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RSS (Health and Medical News in Science web feed) News in Science


Many psychology studies fail the replication test

Friday, 28 August 2015

Scientific studies about how people act or think can rarely be replicated by outside experts, according to a new study that raises questions about the seriousness of psychology research.

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RSS (Health and Medical Analysis web feed)Analysis

DNA test

The pressure to fudge medical research

Why are large numbers of medical researchers apparently misrepresenting their findings? Sophie Scott investigates.

RSS (Health and Medical Science Features web feed)Science Features

app user

Apps that help you get to know the world around you

Feel like your head's always buried in a smartphone? We've got some apps to get you into the world outside your phone.

RSS (Health and Medical Ask an Expert web feed)Ask an Expert

pumping iron

Do our cells grow in size as we grow?

Cells are the fundamental units that make up our body, so what happens to them when we grow? That depends upon the type of cell.

RSS (Health and Medical Dr Karl's Great Moments In Science web feed) Great Moments in Science

Why do mozzies love some people but not others?

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Why are some people mosquito magnets, while others seem to be blissfully bite-free?

How a common chemical in sunscreen damages coral reefs

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

People need to avoid skin damage when they go to the beach, but many sunscreens include oxybenzone, but that's bad news for coral, explains Dr Karl.

RSS (Health and Medical Science Quizzes web feed) Science Quizzes

How much science do you know?

Saturday, 13 August 2016

From chemistry to physics and anatomy to medicine exercise your brain during National Science Week with this quick quiz.

RSS (Health and Medical Science Games web feed) Science Games

Experts say Jupiter could cause planetary mayhem in our solar systemNews in Science 2009 quiz

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Planetary mayhem, a patent win for CSIRO and another Australian Nobel Laureate were just some of the stories our news team covered this year.

RSS (Health and Medical Science Careers web feed) Science Careers

Biomedical engineer David Hobbs applies technology to medicineBiomedical engineer

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Self-confessed geek David Hobbs combines his love of technology with medicine. Watch Ace Day Jobs to find out how he became a biomedical engineer.

Nathan Cochrane researches tooth decay and develops new ways to treat itDental researcher

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Nathan Cochrane fights tooth decay. Watch Ace Day Jobs to find out about why he is passionate about dental health.

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more Influenza

Chinese chicken

Silent spread of bird flu raises pandemic fears

A deadly strain of bird flu known to infect humans is spreading rapidly and silently through chicken populations across China.

more Diet and Nutrition

Chicken korma

Gene mutation drives compulsion to eat fatty foods

People who carry a particular genetic mutation linked to obesity are more likely to crave high-fat food but bypass sugary foods, a new study indicates.

more Diseases and Disorders

blood and bacteria

Blood biomarker predicts death from serious infection

Scientists have found a biomarker in the blood can tell if a person is more likely than others to die early from pneumonia or sepsis.

more Exercise and Fitness

girl jogging

Why exercise might boost your memory

Struggling to remember where you left your keys?

more Medical Research

Bunny in a cage

Could animal testing ever be completely banned?

There is an uncomfortable truth to modern medicine; the drugs you take have, at one time, been tested on a live animal.