World News


  1. Farmers for Trump in Ohio

    Donald Trump's promise to wind back globalisation resonates particularly strongly in north-eastern Ohio, where many blame free trade deals for sending thousands of jobs offshore.

  2. Economic 'disasters under Trump'

    If Trump does get elected there may be severe economic and financial consequences.

  3. Iraqi family returns home

    Homesick but happy, an Iraqi family makes the difficult and dangerous journey home to the village they fled a year earlier.

  4. Domestic violence in Indonesia

    In Indonesia, one Australian takes it on herself to begin counting the number of women violently killed across the archipelago each year.

  5. NATO seeks Russia backing

    NATO is to seek financial and political backing for its biggest military build-up on Russia's border since the Cold War.

  6. Opinion: Clinton election

    Donald Trump has distracted us from scrutinising Hillary Clinton's global policies if she becomes president, and the signs are not good, Joseph Camilleri writes.

  7. Rohingya silent persecution

    Burmese activist and writer Ma Thida discusses why leader Aung San Suu Kyi has not spoken out against the persecution of Rohingya Muslims more strongly.

  8. Indian smart city land grabs

    Farmers say they are being offered infertile plots as compensation while India pushes ahead with its 100 smart cities idea.

  9. Russia vs the US election?

    Russia Today's managing editor Alexei Nikolov discusses Moscow's alleged interference with the US presidential election process.

  10. Life as a Muslim stand-up

    For years Sakdiyah Ma'ruf hid her job as one of Indonesia's first female Muslim stand-up comedians — not anymore.

  11. Pakistan attack's joint claims

    Both Al Qaeda and Islamic State have claimed responsibility for a suicide attack on a police training academy that left dozens dead.

  12. Refugee camp saving boys

    In northern Iraq, teenage boys — seen as prime recruits by Islamic State — are arriving in significant numbers in refugee camps alone.

  13. US election: Hillary who?

    Hillary Clinton may have pulled ahead in the polls but in this part of the US Donald Trump reigns supreme.

  14. Will Brexit be hard or soft?

    Few are foolish enough to state exactly what the Brexit referendum result might mean, but like some of our favourite foods, it can be served two different ways.

  15. Mosul: The limits of war

    Respect for humanitarian law is all the people of Mosul can hope for — not only from those holding the city, but from those attacking it.

  16. Spain's renewable energy

    Spain is generating enough wind energy to power more than 29 million homes every day, according to one of the biggest energy firms.

  17. US election: Trump too late?

    Political science expert Matt Dickinson discusses the current state of both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's campaigns.

  18. Israeli tattoos heal wounds

    Leading tattoo artists help Israelis cover up the scars of tragedy and loss, transforming their pain into a source of pride.

  19. Hungary challenges EU

    Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban is opening a Pandora's box of problems for an already shaky EU.

  1. UN chief could win South Korean presidency

    United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is the odds-on favourite to be the next president of South Korea — if he wants the job — thanks to high name recognition, a clean reputation and what is seen to be a lacklustre field of rivals.

    But vying for the December 2017 election would cast him into a political arena far more bruising than the genteel give-and-take of global diplomacy to which he is accustomed, exposing his family, finances and career to intense scrutiny.

  1. Japan blocks whale sanctuary

    Countries led by Japan block a move to create a South Atlantic whale sanctuary, which supporters say are endangered.

  2. Australian jailed for 15 years

    Australian man Robert Andrew Fiddes Ellis is jailed for 15 years for sexually abusing 11 young girls in Bali.

  3. India PM backs Sharia change

    India's Muslim men can still unilaterally divorce their wives simply by saying "talaq", meaning divorce, three times.

  4. China blast injures scores

    A powerful blast in north-west China kills at least seven people and injures 94 others, state media says.