
Donald Trump edges ahead of Hillary Clinton in key Florida poll

Donald Trump has a slim advantage in Florida as critical independent voters narrowly break his way in the must-win battleground state, a Bloomberg Politics poll shows.

The Republican presidential nominee has 45 per cent to Democrat Hillary Clinton's 43 per cent among likely voters when third-party candidates are included, the poll found. In a hypothetical two-way race, Trump has 46 per cent to Clinton's 45 per cent.

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Can Florida give Trump a path to White House?

Talking about the importance of winning Florida and the role of independent candidates there, Bloomberg Politics' Margaret Talev updates on the US presidential elections.

Among independents, Trump gets 43 per cent to Clinton's 41 per cent in a head-to-head contest. When third-party candidates are included, Trump picks up 1 point with independents while Clinton drops to 37 per cent, with Libertarian Gary Johnson taking 9 per cent and the Green Party's Jill Stein getting 5 per cent.

"This race may come down to the independent vote," said pollster J. Ann Selzer, who oversaw the survey. "Right now, they tilt for Trump. By a narrow margin, they opted for Obama over Romney in 2012."

Trump's showing in this poll is stronger than in other recent surveys in the state. Clinton had an advantage of 3.1 percentage points in the RealClearPolitics Florida average on Tuesday.

President Barack Obama won independents in 2012 by 3 percentage points, and the overall state by less than a point, his narrowest victory that year.


Florida, one of two states Trump calls home, is rated by major election forecasters as a toss-up or leaning toward Clinton. If Trump won all the states Mitt Romney did in 2012, plus Florida's 29 Electoral College votes, he'd still be 35 electoral votes short of the 270 needed to win the White House.

This poll was conducted Friday through Monday, covering the first two days of Trump's three-day campaign swing there. Both campaigns are focusing heavily on the state in terms of advertising and time. Clinton planned to be there Wednesday for the second day in a row and Obama will stump there on her behalf on Friday.

Donald Trump campaigning in Tallahassee, the largest city in the Florida Panhandle.
Donald Trump campaigning in Tallahassee, the largest city in the Florida Panhandle. Photo: AP

Clinton gets 51 per cent of the Sunshine State's Hispanic vote and 49 per cent of those under age 35 in the two-way contest, while Trump has 51 per cent of seniors and 50 per cent of those without college degrees.

Other groups Clinton wins handily in the two-way contest include non-whites (+33 points), those in the Miami area (+30 points) and those with college degrees (+10 points).

Most polls show Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has a slight advantage in Florida.
Most polls show Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has a slight advantage in Florida. Photo: AP

Demographics where Trump is recording some of his biggest advantages over Clinton also include rural residents (+31 points), those in the more conservative northwest Florida Panhandle (+14 points) and those without college degrees (+9 points).

"This poll suggests Trump has more opportunity in Florida than some think is realistic given his poor standing with Hispanics," Selzer said. "But he does well with groups that are key to winning there, including older, more reliable voters. Clinton depends on younger voters and a strong presence at the polls of black and non-Cuban Hispanics."

In the US Senate race, Republican incumbent Marco Rubio leads Democratic rival Patrick Murphy 51 per cent to 41 per cent. Independents support Rubio 51 per cent to 36 per cent.

Almost half of likely voters say Rubio's campaign is more about preparing for a second presidential bid in 2020 than serving the state's people. Even 28 per cent of those backing him say that.
