London, UK, 5th June
1. Pan of people eating in pavement restaurant in
Covent Garden
2. Mid of young girl eating and looking at cupcakes
Tilt up of cupcakes
4. Wide shot stall serving hot food
Close up sausages being grilled
6. Wide shot woman looking at food at market stall
7. Pan of
French pastry stand
8. Close of almond croissants
9. Pan of Hempel hotel garden
10. Mid of food blogger taking photos of water melon
11. Close of water melon with blogger taking pictures in background
12. Close of blogger looking at digital pictures on camera
Nick Wyke, TheTimes
Online Food Editor:
"I think people food blog because it's a great avenue or platform for self expression.
It's a way of organising their thoughts, serving up their passions and interests about food and connecting with other people, with like minded people."
Various screen shot of food blog www.peanutbutterjelous.com
15. Various screen shot of food blog www.whatsforlunchhoney.net
16. Various of food blog www.dirtykitchensecrets.com
17. SOUNDBITE (English)
Bethany Kehdy, Food Blogger, Food Blogger
Connect (
FBC) organiser:
"We started Food Blogger Connect because for a lot of us we wanted to travel and we couldn't travel really out to
California for a lot of the food blogging conferences, which is where most of the food blogging conferences happen. So we thought it would be a great idea to create something like that here and develop sort of a community based like the ones in the US for food bloggers, so we can enrich them, for a lot of people who want to pursue food blogging for a profession or just build different skill sets that are required."
18. Various food bloggers eating lunch
19. Various of food bloggers taking photos of cakes
20. Mid of food blogger and photographer Mowie Kay (www.mowielicious.com) teaching attendees how to take photos
21. SOUNBITE (English ) Mowie Kay, Food Blogger and
Photographer, www.mowielicious.com:
Today I was talking about food photography and how to shoot 'food porn' basically. And we where talking about images that you can create to make the reader of your blog really excited about the photos and when they land on your site that they see the photos and they get drawn in by it and they want to read more about it
22. Various of bloggers taking photos of cakes
23. Close of strawberry cakes
24. Various of food blog Web site www.MyKugelhopf.ch
25. SOUNDBITE (English) Kerrin Rousset, Food Blogger, www.MyKugelhopf.ch:
People have so many different styles whether they are doing blogs just with recipes, blogs with text writing about travel and food, which is actually what I do. There's an innumerable amount of styles out there and you really just have to feel it out and find your own and work with it."
26. Various of
Brazilian food blog www.cucaBrazuca.com
27. SOUNDBITE (English)
Nando Farah, Food Blogger, www.Cucabrazuca.com:
"Well I blog because not many people talk about Brazilian food it's a really sort of obscure subject, nobody precisely knows what Brazilian food is."
28. SOUNDBITE (English)
Stacey Fisher and Natashka Goolsby, Food Bloggers, www.peanutbutterjealous.com:
"We love food, we love recipes cooking eating out and I guess often we just feel like when we read recipes either we want to tweak them a little bit or we think we have something that's really delicious. My mum came up with the cool concept, she was like 'well we love hosting people, being hostesses' and so we kind of thought 'well this is like the virtual form of having a dinner party, you can all come, we don't have to cook that much."
29. Mid of Meeta Khurana taking photos of cakes
Screen shot of Meeta's Web site www.whatsforlunchhoney.net
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- published: 24 Jul 2015
- views: 28