Adhinayakudu is a telugu Telugu film written and directed by Parachuri Murali. The film is produced by M. L. Padma Kumar Chowdhary under his Sree Keerthi Creations banner. The film stars Nandamuri Balakrishna, Lakshmi Rai, Saloni and Jayasudha in lead roles. The soundtrack of the film was composed by Kalyani Malik and Vijay Kumar has done the camera work. Balakrishna has played three different roles as a grand- father, father, grand son for the first time on celluloid screen. The film released on June 1, 2012 and got poor reviews. ' has reviewed it as "Spice Less Treat" termed it as "Poor Attempt with a Powerful Concept" and termed it as "useless experiment".
The audio of the film was released directly in the market with out any audio launch event on March 8, 2012. The soundtrack of the film was composed by Kalyani Malik and it consits 6 songs.Lyrics for the 5 songs were penned by Bhaskarabhatla and one song was written by Ramajogayya Sastry.