matter

AT&T-Time Warner merger to expand corporate, state control of media

By Barry Grey, 24 October 2016

The TV film “Terror” and the attack on democratic rights in Germany

By Johannes Stern and Peter Schwarz, 24 October 2016

Roger Cohen of the New York Times declares that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism

By Chris Marsden, 24 October 2016

What is behind the anti-Russia campaign in the US?

Divisions grow at EU summit over trans-Atlantic trade, war drive against Russia

Arts Review

Nick Hedges’s photographs reveal what Britain’s slums were like in the 1960s and 1970s

By Margot Miller, 25 October 2016

In Hedges’s words: “Adequate housing is the basis of a civilised urban society. … The photographs should allow us to celebrate progress, yet all they can do is haunt us with a sense of failure.”

The Magnificent Seven: Hollywood remakes and the problem of diminishing returns

By Carlos Delgado, 24 October 2016

Denial and the assault on historical truth

Does Bob Dylan deserve to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature?

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

SEP presidential candidate speaks in Toronto on struggle against war

By Dylan Lubao, 25 October 2016

Jerry White addressed audiences of students and workers in Canada’s largest city on the need to build a global, working class-led movement against war.

SEP presidential candidate speaks to Ford workers in Toronto

Socialist Equality Party presidential candidate denounces US escalation of Iraq War

By Jerry White, 19 October 2016

War and the 2016 US elections: SEP candidates launch final election tour

20 October 2016

US SEP presidential candidate Jerry White to address Sri Lankan public meeting via Internet

21 October 2016

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions
Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: The Americas

25 October 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Union ends strike at Pennsylvania state campuses, pushes concessions

By Samuel Davidson, 22 October 2016

SAG-AFTRA video game performers on strike

By Marc Wells, 22 October 2016

25 years ago: Strike wave challenges Mitterrand regime in France

This week in 1991 saw a growing strike wave shake the right-wing social democratic regime of President François Mitterrand and Prime Minister Edith Cresson.

More »

50 year ago: Manila conference on Vietnam War

On October 24, 1966, talks opened in Manila between the United States, the puppet regime in Saigon and the five other countries participating in the imperialist intervention in Vietnam.

More »

75 years ago: US miners fight for union shop

On October 25, 1941 the United Mine Workers resumed its strike to obtain a union shop agreement for 53,000 US coal miners who worked in “captive mines.”

More »


100 years ago: Australian government moves to introduce military conscription

On October 28, 1916, Australia held its first, non-binding plebiscite under the Military Service Referendum Act 1916, on the question of the government’s power to conscript citizens to fight in the war overseas.

More »


ExoMars mission has both success and failure

By Bryan Dyne, 21 October 2016


The autocratic record of Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej

By Tom Peters, 20 October 2016

1937: When Canadian and US autoworkers fought together

By Roger Jordan, 20 October 2016


Scholarship, not war propaganda!

By International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Germany), 18 October 2016

Australian IYSSE holds Inaugural General Meeting at the University of Melbourne

By the IYSSE (Australia), 15 October 2016