- published: 31 Jul 2012
- views: 52
Honey /ˈhʌni/ is a sweet food made by bees foraging nectar from flowers. The variety produced by honey bees (the genus Apis) is the one most commonly referred to, as it is the type of honey collected by most beekeepers and consumed by people. Honeys are also produced by bumblebees, stingless bees, and other hymenopteran insects such as honey wasps, though the quantity is generally lower and they have slightly different properties compared to honey from the genus Apis. Honey bees convert nectar into honey by a process of regurgitation and evaporation. They store it as a primary food source in wax honeycombs inside the beehive.
Honey gets its sweetness from the monosaccharides fructose and glucose, and has about the same relative sweetness as granulated sugar. It has attractive chemical properties for baking and a distinctive flavor that leads some people to prefer it over sugar and other sweeteners. Most microorganisms do not grow in honey because of its low water activity of 0.6. However, honey sometimes contains dormant endospores of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which can be dangerous to infants, as the endospores can transform into toxin-producing bacteria in infants' immature intestinal tracts, leading to illness and even death.
"Ich Will" (German for I Want) is a single by Rammstein. It was originally released in Germany on September 10, 2001. Since it was released the day before the September 11, 2001 attacks, many channels did not air the music video (which was to debut on U.S. television the night of September 11, 2001). The German single contains a live cover version of The Ramones' song "Pet Sematary", sung by keyboardist Flake.
The music video of "Ich Will" features the band members staging a bank robbery, making it seem as realistic as possible. The video shows both the robbery and its aftermath, and moves between these two scenes.
The robbery: The band is shown entering a bank wearing stockings over their heads, except for Flake, who has a very large and elaborate bomb strapped to his chest. They quickly remove their masks and head for the front desk. A bank employee reaches for the panic button, but she is seen Richard, who presses her hand against the button, intentionally triggering the alarm. The woman faints, and Richard dances with her unconscious body until Ollie confirms that the Polizei and Media have arrived. The group continues to terrorize the hostages and vandalize the bank, while also fantasizing about the media storm when they exit. In another room, Till is giving a live interview to the an press, who appear to be slain in the next scene, though the broadcast continues. As the band (excluding Flake) exit the bank unarmed, they are swarmed by members of the Spezialeinsatzkommando instead of the media as anticipated. Despite this the band seems to revel in the attention they are getting, and shortly after the timer on Flake's bomb reaches zero. The video quickly flicks through a series of short clips from some of Rammstein's other music videos,(Seemann, Du hast, Du riechst so gut '95, Du riechst so gut '98, Stripped and Sonne) then comes to an end.
Richard "Mörtel" Lugner (born 11 October 1932) is an Austrian entrepreneur in the construction industry, a Viennese society figure, and a former political candidate not affiliated with any of the Austrian political parties.
Born in Vienna, Lugner got a licence to work as a building contractor (Baumeisterkonzession) in 1962 and at first specialized in the erection of filling stations and the renovation of old buildings. His company started to prosper, and he eventually became known to a wider public with the completion, in 1979, of Vienna's first mosque, situated on the banks of the river Danube. In 1990 he opened his own shopping mall, Lugner City, in a working class district of Vienna and, from the start, aggressively advertised his business by regularly inviting celebrities—starting with Thomas Gottschalk—who would perform there and sign autographs—a marketing strategy not very common in a city that, back then, hardly had any shopping malls. In 1992 Mörtel and Mausi Lugner brought Harry Belafonte to Lugner City, and also took him along to the Vienna Opera Ball. From that time on, the couple have each year paid a celebrity to visit the shopping centre and then accompany them as their guest to that prestigious function at the Vienna State Opera, an "invitation" which has often been criticised or just belittled for being a nouveau riche idea. However, media attention has continually been rising, also abroad, so that today any official guests of honour are usually neglected compared to the Lugners' celebrities, who invariably have a status image:
Dummheit :o
Von meinem Honey
Dummheit tut weh 23
Ghosts: Dummheit gepaart mit Neid! | JohnRaqe
Lego Star Wars das erwachen der Dummheit
Paul Henckels singt "Ich hab so manche Dummheit gemacht". Vortragslied.
Dummheit Pur#1
Schock-Diagnose für Cathy Lugner
Kolpaçino: Bomba (2011 - HD) | Türk Filmi
Minecraft bedwars Dummheit tut weh
One Day mit Sofls & Jenigga
Lars Hirnregnen Leben vs Realität
Webcam-Video vom 3. Oktober 2012 18:22
Honey, Honey | Flash
Cathy Lugner packt aus So sehr hat Richard Lugner sie enttäuscht
Hunger-Games / gefährliche Freizeitparks? - Mafialeaks - Osama Bin Laden hat gewonnen?
Wolfsjagd! - Let's Fail FarCry 4 Ep. 02 | VeniCraft
NIGHTMARE - HONEY FUNGUS 😵(HD)😡 Exclusive Edition O.J.
Ghosts : Double K.E.M fail | Meine Eigne Dummheit
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rausch. dennoch sehr gut erhalten.
Filmin Konusu: İlk filmin ardından devam filmiyle karşımıza çıkan Kolpaçino: Bomba, ana kadrosunu neredeyse koruyor. Emlakçılığa başlayan Özgür, zengin bir ailenin damadı olmuştur. Eşini şarkıcı Şale ile aldatan Özgür'ün kaçamak macerası, Şale'nin kendisinden şantaj yoluyla para istemesiyle başlar. İlk filmden tanıdığımız Sabri ve Tayfun'u kendisine yardım etmeleri için tutan Özgür bu durumdan paçasını kolay kurtaracağını sansa da, işler hiç de umduğu gibi gitmez. Hatta sadece kendisini değil, kendisini koruması için tuttuğu ekibin de hayatını tehlikeye atar. Sonunda işler öyle bir boyuta varır ki, Özgür kendisini İstanbul sokaklarında komik bir ölüm kalım savaşı içinde bulur... Yönetmen: Şafak Sezer Oyuncular: Şafak Sezer, Aydemir Akbaş, Ali Çatalbas Tür: Komedi, Aksiyon Yıl: 2011 Ab...
24 stunden dummheit
Also ich weiß ja, dass man sich nicht über andere Leute lustig machen soll, aber das hier ist doch wirklich Dummheit pur.
Honey, Honey | Flash (Deutsch/FullHD 1080p) - Hier öffnen um die epischste Beschreibung ever zu lesen!!!! - Heute spielen wir 2 Runden Flash, einmal auf der Map Contrast und eimal auf Honigtopf. Vielleicht läuft es ja diesmal besser als mit Ju... IP: bergwerklabs.de Texturepack: StegPack, Krnrmy Musik aus der YT Audio Library Alle Folgen Minecraft PvP: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJIOTl1v2naBARWZMFHxXSGub2eMhmk6Y * Meinen Kanal abonnieren: https://www.youtube.com/user/SerMeluya Projektliste: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak1oMkxG9PhXdDhOMGozNFp6Z2JmNENEdXBqc01pMkE#gid=0 Mein Twitter-Account: https://twitter.com/SirMeluya Mein Designer für Thumbnails: NintendoPlayer: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC85j_gntM4fhFxjhEUahY9g/videos Uploadplan und Info: https:/...
Cathy Lugner: "Ich will das einfach vergessen!" Mitten im Interview bricht Cathy Lugner in Tränen aus. Sie spricht ganz offen über das Ehe-Aus mit ihrem Richard Lugner und erzählt, was sie nach der Blitzscheidung noch Neues erfahren hat und warum sie unglaublich enttäuscht ist. Kaum zwei Wochen nach ihrer Scheidung Ende November 2016 plant Cathy gemeinsam mit ihrer achtjährigen Tochter Leonie breits den Auszug aus ihrem Haus in Österreich und den Umzug nach Deutschland. "Ich will einfach hier raus. Ich will nicht meinen Mann jeden Tag sehen in der Zeitung, was ich hier in Österreich nicht umgehen kann. Ich will das einfach vergessen", gesteht Cathy im Interview mit 'Prominent'. Rund zwei Jahre sind Cathy und Richard Lugner verheiratet. Doch es gibt immer wieder Zoff - auch öffentlich. D...
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►Mehr von mir: http://goo.gl/fw5cGo ►Ein Däumchen für meine Dummheit? :D ──────────────── ►Twitter: http://twitter.com/Venitroll ►Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/VeniCraft ►Ask.fm: http://www.ask.fm/Venitroll ►Instagram: http://instagram.com/rafi_veni ──────────────── ►Playlist: http://bit.ly/VeniFarCry4 ──────────────── ►Far Cry 4 spielen: http://bit.ly/SelbstSpielen ──────────────── «FAR CRY 4» Shooter von Ubisoft (2014) Mehr Informationen: http://farcry.com USK-Einstufung: 18 Jahre Viel Spaß ;)
~ Wahnsinn ist,wenn man immer wieder die gleichen Fehler begeht und erkennen muß,daß sich nichts ändert. http://www.oliviasme.de/soziopathie.html Viel Freude liebste Freunde und bedenkt stets,daß alles Gute von Oben kommt. Schaut nach oben und nicht nach unten,wo die Kartoffeln geerntet werden. Schau auf zu den Sternen und hinab auf die Gassen. Schmiede das Eisen solange es heiß ist. Wenn Du die Toten in der Erde siehst,siehst Du die Blumen nicht mehr. Dummheit frißt und Intelligenz säuft. (Sylvester S.) Angst frißt Seele auf. (Olivia S.) ~ Die Wahrheit ist heilig ~ "Dumm ist der,der Dummes tut" (Forrest Gump) Wer seine Sünden nicht wahrhaben will trotz Intelligenz und Reichtum ist zweierlei Maßnahmen unterworfen - Entweder glaubt derjenige daß er ein armer Irrer sei oder er glaubt daß ...
Cod Ghost Double K.E.M Strike fail. Hey Leute :D Ich hoffe mein Gameplay zu dem Commentary konnte euch unterhalten ;-) : Im Hintergrund seht ihr natürlich ein ziemlich krasses Gameplay was ich erspielt habe . Über eine Bewertung würde ich mich abnormal krass freuen . Korrekte Leute : ► Happy Exotiix : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWAFn9Abd52HFwGniPmNb7A/videos ► IamWamboo : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXlSokxPCjZQSJCh9MrMETg/videos ►RapZ Snakezz : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrHAGBVkYez3QiINkClGnXg/videos
Güney Amerika'nın sıcağından ve Rio Karnavalı'nın gürültüsünden kendilerine gına gelen Mayalar, tası tarağı toplayıp taşının toprağının altın olduğunu duydukları Anadolu'ya göç edip Bağcılar civarına yerleşirler. Yeni yerleştikleri bu bereketli topraklarda Türk boyları ile kaynaşarak Güney Amerika'nın tekniğini Anadolu'nun kültürüyle birleştiren Mayalar, zamanla bilimde, sanatta, teknolojide ve Sudoku'da gösterdikleri üstün başarı ile komşuları olan Bizans'ın dikkatini ve nefretini üzerlerine çekmekten kurtulamazlar. Her ne kadar Bizans'ın dost canlısı ve barışsever Kralı 3. Klitor gerçek bir Maya hayranı olsa da, karısı 5. Klitorya ve kardeşi Muhteris, Mayalar'ın yükselişini durdurmak için ortalama bir televizyon dizisinin bir sezonunda rastlanacak entrikayı birleştirip haince bir plan ...
Filmin Konusu: İlk filmin ardından devam filmiyle karşımıza çıkan Kolpaçino: Bomba, ana kadrosunu neredeyse koruyor. Emlakçılığa başlayan Özgür, zengin bir ailenin damadı olmuştur. Eşini şarkıcı Şale ile aldatan Özgür'ün kaçamak macerası, Şale'nin kendisinden şantaj yoluyla para istemesiyle başlar. İlk filmden tanıdığımız Sabri ve Tayfun'u kendisine yardım etmeleri için tutan Özgür bu durumdan paçasını kolay kurtaracağını sansa da, işler hiç de umduğu gibi gitmez. Hatta sadece kendisini değil, kendisini koruması için tuttuğu ekibin de hayatını tehlikeye atar. Sonunda işler öyle bir boyuta varır ki, Özgür kendisini İstanbul sokaklarında komik bir ölüm kalım savaşı içinde bulur... Yönetmen: Şafak Sezer Oyuncular: Şafak Sezer, Aydemir Akbaş, Ali Çatalbas Tür: Komedi, Aksiyon Yıl: 2011 Ab...
►Mehr von mir: http://goo.gl/fw5cGo ►Ein Däumchen für meine Dummheit? :D ──────────────── ►Twitter: http://twitter.com/Venitroll ►Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/VeniCraft ►Ask.fm: http://www.ask.fm/Venitroll ►Instagram: http://instagram.com/rafi_veni ──────────────── ►Playlist: http://bit.ly/VeniFarCry4 ──────────────── ►Far Cry 4 spielen: http://bit.ly/SelbstSpielen ──────────────── «FAR CRY 4» Shooter von Ubisoft (2014) Mehr Informationen: http://farcry.com USK-Einstufung: 18 Jahre Viel Spaß ;)
Da ich leider noch keine Zeit hatte Far Cry Primal aufzunehmen hoffe ich ihr könnt euch noch einen Tag gedulden. Dafür gibts heut ne lustige Session mitn Berni :D Viel Spaß PC (weißes Gehäuse) Intel Core i7-2600 4x3.40 Ghz Gainward Phantom GeForce GTX 970 16GB RAM RIPJAW BeQuiet! PureRock 150 W (CPU Lüfter) BeQuiet! System Power 7 400W (Netzteil) 1TB Seagate HDD 3TB Seagate HDD 250GB Crucial SSD PC (schwarzes Gehäuse) Asus PBH61-M LE/USB 3.0 Intel i5 3470k 4x3.20GHz Nvidia Geforce GTX 660Ti 8GB RAM RIPJAW BeQuiet! System Power 7 400W 250GB Crucial SSD 1TB Seagate HDD Sonstiges Equipment Headset: Sennheiser PC232D 7.1 Surround SoundHeadset/Logitech G633 Artemis Spectrum Tastatur: Logitech G510S Maus: Logitech Proteus Core G502 Webcam: Logitech C920 Kamera: Canon Legria Mini X / GoPro...
Honey, Honey | Flash (Deutsch/FullHD 1080p) - Hier öffnen um die epischste Beschreibung ever zu lesen!!!! - Heute spielen wir 2 Runden Flash, einmal auf der Map Contrast und eimal auf Honigtopf. Vielleicht läuft es ja diesmal besser als mit Ju... IP: bergwerklabs.de Texturepack: StegPack, Krnrmy Musik aus der YT Audio Library Alle Folgen Minecraft PvP: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJIOTl1v2naBARWZMFHxXSGub2eMhmk6Y * Meinen Kanal abonnieren: https://www.youtube.com/user/SerMeluya Projektliste: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak1oMkxG9PhXdDhOMGozNFp6Z2JmNENEdXBqc01pMkE#gid=0 Mein Twitter-Account: https://twitter.com/SirMeluya Mein Designer für Thumbnails: NintendoPlayer: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC85j_gntM4fhFxjhEUahY9g/videos Uploadplan und Info: https:/...
Découvrez mon court-métrage "Pourquoi mon fils ?" Réagissez en temps réel sur twitter avec le hashtag #Pourquoimonfils / compte: @Lucasmoralesoff Je dédie ce film aux jeunes du Refuge ainsi qu'à tous les homosexuels dont le coming-out a été difficile. N'oubliez jamais que vous êtes libre de vos propres choix et que nul autre que vous ne pourra choisir la liberté que vous décidez d'avoir. Site web : http://www.lucasmorales.fr Twitter : https://twitter.com/lucasmoralesoff Facebook : https://facebook.com/lucasmoralesartiste Instagram : https://instagram.com/lucasmorales66 Snapchat : lucasmorales66
World War Z is the fast-paced, pulse-pounding epic of the potential last days of the human race. Former United Nations employee Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) is called in to help stop the pandemic that has spread around the world.
Land: Deutschland / Italien Genre: Fantasy / Komödie Regie: Pasquale Festa Campanile Darsteller: Senta Berger Frank Wolff Mario Adorf Fiammetta Baralla Lando Buzzanca Die Steinzeitmänner Grr, Maluc, Uto, Zog und Put leben glücklich mit ihrem Weibchen Filli (Senta Berger) in ihrem kleinen Steinzeitparadies. Es fehlt ihnen an nichts, bis der Habenichts Ham in ihr Leben tritt. Geschickt nutzt er die Dummheit der fünf aus, um an ihr Hab und Gut zu kommen. Er redet ihnen ein, daß Kies-Kies (Geld) das Wichtigste überhaupt ist. Und um Kies-Kies zu erhalten, muß man geben und arbeiten. Wenn man genug gegeben und gearbeitet hat, besitzt man soviel Kies-Kies, daß man reich ist, und wenn man reich ist, kann man sich alles leisten und ist glücklich. Der Kapitalismus ist geboren und das Steinzeitglück...
The chase is on! Ashley Judd shines in this unstoppable, untoppable box-office smash that co-stars Tommy Lee Jones in his "best performance since The Fugitive."* Judd plays Libby Parsons, who discovers that the husband she's convicted of murdering staged his own "death" and framed her for the crime. Released on parole, she skips town to find him -- and that puts parole officer Travis Lehman (Jones) on her trail. Packed with more crowd-pleasing excitement than several movies put together, Double Jeopardy delivers "lots of action and spine-tingling suspense from start to finish."** *Mick LaSalle, The San Francisco Chronicle **Bill Diehl, ABC Radio Network.
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Top Gun takes a look at the danger and excitement that awaits every pilot at the Navy's prestigious fighter weapons school. Tom Cruise is superb as Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, a daring young flyer who's out to become the best of the best. And Kelly McGillis sizzles as the civilian instructor who teaches Maverick a few things you can't learn in a classroom.
5:53 Oliver Kalkofe 18:44 TV Quiz mit Oliver Kalkofe Oliver Kalkofe schaut ganz schön viel TV. Über seine schlimmsten Funde spricht er mit Aurel Mertz und sinniert darüber, welche Auswirkungen Assi-TV auf die Gesellschaft hat. Erfahrt hier außerdem, wie seine Produktion es schafft, passende Kostüme für ihn zu finden und ob die Leute, die er parodiert, das Ganze eher als Kompliment oder Beleidigung ansehen! Alles zur neuen Staffel Boomarama 3000 - http://bit.ly/t5-Boomarama3000YouTube Abonnieren - http://bit.ly/TELE5-YouTube • Boomarama auf Facebook: http://facebook.com/boomaramatv • Boomarama auf Twitter: http://twitter.com/boomarama • TELE 5 Website: http://www.tele5.de/
John Robie is suspected of a new rash of gem thefts in the luxury hotels of the French Riviera, and he must set out to clear himself. Meeting pampered heiress Frances (Grace Kelly), he sees a chance to bait the mysterious thief with her mother's (Jessie Royce Landis) fabulous jewels. His plan backfires, however, but Frances, who believes him guilty, proves her love by helping him escape.
http://TheAvatarCourse.com - Updated to include subtitles in many languages. Digitally remastered audio and video. Recorded live on October 19, 2006 at the Professional Course in Orlando, Florida. Harry Palmer shares some of his realizations at the 20th anniversary of the founding of The Avatar Course. His attitude is "Make the best of what happens next." Updated audio and video with subtitles added in January 2013.
This is Mission: Impossible...like you've never seen it before! Tom Cruise stars as Ethan Hunt in this pulse-pounding thrill ride directed by J.J. Abrahms (Lost, Alias). Lured back into action by his agency superiors (Laurence Fishburne and Billy Crudup), Ethan faces his deadliest adversary yet - a sadistic weapons dealer named Owen Davian (Oscar® winner Phillip Seymour Hoffman). With the support of his IMF team (Ving Rhames, Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Maggie Q), Ethan leaps into spectacular adventure from Rome to Shanghai as he races to rescue a captured agent (Keri Russell) and stop Davian from eliminating his next target: Ethan's wife, Julia (Michelle Monaghan).
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Willkommen zu Schröcks Fernsehgarten. Rocket Beans TV präsentiert euch die persönlichste TV-Vorschau mit dem einzig wahren Daniel Schröckert. Montag: 00:38 Dienstag: 07:08 Mittwoch: 17:19 Donnerstag: 25:57 MONTAG, 30.06. 18:00 ARD/ZDF, WM Achtelfiniale 22:00 ARD/ZDF, WM Achtelfiniale 20:15 ARD, Die eiserne Lady http://amzn.to/1o5RMSG 20:15 Kabel1, Jackie Chan ist Nobody http://amzn.to/1o5RPOd 22:45 Kabel1, New Police Story http://amzn.to/1jlGOUT 22:50 ARD, Horrordroge Crystal Meth 00:30 NDR, The Guard -- Ein Ire sieht schwarz http://amzn.to/1jofN2N 01:10 ZDF, 66/67 -- Fairplay war gestern http://amzn.to/1nSSu8X DIENSTAG, 01.07. 19:05 N24, Tortuga -- Die Reise der Meeresschildkröte http://amzn.to/1mhfPJW 20:15 Tele5, Jackie Chan: Die Schlange im Schatten des Adlers http://a...
Minecraft Bedwars wieder mit den üblichen verdächtigen und ob wir dieses mal gewinnen wer weiß ? .............................................................. Schaut auch mal beim Micky vorbei : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1VhsZfG1ZorzfjCKl8vPbQ
Jenny, Jenny, who can I turn to?
You give me something I can hold onto
I know you think I'm like the others before
Who saw your name and number on the wall
Jenny, I got your number,
I need to make you mine.
Jenny, don't change your number,
8-6-7-5-3-0-9 (8-6-7-5-3-0-9)
8-6-7-5-3-0-9 (8-6-7-5-3-0-9)
Jenny, Jenny, you're the girl for me.
You don't know me but you make me so happy.
I tried to call you before but I lost my nerve.
I tried my imagination, but I was disturbed.
Jenny, I got your number,
I need to make you mine.
Jenny, don't change your number,
8-6-7-5-3-0-9 (8-6-7-5-3-0-9)
8-6-7-5-3-0-9 (8-6-7-5-3-0-9)
I got it, I got it, I got it!
I got your number on the wall!
I got it, I got it, I got it!
For a good time, for a good time call....
Jenny, don't change your number.
I need to make you mine.
Jenny. I'll call your number,
8-6-7-5-3-0-9 (8-6-7-5-3-0-9)
8-6-7-5-3-0-9 (8-6-7-5-3-0-9)
Jenny, Jenny who can I turn to? (8-6-7-5-3-0-9)
For the price of a dime I can always turn to you.
8-6-7-5-3-0-9 (8-6-7-5-3-0-9)
8-6-7-5-3-0-9 (8-6-7-5-3-0-9)
8-6-7-5-3-0-9(//fade out//)