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ABC Religion and Ethics 17 Oct 2016

The online explosion has meant we have access to more information than ever before. What we don't have is the time to sort through it, weigh it against other information and consider what the consequences of it are. More

News Online 14 Oct 2016

Writer and media personality Waleed Aly delivers the Andrew Olle media lecture, calling for the media to stop pursuing short-term victories at long-term cost to its authority. More

News Online 14 Oct 2016

We are struck overwhelmingly by the appalling features of this US presidential campaign. But look again, and there are some positives to be found among the muck. More

News Online 12 Oct 2016

Facebook is gearing up to bring social networking into the workplace with its newly renamed Workplace service, but privacy and security issues have some companies worried, writes David Glance, director of the UWA Centre for S… More

News Online 12 Oct 2016

Will the failure of the Galaxy Note 7 cause lasting damage to the Samsung brand? In South Korea, the answer is clearly no, writes David Glance from Seoul. More

News Online 11 Oct 2016

We live in a post-Edward Snowden world, where examples of indiscriminate surveillance are increasingly coming to light. What can we do about it? More

News Online 5 Oct 2016

Auto-translation software has been pretty frustrating to use. But the news of vast improvements to Google's translation software raises the prospect that you may soon browse websites in any language. More

News Online 1 Oct 2016

Disney's new film Moana has Jo Fox wondering what makes a strong female hero. More

News Online 28 Sep 2016

Facebook has already proved it can increase the number of people who vote in elections. But what if it tries to influence how they vote? More

Big Idea 27 Sep 2016

Biohackers are springing up in amateur DIY laboratories across America and Europe. These groups of biological explorers and risk takers are tinkering with the edges of science and technology. Genspace in NewYork, BioCurious i… More

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