

Megyn Kelly's pivotal moment could prove a game changer for Fox News

Early last year, in an article in The New York Times Magazine, I defined what I called a "Megyn moment," in a profile of the Fox News host Megyn Kelly:

"When you, a Fox guest - maybe a regular guest or even an official contributor - are pursuing a line of argument that seems perfectly congruent with the Fox worldview, only to have Kelly seize on some part of it and call it out as nonsense, maybe even turn it back on you."

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Gingrich says news anchor 'fascinated with sex'

Former Speaker of the US House of Representatives and Donald Trump adviser Newt Gingrich has accused TV host Megyn Kelly of bias against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump as well as a "fascination with sex".

When I wrote that article, the Megyn moment was notable because it was so unusual.

Normally, if guests hewed close to Fox News' prime-time perspective (President Barack Obama, woefully incompetent or frighteningly efficient; Democrats, bad, especially Hillary Clinton; Republicans good, mostly all of them), they were pretty much safe from challenge.

In letting Kelly break from that orthodoxy here and there, the Fox News chief Roger Ailes seemed to be experimenting with ways to expand his channel's audience, which was older, whiter and in danger of atrophying despite its longtime perch atop the cable news ratings. Kelly's youth and divergent approach had the potential to draw in new viewers. The question at the time was, how far would he be willing to let these Megyn moments go? And what did that mean for Fox?

That question arose again after Kelly had another one of her moments Tuesday night, with a longtime Fox guest and contributor, Newt Gingrich, the former House of Representatives speaker.


But this time the question has taken on a more existential quality. The network's longtime chairman, Ailes, was ousted over sexual harassment accusations this year ; a potential new challenger is threatening to emerge from the right in Trump TV, however uncertain it might seem; and Kelly and Fox's other big star, Bill O'Reilly, are nearing the end of their contracts. Fox News' very future is on the line.

Kelly's moment Tuesday night initially fit the classic pattern. It began with Gingrich citing signs of positive news for Donald Trump from early voting counts, which he said augured a surprise victory for Trump.

Showdown: Newt Gingrich and Megyn Kelly.
Showdown: Newt Gingrich and Megyn Kelly. Photo: Supplied

Kelly, clearly mindful of four years ago, when so many Fox News hosts doubted polls showing an Obama re-election, challenged him.

"He's been behind in virtually every one of the last 40 polls that we've seen over the past month; that's the reality," she said of Trump.

Kelly has jousted with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in the past.
Kelly has jousted with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in the past. Photo: AP

But what really set Gingrich off was when Kelly said the sexual assault accusations against Trump were clearly taking a toll, raising questions about whether the candidate was "a sexual predator." Gingrich asked why Bill Clinton's accusers weren't getting covered, and Kelly replied by saying that on her show they were.

The exchange became edgier, and more personal. Gingrich told her she was "fascinated with sex," and she told him she was "fascinated by the protection of women."

She signed off by telling him, "You can take your anger issues and spend some time working on them," and he more or less said back atcha.

(Trump provided his assessment of the exchange Wednesday, saying "Congratulations, Newt, on last night. That was an amazing interview.")

Although the pattern was typical, the rancour was not, especially given that Gingrich is a longtime "Friend of Fox News" and onetime paid contributor.

And it represented a bigger split at Fox News. By all accounts, in the absence of Ailes, Kelly has been freer to pursue her show on her own terms, which are certainly not in line with those of either Hillary Clinton or Trump and therefore not in line with many in the Fox News core audience (let alone those of her old boss Ailes, who informally advised Trump before the debates).

The same has held true for the Fox contributors who have not embraced Trump's candidacy - like Dana Perino, the Republican co-host of The Five, and the Weekly Standard writer Stephen F. Hayes. They have been free to call it as they see it in ways that were not as obviously apparent earlier this year.

In that vein, the Fox News host Chris Wallace emerged as an exceptional debate moderator in the third presidential debate, holding firm with both candidates and asking tough questions of each.

Kelly, with Chris Wallace and Bret Baier, during the infamous Republican primary debate in August last year.

Kelly, with Chris Wallace and Bret Baier, during the infamous Republican primary debate in August last year. Photo: AP

But there's a flip side. In this "Free(er) to Be You And Me" environment at Fox, pro-Trump network personalities have become even pro-Trumpier, none more than Sean Hannity, the host whose show follows Kelly's. An informal adviser to Trump, his rhetoric has grown as incendiary as that of his candidate.

After Kelly's confrontation with Gingrich on Tuesday, Hannity announced on his radio show that if Trump won, he would personally pay to fly Obama to Canada or, for that matter, Kenya or Indonesia. It was a nod to the fake, old "birther" conspiracy that even Trump has eschewed after promoting it for years.

So there, Tuesday night, were the two futures of Fox.

Rupert Murdoch, whose family controls Fox News' parent company, 21st Century Fox, has so far mostly kept it in its Ailesian mode, which, after all, has made Fox News a major profit driver for its corporate parent and kept it atop the cable news ratings. And Murdoch's son Lachlan recently said it would be "foolish of us" to depart from "a winning strategy."

But CNN is nipping at Fox News' heels, managing to beat it in the news demographic that advertisers care most about - people between the ages of 25 and 54 - over the past four weeks, the first such sustained victory in 15 years.

Still, nothing forces decisions in television news like the hard deadlines of talent contracts. Kelly's comes up later next year, followed by that of O'Reilly. Every rival network has expressed interest in picking her up, and Tuesday night's Megyn moment can only help her in that regard.

The Murdochs have made it clear they would like Kelly to stay, which they showed with the $US6 million advance their book imprint HarperCollins paid for her coming memoir, Settle for More.

As Sarah Ellison of Vanity Fair noted at the magazine's New Establishment Summit in San Francisco last week, they would like to get the contract nailed down before she goes on her book tour next month.

But if they persuade her to stay, will there be room for her, Hannity and O'Reilly?

Both O'Reilly and Hannity have openly feuded with Kelly, although Hannity's fights have been more bitter and more recent. If Kelly stays, will they?

Who knows if Trump will pursue some sort of television news-style venture (he says he has no interest). But if he does, he could conceivably hire O'Reilly and Hannity, who has a contract provision that would allow him to follow Ailes out the door (although the window is tight and it would presumably have to happen in relatively short order).

A Trump venture raises the prospect of a more moderate - if still plenty conservative-friendly - Fox News combating not just CNN and MSNBC but also a challenger from the right. Television news would never be the same.

The New York Times