ABS.Stat User Assistance Material

Web Browser User Guide
Everything you need to know about how to use the ABS.Stat web browser interface, including how to find a dataset, view associated metadata, search for and select variables, customise tables, and export data.

Web Services User Guide
Everything you need to know about how to use the Web Services or Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provided through ABS.Stat.

These services deliver data in machine-readable formats using the Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) standard. This user guide provides information on how to access and use ABS.Stat web services, including information on accessing RESTful web services to deliver data in JSON or XML formats.

Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the most commonly asked questions about ABS.Stat web browser and web services.

Online Video Tutorials
A series of short videos demonstrating ABS.Stat and how to use its various functions.