Retail Trade
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This publication presents estimates of the value of turnover of "retail trade" for Australian businesses classified by industry, and by state and territory.

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2009-10 for chain volume measures

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The Survey is conducted monthly primarily by telephone interview although a small number of questionnaires are mailed to businesses. The businesses included in the survey are selected by random sample from a frame stratified by state, industry and business size. The survey uses annualised turnover as the measure of business size. For the ATO Maintained Population, the annualised turnover is based on the ATO's Business Activity Statement item Total sales and for the ABS Maintained Population a modelled annualised turnover is used. For stratification purposes the annualised turnover allocated to each business is not updated each quarter as to do so would result in increased volatility in the estimates. Each quarter, some businesses in the sample are replaced, at random, by other businesses so that the reporting load can be spread across smaller retailers. This sample replacement occurs in the first month of each quarter which may increase the volatility of estimates between this month and the previous month especially at the state by industry subgroup level. Generalised regression estimation methodology is used for estimation. For estimation purposes, the annualised turnover allocated to each business is updated each quarter. Most businesses can provide turnover on a calendar month basis and this is how the data are presented. When businesses cannot provide turnover on a calendar month basis, the reported data and the period they relate to are used to estimate turnover for the calendar month. Most retailers operate in a single state/territory. For this reason, estimates of turnover by state/territory are only collected from the larger retailers which are included in the survey each month. These retailers are asked to provide turnover for sales from each state/territory in which the business operates. Turnover for the smaller businesses is allocated to the state of their mailing address as recorded on the ABS Business Register.

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$ Millions, or per cent change therein.

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Turnover includes: retail sales; wholesale sales; takings from repairs, meals and hiring of goods (except for rent, leasing and hiring of land and buildings); commissions from agency activity (e.g. commissions received from collecting dry cleaning, selling lottery tickets, etc.); and from July 2000, the goods and services tax.

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Retail TradeAbstract

This publication presents estimates of the value of turnover of "retail trade" for Australian businesses classified by industry, and by state and territory.

Contact person/organisation

National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.

Data source(s) used

Retail Trade, Australia (cat. no. 8501.0)

Retail Trade, Australia
Unit of measure used

$ Millions, or per cent change therein.

Variables collected

Turnover includes: retail sales; wholesale sales; takings from repairs, meals and hiring of goods (except for rent, leasing and hiring of land and buildings); commissions from agency activity (e.g. commissions received from collecting dry cleaning, selling lottery tickets, etc.); and from July 2000, the goods and services tax.


The Survey is conducted monthly primarily by telephone interview although a small number of questionnaires are mailed to businesses. The businesses included in the survey are selected by random sample from a frame stratified by state, industry and business size. The survey uses annualised turnover as the measure of business size. For the ATO Maintained Population, the annualised turnover is based on the ATO's Business Activity Statement item Total sales and for the ABS Maintained Population a modelled annualised turnover is used. For stratification purposes the annualised turnover allocated to each business is not updated each quarter as to do so would result in increased volatility in the estimates. Each quarter, some businesses in the sample are replaced, at random, by other businesses so that the reporting load can be spread across smaller retailers. This sample replacement occurs in the first month of each quarter which may increase the volatility of estimates between this month and the previous month especially at the state by industry subgroup level. Generalised regression estimation methodology is used for estimation. For estimation purposes, the annualised turnover allocated to each business is updated each quarter. Most businesses can provide turnover on a calendar month basis and this is how the data are presented. When businesses cannot provide turnover on a calendar month basis, the reported data and the period they relate to are used to estimate turnover for the calendar month. Most retailers operate in a single state/territory. For this reason, estimates of turnover by state/territory are only collected from the larger retailers which are included in the survey each month. These retailers are asked to provide turnover for sales from each state/territory in which the business operates. Turnover for the smaller businesses is allocated to the state of their mailing address as recorded on the ABS Business Register.



Base period

2009-10 for chain volume measures

Statistical population


Geographic coverage

Australia and the states and territories

Sector coverage

The industries included in the survey are as defined in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) 2006.

Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) 2006
Item coverage

Industry statistics in this publication are presented at two levels of detail: Industry group - the broadest industry level comprising 6 Industry groups (Food; Household goods; Clothing, footwear and personal accessory retailing; Department stores; Other retailing; and Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services). This level is used to present monthly current price and quarterly chain volume measure estimates in this publication. Industry subgroup - the most detailed industry level comprising 15 industry subgroups. This level is used to present monthly current price estimates in time series spreadsheets.

Seasonal adjustment

Seasonally adjusted estimates are derived by estimating and removing systematic calendar related effects from the original series, including seasonal e.g. annual patterns in sales, such as increased spending in December as a result of Christmas; trading day influences arising from weekly patterns in sales and the varying length of each month and the varying number of Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, etc. in each month; an Easter proximity effect, which is caused when Easter, a moveable holiday, falls late in March or early in April; a Father's Day effect, which is caused when the first Sunday in September falls in the first few days of the month and Father's Day shopping occurs in August. The following Retail trade series are directly seasonally adjusted: Australian turnover; each state total; each Australian industry subgroup total; each state by industry subgroup, with a "two-dimensional reconciliation" methodology used on the seasonally adjusted time series to force additivity.

Information paper: Introduction of Concurrent Seasonal Adjustment into the Retail Trade Series
Quality comments

There are two types of error possible in estimates of retail turnover: Sampling error which occurs because a sample, rather than the entire population, is surveyed. Non sampling error which arises from inaccuracies in collecting, recording and processing the data.

Further information
Other comments

The estimates of Retail turnover in this publication will differ from sales of goods and services by the Retail trade industry in Business Indicators, Australia (cat. no. 5676.0). This publication presents monthly estimates of the value of turnover of retail businesses, is sourced from the Retail Business Survey, includes the Goods and Services Tax and includes some retail trade businesses classified to a non-retail trade industry but which have significant retail trade activity. Estimates for sales of goods and services in Business Indicators, Australia are sourced from the economy wide Quarterly Business Indicators Survey and exclude the Goods and Services Tax. In addition, the Retail Business Survey does not include all classes in the ANZSIC Retail trade Division but includes Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services from the Accommodation and Food Services Division.