- published: 12 Dec 2006
- views: 4254959
Beyond may refer to:
Beyond 04: 灰色軌跡
Beyond 05: 光輝歲月
BEYOND【海闊天空】Official Music Video
Beyond Live 1991 紅館演唱會 - 全集
BEYOND - 海闊天空
Daft Punk - Beyond (Official Audio)
Beyond Live1991生命接觸演唱會(有字幕清晰)
Beyond - 情人
Red Dead Redemption 2 Expectations, PS VR, and Battlefield 1 - Podcast Beyond Episode 464
Beyond the Rift #13: Assassin Reworks, Challenger Physical Rewards, Current Meta & Semifinals
【ROCK BEYOND】 不管世事變化多快,在音樂的世界裡 一切 海闊天空 珍惜BEYOND過去的十年 期待BEYOND未來的無數年 〈海闊天空〉是黃家駒為BEYOND成立十週年而作的, 刻劃著他們十年來的心路歷程。 記得與家駒談到此首歌的原創動機時,他的情緒是百感交集的。 他曾說過,BEYOND十年裡起起伏伏, 曾意氣風發、也會感到疲倦、甚至無奈。 可還是很幸運,作音樂那麼久,仍不被外來的阻力腐化或變質。 而仍有眾多樂迷肯定BEYOND、支持BEYOND, 這也成為BEYOND永遠奮鬥的力量。 哪怕只有一個人支持,BEYOND永遠奉獻於音樂。 海闊天空 作詞:黃家駒 作曲:黃家駒 今天我 寒夜裡看雪飄過 懷著冷卻了的心窩漂遠方 風雨裏追趕 霧裡分不清影蹤 天空海闊你與我 可會變 (誰沒在變) 多少次 迎著冷眼與嘲笑 從沒有放棄過心中的理想 一剎那恍惚 若有所失的感覺 不知不覺已變淡 心裡愛 (誰明白我) 原諒我這一生不羈放縱愛自由 也會怕有一天會跌倒 背棄了理想 誰人都可以 那會怕有一天只你共我 今天我 寒夜裡看雪飄過 懷著冷卻了的心窩漂遠方 風雨裏追趕 霧裡分不清影蹤 天空海闊你與我 可會變 (誰沒在變) 原諒我這一生不羈放縱愛自由 也會怕有一天會跌倒 背棄了理想 誰人都可以 那會怕有一天只你共我 仍然自由自我 永遠高唱我歌走遍千里 原諒我這一生不羈放縱愛自由 也會怕有一天會跌倒 背棄了理想 誰人都可以 那會怕有一天只你共我 背棄了理想 誰人都可以 那會怕有一天只你共我 原諒我這一生不羈放縱愛自由 也會怕有一天會跌倒 背棄了理想 誰人都可以 那會怕有一天只你共我
大碟名稱:『樂與怒』 推出日期:1993 BEYOND - 海闊天空 In Memory of Wong Ka Kui 永遠懷念 - 黄家駒 (1962 June 10 - 1993 June 30) (aged 31) 香港電台 1994「第十六屆十大中文金曲」 十大中文金曲 - 海闊天空 無休止符紀念獎 - 黃家駒 商業電台 1994「1993年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」 叱咤樂壇我最喜愛的本地創作歌曲大獎 - 海闊天空 黄家駒生於香港,籍貫廣東台山, 香港殿堂級搖滾樂隊Beyond的主音歌手、 吉他手及創隊成員,樂隊靈魂人物,擅長於創作, 吉他技術精湛,極具音樂才華,是香港樂壇公認的巨星。 他是Beyond樂隊低音吉他手黃家強的二哥。 黃家駒以獨特的沙啞嗓音、尾音處理巧妙見稱。 自小與家人居住在蘇屋邨。 初中時代因朋友的潛移默化愛上西洋流行音樂, 15歲時因無意撿到鄰居搬家時所遺留下的一把民謠吉他, 而令他與這種樂器結下不解之緣。於博允中學中五畢業後, 黃家駒曾任職辦公室助理、五金、冷氣、水電工程、 電視台佈景員等,甚至加入樂隊鼓手葉世榮任職的公司作保險經紀。 1980年,黃家駒經琴行老闆介紹下認識葉世榮, 發覺彼此音樂興趣相近,聯同兩位朋友鄧煒謙及李榮潮 一起組成樂隊作音樂交流,此為「Beyond的雛型」。 1983年「Beyond」正式組成,經過幾次人事變動, 期間低音結他手黃家強及主音結他手黃貫中先後加入, 自資舉辦《永遠等待演唱會》及推出盒帶《再見理想》後, 得到專業經理人的協助,進入商業流行樂壇。 黃家駒在世時,Beyond發表之作品 大部分均為黃家駒作曲,填詞及演唱,除了經樂隊發表作品, 黃家駒偶爾也為其他歌手作曲, 曾經合作歌手包括許冠傑、譚詠麟、麥潔文等。 後來由於Beyond四人時代後期所屬唱片公司(華納) 的高層抱著「好作品應留給...
Random Access Memories, in-stores now: iTunes: http://smarturl.it/RAMiTunes Amazon (CD/LP): http://smarturl.it/ram-amazon Direct (CD/LP): http://www.myplaydirect.com/daft-punk Music video by Daft Punk performing Beyond. (C) 2013 Daft Life Limited under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment
This week, we gab about Red Dead 2, Battlefield 1, and how much Brian loves his PlayStation VR.
Topics w/ Timestamps: 03:33 - How Hyped are you about the Challenger Physical Rewards? 09:25 - Major Changes for Assassins have been announced including Kat, Talon, Rengar and LeBlanc. Thoughts? 15:56 - Many Junglers have claimed the current Jungle in Solo Q is fairly Brainless. Do you agree. 23:03 - Replays, Practice Tools and new client have been announced. Are these as helpful as players think they are? 30:36 - The Bot Lane Meta has changed due to the Recent Lane Swap Patch. Like it or Hate it? 37:49 - Quarterfinals Predictions Recap 39:34 - Semifinals Predictions 54:12 - Discord Q&A; This show wouldn't be possible without the sponsorship from: Bloody USA, follow them here: @BloodyUSA and http://www.bloodyusa.com/ & Discord - Join our Server at https://discord.gg/BTR and ask questi...
LEGO Batman 3 :Beyond Gotham Game Movie Part 1
Beyond Time is the fourth chapter of the enthralling Sarah Pennington saga, which follows Sarah's exploits as a member of the Secret Order of the Griffin and the Order's fight against the sinister Dragon Clan. Delve into the fourth chapter of the enthralling saga of Sarah Pennington and her fight against the sinister Dragon Clan. THE MYSTERIOUS JOURNEY CONTINUES! Sarah is trapped in past after her Royal Griffin sunk with a time machine on board. EXPLORE 47 STUNNING LOCATIONS! To return home, Sarah will need to enlist help of Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci, and other historical figures. MESMERIZING CUTSCENES IN ANCIENT WORLDS! Sarah will visit forgotten worlds full of mysterious artifacts to find a way to contact her father and ask for his help. BEFRIEND AN ANCIENT HELPER! Sarah's l...
Emily Miller and Shane-the-Nelson join us for some fun as we do a cover of Jack Lawrence's - Beyond The Sea www.Facebook.com/StringedKeys
My name is Stefan Eklund, a happy dude from Sandviken, Sweden. I publish videos from a band, Jappz here at youtube.
特殊な力を持って生まれた少女「ジョディ・ホームズ」 彼女と常に共にある霊体「エイデン」 彼らの辿る数奇な運命と感動の物語——— 毎日22時に次の動画が公開されます。チャンネル登録しておくとすぐに視聴できるのでおすすめ( ・ ω・ )ﻭ✧グッ ◼︎お願い◼︎ ①動画視聴は節度をもって楽しもう! ②コメント欄には一部NGワードが設定されてるよ(死ぬ、殺すetc)。意図せずワードにひっかかった場合コメント表示は一旦保留扱いになるけど、問題なければ時間差で表示されるからその時はあせらずに待ってね(=゚ω゚)ノ ③ただし意図的に他人を傷つける行為、勧誘、宣伝などした場合は容赦なくブロック対象、通報対象となるから気をつけてね! ◼︎◻︎◼︎◻︎◼︎◻︎◼︎◻︎◼︎◻︎◼︎◻︎◼︎◻︎◼︎ →次の動画 毎日22時に公開! →前の動画 https://youtu.be/Z--HpgRxzgE →まとめて見る(再生リスト) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7lBBQYYBNksDs7--t2dAQaSNt1TQfH92 ◻︎◼︎◻︎◼︎◻︎◼︎◻︎◼︎◻︎◼︎◻︎◼︎◻︎◼︎◻︎ ★その他のゲーム(再生リスト) 【ナルティメットストーム】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7lBBQYYBNktOQT4onjnx_PE504jqoB2D 【アサシンクリード1】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7lBBQYYBNkugT82ngsnncy3y8inz6ZkF 【アサシンクリード2】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7lBBQYYBNkt9QcBa4pOiMv...
Watch Live Full Concert Videos Here : ➦ [[http://media.musicfestival21.net/above-&-beyond-at-umf-brasil-2016/2_itHv9t7Ho]] For Watching This Concert Above & Beyond (Full Concert Streaming) at UMF Brasil 2016 - Friday, October 14, 2016 Full Concert [4k / Ultra HD Version 2016] ======================================== ➦ Artist Performs : Above & Beyond ➦ Location : UMF Brasil 2016 ➦ Date : Friday, October 14, 2016 ●========================================● Please Register First For Enjoy Videos . Now 75% Paid Off . For Register Click this Link : http://bit.ly/2cwgMUO Simple step to watch this live Stream music concert. ♫ No Hassle Sign up. Secure quick Sign up Which will allow to watch in minutes. ♫ watch Live Full Concert on any Device - Multiple feeds for your viewing pleasure. ♫ No So...
watch Star Trek Beyond streams online free ::[gayam]~~-~~16118 Star Trek Beyond 2016 – M.o.v.i.e: W.a.t.c.h in H.D.: http://kandani.website/1/2660888 ================================================= Star Trek Beyond F.u.l.l M.o.v.i.e 2016 Star Trek Beyond (2016) F.u.l.l M.o.v.i.e Star Trek Beyond F.u.l.l M.o.v.i.e O.n.l.i.n.e Star Trek Beyond F.u.l.l M.o.v.i.e E.n.g.l.i.s.h S.u.b.t.i.t.l.e Star Trek Beyond F.u.l.l M.o.v.i.e S.t.r.e.a.m.i.n.g Star Trek Beyond S.t.r.e.a.m.i.n.g O.n.l.i.n.e Star Trek Beyond O.n.l.i.n.e Star Trek Beyond E.n.g.l.i.s.h S.u.b.t.i.t.l.e Star Trek Beyond F.u.l.l M.o.v.i.e S.t.r.e.a.m.i.n.g Star Trek Beyond O.n.l.i.n.e S.t.r.e.a.m.i.n.g Star Trek Beyond S.t.r.e.a.m.i.n.g
Candak~~~~6824 Star Trek Beyond 2016 M.o.v.i.e.H.D. 'C.l.i.c.k.L.i.n.k.' : [[ http://bit.ly/2awHs7y ]] ============================================= Star Trek Beyond F.u.l.l M.o.v.i.e Star Trek Beyond (2016) F.u.l.l M.o.v.i.e Star Trek Beyond F.u.l.l M.o.v.i.e O.n.l.i.n.e Star Trek Beyond F.u.l.l M.o.v.i.e s.t.r.e.a.m.i.n.g Star Trek Beyond 2016 Star Trek Beyond f.r.e.e Star Trek Beyond F.u.l.l M.o.v.i.e e.n.g.l.i.s.h Star Trek Beyond Star Trek Beyond S.t.r.e.a.m.i.n.g Star Trek Beyond O.n.l.i.n.e Star Trek Beyond E.n.g.l.i.s.h S.u.b.t.i.t.l.e ©And connect with us in our Social pages: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/
One Step Beyond Trailer (2013) http://movieweb.com/movie/one-step-beyond/ Extreme skydiver-turned-filmmaker Sebastien Montaz-Rosset is back with a new independently produced doc. This time he is focusing on the world of base jumping -- specifically Geraldine Fasnacht who is a world-renowned snowboarder and base jumper. Subscribe to our Movie Channels: MOVIE TRAILERS: https://goo.gl/LdHc6Y MOVIEWEB: https://goo.gl/WI6mQ9 Follow Us: http://movieweb.com/ https://www.facebook.com/MovieWeb/ https://twitter.com/seetrailers https://twitter.com/movieweb https://plus.google.com/+movieweb/posts https://www.instagram.com/movieweb/ https://flipboard.com/@movieweb
Starring: Michael Rogers, Eva Allan, Scott Hylands, Marilyn Norry, Rondel Reynoldson, Ryley Zinger, Gerry South, Chris Gauthier, Geoffrey Conder, Roy Campsall, Richard Jollymore, Christian Sloan, Sara Stockstad Beyond the Black Rainbow Trailer 2 (2012) http://movieweb.com/movie/beyond-the-black-rainbow/ Despite being under heavy sedation, Elena tries to make her way out of Arboria, a secluded, quasi-futuristic commune. Subscribe to our Movie Channels: MOVIE TRAILERS: https://goo.gl/LdHc6Y MOVIEWEB: https://goo.gl/WI6mQ9 Follow Us: http://movieweb.com/ https://www.facebook.com/MovieWeb/ https://twitter.com/seetrailers https://twitter.com/movieweb https://plus.google.com/+movieweb/posts https://www.instagram.com/movieweb/ https://flipboard.com/@movieweb
Hey guys, Here are the titles to the album! Sorry for the long wait! 1) 海阔天空 00:00 - 05:15 2)情人 05:16-10:24 3)喜欢你 10:25-14:48 4)真的爱你 14:49-19:22 5)无尽空虚 19:23-23:55 6)光辉岁月 23:56-28:47 7)灰色轨迹 28:48-34:04 8)遙望 34:05 - 39:17 9)Amani 39:18 - 44:03 10)大地 44:04-48:19 11)长城 44:19-53:03 12)不再犹豫 53:04-57:07 13)不可一世 57:08-1:01:17 14)歲月無聲 1:01:18-01:06:00 15)无语问苍天 01:06:00-01:10:34 16)逝去日子01:10:35-01:14:25 Hope all those viewers out there enjoy Beyond's music!
不經不覺..家駒亦離開了我們22年.. 希望藉此串燒令大家又重溫Beyond精采經典粵語作品..雖然家駒離去及3子拆夥但Beyond永遠於華語樂壇佔有不可磨滅的地位~ 0:00 永遠等待 85live 版/ 2:23 再見理想/ 4:14 舊日的足跡/ 6:13 昔日舞曲/ 7:57 Waterboy/ 9:18 金屬狂人/ 10:31 阿拉伯跳舞女郎/ 11:42 孤單一吻/ 12:34 無聲的告別/ 13:33 現代舞台/ 14:14 秘密警察/ 14:55 衝開一切/ 15:53 大地/ 17:37 喜歡你/ 19:53 真的愛你/ 22:46 逝去日子/ 23:46 爆裂都市/ 25:07 午夜迷牆/ 26:04 歲月無聲/ 28:08 無悔這一生/ 29:31 午夜怨曲/ 30:36 是錯也再不分/ 31:35 未曾後悔/ 32:40 灰色軌跡/ 34:26 戰勝心魔/ 35:36 俾面派對 91 live/ 38:07 高溫派對/ 39:26 Amani/ 43:15 光輝歲月/ 46:46 冷雨夜/ 49:39 誰伴我闖蕩/ 51:49 不再猶豫/ 53:58 交織千個心/ 55:09 報答一生/ 56:26 長城/ 59:47 農民/ 1:01:05 遙望/ 1:02:46 早班火車/ 1:05:53 無盡空虛/ 1:07:31 無語問蒼天/ 1:08:09 可否衝破/ 1:09:00 不可一世/ 1:10:09 點解點解/ 1:11:21 爸爸媽媽/ 1:12:15 我是憤怒/ 1:13:50 狂人山莊/ 1:15:07 完全地愛吧/ 1:16:38 走不開的快樂/ 1:17:51 命運是你家/ 1:19:13 和平與愛/ 1:20:03 全是愛/ 1:20:59 為了你 為了我/ 1:22:28 情人/ 1:24:38 海闊天空/ 1:27:07 祝你愉...
© 1993 Warner Music Hong Kong This is for entertainment purposes only. Please support the artists by buying the album. 1. 我是憤怒 (0:01) 2. 爸爸媽媽 (4:10) 3. 和平與愛 (7:55) 4. 命運是你家 (11:26) 5. 全是愛 (14:53) 6. 海闊天空 (19:36) 7. 狂人山莊 (25:00) 8. 妄想 (29:15) 9. 完全地愛吧 (33:30) 10. 情人 (37:35) 11. 走不開的快樂 (42:54) 12. 無無謂 (47:14)
© 1992 Warner Music Hong Kong This is for entertainment purposes only. Please support the artists by buying the album. 1. 長城 (0:01) 2. 農民 (4:52) 3. 不可一世 (10:04) 4. Bye Bye (14:19) 5. 遙望 (17:40) 6. 温暖的家鄉 (23:00) 7. 可否冲破 (26:10) 8. 快樂王國 (30:54) 9. 繼續沉醉 (34:28) 10. 早班火車 (39:19) 11. 厭倦寂寞 (45:05) 12. 無語問蒼天 (49:24)
Chapter: 00:00:00 1.永遠等待 00:06:41 2.再見理想 00:11:31 3.亞拉伯跳舞女郎 00:15:23 4.赤紅熱血 00:19:08 5.爸爸媽媽 00:22:41 6.我是憤怒 00:26:41 7.歲月無聲 00:30:42 8.逝去日子 00:34:34 9.誰伴我闖蕩 00:38:59 10.願我能 00:43:31 11.遙望 00:48:56 12.情人 00:54:16 13.海闊天空 01:00:07 14.遙遠的PARADISE 01:05:03 15.祝您愉快 01:10:19 16.無事無事 01:14:08 17.困獸鬥 01:17:06 18.醒你 01:23:09 19.請將手放開 01:27:17 20.不見不散 01:33:08 21.抗戰二十年 01:37:30 22.長空 01:43:24 23.農民 01:48:08 24.追憶 01:52:29 25.Talk 內心說話 01:56:21 26.真的愛你 02:01:04 27.AMANI 02:06:34 28.光輝歲月 02:12:38 29.總有愛
Dream, beyond dreams
Beyond life you will find your song
Before sound, to be found close your eyes
Then rise, higher still, endless thrill
To the land of love beyond love
Come alive and you'll find
Forever watching you arrive
You are the night, you are the ocean
You are the light behind the cloud
You are the end and the beginning
A world with time is not allowed
There's no such thing as competition
To find a way we lose control
Remember love, the holy mission?
This is the journey of the soul
The perfect song is written with silence
It speaks of places never seen
Your home's a promise long forgotten