'Gary Brown' is featured as a movie character in the following productions:
Feast (1992)
E.Z. Ryder (actor),
William Smith (actor),
Alan Adrian (miscellaneous crew),
Kelly Nichols (actress),
Mike Tristano (director),
Holly Ryder (actress),
Sharon Mitchell (actress),
Veronica Hart (actress),
Ron Jeremy (actor),
Titus Moede (actor),
Margo Romero (actress),
Neil Delama (actor),
Joe Haggerty (producer),
Ann Osmond (actress),
Al Troupe (producer),
Taglines: For those with an appetite for flesh!
Crash Landing: The Rescue of Flight 232 (1992)
Tom Everett (actor),
Philip Baker Hall (actor),
Charles Fox (composer),
James Coburn (actor),
Richard Thomas (actor),
Lamont Johnson (director),
Leon Russom (actor),
Charlton Heston (actor),
Carmen Argenziano (actor),
Bruce McGill (actor),
John M. Jackson (actor),
Harve Bennett (writer),
Paul LaMastra (editor),
Arthur Rosenberg (actor),
Paul A. Levin (producer),
Plot: Authentic drama of United Airlines flight 232 from Denver to Chicago. The DC-10 crashed during an emergency landing at Sioux City Gateway Airport on July 19, 1989. 184 people survived, partly thanks to the ground rescue workers who had 40 minutes to prepare for the event.
Keywords: airplane-accident, based-on-true-story, iowa, number-in-title, rescue
Taglines: In 1988, Sioux City Iowa organized a revolutionary "Disaster Preparedness Program." On July 19th, 1989, they needed every trick in the book.
Al Haynes: Denver Tower, this is United 232 heavy, ready for take-off, 35 Right.::Denver Tower Controller: 232 heavy, cleared for take-off, 35 Right, and have a good day sir.::Al Haynes: Denver Tower, roger that, cleared for take-off runway 35 Right... and you have a good one too.
Jim Hathaway: Mount up, Red Dog, they need the pros again.
[Noticing that the aircraft is approaching the airport from behind them, and lining up on the runway they occup]::Fireman: He's coming in behind us... he's coming right at us!
Heidi: Better pick up. It's Marg at the Comm Center!::Gary Brown: Yeah, Marg?::Marg: I... I just got a call from Sioux Tower. Get on the loop.::Gary Brown: I'm on.::Chris Porter: Understand Sioux City is option one after Des Moines. Is pilot aware Sioux Gateway's longest runway is 9,000 feet?::Minneapolis Center: Sioux City, at this time pilot is just, uh, looking for a home.::Chris Porter: Roger, standing by.::[pause]::Gary Brown: My God. Rich! Rich! Get the comm trailer out to Gateway, I think we got something going on. Heidi? This one's real!
[over P.A]::Sioux City Fire Dispatch: 2403 Ogden Avenue, Sioux Gateway Airport, Alert Two.
Chris Porter: Where is he going? He can't make the turn to 31.::Mack Zubinski: Hey! He's coming in on 22.::Chris Porter: Uh, Sir? that, uh, runway is closed. That's 22, Sir. But if you have to, you can line up on it.::Al Haynes: Well, we're pretty well lined up now. How long is that runway?::Chris Porter: Uh, United 232 Heavy. Okay, Sir. T-t-that will work. It's 6,600 feet, and the equipment's coming off.
Marg: Rescue One, this is Comm Center. What have you got there, dear?::Gary Brown: She's down and burning! It's a big jet fuel fire. Bob says we got plenty of foam but not water. We need every truck full!::Marg: What about survivors?::Gary Brown: I don't think so, Marg.
Al Haynes: We must have taken out all the hydraulics lines at once, is that possible?::Bill Records: Well, they all come together back there.::Al Haynes: Get on the yoke with me, will you? I don't know if it's doing any good or not, but it's all we got. You need to handle the number three throttles too. I can't handle them both. Dudley, what does the manual say?::Dudley Dvorak: See page I-63.::United Airlines Maintenance: 232, systems maintenance. Understand you have normal power on number one and number three engine?::Al Haynes: Maintenance, 232, affirmative. We need help on loss of all, repeat, all hydraulic systems. What have you got, Dudley?::Dudley Dvorak: [frantically] Main bus, main backup, the hell! It doesn't say anything about all three out! It's not supposed to happen!::Al Haynes: Minneapolis Center, United 232 Heavy.::Minneapolis Center: 232, go ahead.::Al Haynes: Sir, we have a problem. We have no hydraulic fluid, which means we have no elevator control, almost none. We have a little aileron control. We're trying to steer with throttles only. I have serious doubts about reaching destination. Do you know someplace nearby where we might be able to land? If I don't take control of this airplane soon, I'll have to put her down wherever she happens to be.::Minneapolis Center: 232, Roger. Standby one.::[pause]::United Airlines Maintenance: 232, systems maintenance. You might try flight manual, page I-63.::Dudley Dvorak: I'm on I-63!::Minneapolis Center: 232 Heavy, Minneapolis Center. Do you wish to declare an emergency?::Al Haynes: Yes, Sir! That is affirmative. We'd appreciate all the help we can get.
Dennis Fitch: Tell you what. We'll all have a beer when we get this sucker down.::Al Haynes: I don't drink, but I'll sure as hell have one on that!
[picking up the telephone]::Mack Zubinski: Sioux City Tower? Say again? 232 Heavy? Confirm me heavy. Understand, a DC-10 squawking 7700. Roger, standing by.::[to Porter]::Mack Zubinski: Minneapolis Center. Get set for an emergency hand-off.::Chris Porter: A DC-10?::Mack Zubinski: Yeah. Tail engine blown out, no hydraulics. Only control he's got is right and left throttle. Poor bastard's circling high and looking for a place to land.::Chris Porter: You wanna take approach control?::Mack Zubinski: No, you'll do fine. I'm right behind you.
Skyjacked (1972)
Mariette Hartley (actress),
Jeanne Crain (actress),
Dan White (actor),
Susan Dey (actress),
Walter Pidgeon (actor),
Roy Engel (actor),
Claude Akins (actor),
John Fiedler (actor),
Kenner G. Kemp (actor),
Nicholas Hammond (actor),
James Brolin (actor),
Charlton Heston (actor),
John Hillerman (actor),
Yvette Mimieux (actress),
Ross Elliott (actor),
Plot: A crazed Vietnam vet bomber hijacks a Boeing 707 in this disaster film filled with the usual early '70s stereotypes, and demands to be taken to Russia.
Keywords: airplane, airplane-hijack, based-on-novel, disaster, disaster-film, sergeant, suspense, vietnam
Taglines: The Sky's The Limit For Suspense On Board Flight 502 Is A Bomb. It Could Be Anywhere. And A Skyjacker. It Could Be Anyone. This is your captain... we have a skyjacker on board.
[first lines]::John Bimonte: [Hank is doing his walk-around the aircraft] Hey, Hank! Ready to go.::Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: Wrong! You got a broken cowling latch here.::John Bimonte: What the hell? I'll get right on it.::Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: Take all the time you want, John. You got 10 minutes.
Angela Thacher: Economy's straight back there.::Elly Brewster: I'm traveling First Class.::Angela Thacher: [looking at her ticket, surprised] Oh. Miss Brewster. You'll find your seat right...::Elly Brewster: ...there. You bet I will!
Elly Brewster: Miss! Miss! In there. Lipstick. There's lipstick in the john.::Angela Thacher: Lipstick.::Elly Brewster: Yes, on the mirror. Go and see for yourself.::Angela Thacher: Wait right here.::[Angies enters and leaves the lavatory, looking very serious]::Elly Brewster: Did you see it? Did you see it?::Angela Thacher: [whispering] Would you keep your voice down?::Elly Brewster: I'm trying to, damn you.::[Angie whispers something in Lovejoy's ear, asking her to go get the Captain]::Angela Thacher: Miss Brewster? Hey, take it easy, okay?::Elly Brewster: I never thought about dying before.
Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: [over the P.A] I'd like to repeat one thing: this threat is probably a hoax. There is no real cause for alarm. Anchorage is a routine destination for Global. I've told you substantially everything there is to know, but I promise you I'll pass on any further information as soon as I get it. Well, one good thing: all drinks are on the airline for everyone. You can unfasten your seat belts, but keep an eye on the sign as we turn into the airport. Thank you.
Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: [On approach to Anchorage] Okay Air Force, you on the line?::Sgt. Ben Puzo: Yes sir! Sergeant Ben Puzo. Trust your soul to God, Captain, because your ass belongs to me.::Anchorage Approach supervisor: Sergeant! Regulations don't permit that kind of language!::Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: Screw the regulations! Sergeant, I accept your offer.
Jerome K. Weber: [Pulls pin on grenade, holding it up] All right you heroes, come and get it!
Jerome K. Weber: [Sees the crew trying to get the FBI agent out of the cargo hold] All right, close it up!::Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: There's a man down in that hold! We're almost at 39,000 feet, he'll freeze to death!::Jerome K. Weber: You put a Federal bastard on MY aircraft? [Cracks O'Hara in the face]::Jerome K. Weber: Ok, Captain, you want him, go get him! [Cracks O'Hara in the face again] That's what you get for doing your duty! It's standard! More?::Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: You're not going to touch me again!::Jerome K. Weber: [Points gun at O'Hara] I'll kill you!::Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: Not me, not anybody on this airplane. You need me. There's no Moscow unless that man comes up out of there! Nobody dies on my airplane! Not me, not him...::Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: [motions to agent]::Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: ...not them...::Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: [motions to Sam and John]::Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: ...not even you, you son of a bitch!
Sam Allen: - [Captain O'Hara has tossed him an object that the hijacker had placed in the plane's restroom] What is it?::John Bimonte: Some kind of a detonator.::Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: It's disarmed.::John Bimonte: What good is it?::Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: Well, he left it in the head to prove he wasn't bluffing.::Sam Allen: How do we know it's a "he"? I mean, the guys I know don't usually wear lipstick.::John Bimonte: [scoffing] Maybe it's some menopausal broad?::Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: Knock it off! Break out the computer, John.::John Bimonte: Anchorage?::Capt. Henry 'Hank' O'Hara: Anchorage!
Sgt. Ben Puzo: [Over the radio with Captain O'Hara, as he guides the jet into Anchorage] Very nice, Captain... If you ever want to earn an honest living, I think I can find you a home in the Air Force, flying cargo. Watch that heading...
Jerome K. Weber: [On the cockpit radio, shortly after the hijacked plane has landed in Moscow, Russia] This is Sergeant Jerome K. Weber. I'm in command of flight 502. Is your commanding officer standing by?::Moscow radio contact: We read you.::Jerome K. Weber: My serial number is 567345787. Length of service: 8 years, 7 months, 22 days. Qualified expert: M-16 rifle, .30 caliber carbine, M-60 machine gun, and .38 caliber pistol. Formerly served: 1st Regiment, 47th Battalion, of the 1st Infantry Division. I am placing myself at the disposal of your government, along with this Boeing 707 jet airliner. Among my passengers is a United States senator, and a federal security agent. I will receive your commanding officer aboard my aircraft at his earliest convenience. I will require a short rest before commencing debriefing and active service. Thank you.