
Budget repair demands resource tax fix

Australia's political leaders would have done well this week to listen to Paul McClintock. Speaking at a conference of the business-backed Committee for the Economic Development of Australia at Parliament House, the group's chairman made a strong case for the government to accept that the national budget faces a revenue problem, not just an expenditure problem.

He outlined $15 billion in proposed new revenue streams to help balance the budget. We endorse many of them, including ending negative gearing and improving taxation of superannuation contributions, and broadly support the intent. Whether or not you agree with all of CEDA's suggestions, the central point was clear: the budget is long overdue for structural changes to transform it into a fairer and more economically sustainable model. In Mr McClintock's words, finding additional revenue streams is "the only realistic way to balance the budget quickly".

The present design of petroleum resource rent tax is not delivering for taxpayers.
The present design of petroleum resource rent tax is not delivering for taxpayers. 

One area ripe for investigation in the name of deficit reduction is Australia's paltry return from the booming export gas industry.

As The Age reported this week, in five years Australia is expected to pass Qatar to become the world's biggest exporter of liquefied natural gas. But where the Gulf state is expected to receive $26.6 billion in royalties from the multinationals pumping and shipping 100 billion cubic metres of LNG from its offshore gas fields, Australia's Treasury estimates it will rake in just $800 million for the same amount.

The petroleum resource rent tax is designed to just draw a levy on super-profits only. While this model, rather than a flat royalty, makes some sense given the boom and bust nature of the industry, there are serious questions to be asked about whether the current design is delivering taxpayers what it should. The Australian Taxation Office has estimated the sector could pocket as much as $187 billion in sales before paying any rent.

Unpublished ATO figures also suggest only 5 per cent of oil and gas projects operating in Australia paid resource rent tax last financial year. Yet revenue from the industry, which is predominantly LNG projects off Western Australia and coal seam gas development in Queensland, reached $25 billion.


It is not a new idea that the petroleum resource rent tax is not fit-for-purpose. Back in 2010, the Henry tax review warned the Commonwealth was failing to collect an appropriate share of resource rents from successful projects because successful investors were being over-compensated for deferring deductions. In April this year, Fairfax Media revealed documents prepared for the Western Australian government found it would be decades before projects such as the $70 billion Gorgon facility in that state yielded revenue of note for the Commonwealth.

Diane Kraal, a Monash University senior lecturer who has studied the petroleum resource rent tax for nearly 30 years, makes a persuasive case when she argues that, despite huge growth in the industry, it is unlikely the amount paid by multinational LNG companies will significantly increase in her lifetime under current settings.

As she points out, the tax was designed with the comparatively volatile oil market in mind, not for LNG producers who now dominate the sector and hold stable, long-term supply contracts. She believes a federal royalty, similar to the model in place before 1987, should be reintroduced.

In this environment, it is not surprising that the Tax Justice Network, backed by 20 unions and left-leaning organisations focused on social justice, called on the Prime Minister to hold a parliamentary inquiry into the taxing scheme.

Support is building in Parliament for this approach. If it is serious about deficit reduction, we believe it is vital an inquiry be held as a first step, and the government and opposition should commit to act on its recommendations.