Residential Dwellings: Values, Mean Price and Number by State and Territories
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Provides estimates of changes in residential property prices in each of the eight capital cities of Australia and related statistics. The information is presented in the form of price indexes for established houses and attached dwellings as well as an aggregated residential property price index. Estimates relating to the total value of the dwelling stock, transfer counts and medians are also provided.

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The geographic coverage of the indexes is the eight Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSA). The geographical coverage for the median price, transfer counts and Total Value of Dwelling Stock (TVDS) is the whole of state (including the Other Territories).

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Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart, Darwin, Canberra, Weighted average of eight capital cities, Rest of State and Australia.

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The Greater Capital City Statistical Area (GCCSA) is based on the 2011 Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) (vol 1, cat. no. 1270.0.55.001) The definition of dwelling structure type for the purpose of the Residential Property Price Index (RPPI) is consistent with the ABS classifications: The Functional Classification of Building 1999 (revision 2011) (cat. no. 1268.0.55.001); and the Dwelling Structure Classification which is used in the Census of Population and Housing (refer to Census Dictionary, 2011 (cat. no. 2901.0).

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It should be noted that when the number of price observations available for a cluster is nil or extremely low in a quarter, a price movement for the cluster is derived using imputation methods based on price movements of other clusters.

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Price Index

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A price index is concerned with measuring pure price change - that is, it is concerned with isolating and measuring that element of price change which is not brought about by any change to either the quantity or the quality of the goods or services for which the index is required.

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Residential Dwellings: Values, Mean Price and Number by State and TerritoriesAbstract

Provides estimates of changes in residential property prices in each of the eight capital cities of Australia and related statistics. The information is presented in the form of price indexes for established houses and attached dwellings as well as an aggregated residential property price index. Estimates relating to the total value of the dwelling stock, transfer counts and medians are also provided.

Contact person/organisation

For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070

Data source(s) used

Administrative data and survey data

Direct source

Residential Property Price Indexes: Eight Capital Cities

Residential Property Price Indexes: Eight Capital Cities
Source Periodicity



Concepts, Sources and Methods


Base period

It is calculated on the index reference period of each index: 2011-12 = 100.0 for each of the eight capital cities as well as a weighted average of them.

Other data characteristics

All Australian residential property sales data are supplied to the ABS by CoreLogic RP Data. This dataset is a combination of residential property sales data obtained from State and Territory Land Title Office or Valuers General Offices (VGs) in each capital city and real estate agents data provided to CoreLogic RP Data. The calculations are based on the exchange date of the sales and the weighting information for established houses and attached dwellings is collected through the Census of Population and Housing.

Statistical population

Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart, Darwin, Canberra, Weighted average of eight capital cities, Rest of State and Australia.

Geographic coverage

The geographic coverage of the indexes is the eight Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSA). The geographical coverage for the median price, transfer counts and Total Value of Dwelling Stock (TVDS) is the whole of state (including the Other Territories).

Key statistical concept

A price index is concerned with measuring pure price change - that is, it is concerned with isolating and measuring that element of price change which is not brought about by any change to either the quantity or the quality of the goods or services for which the index is required.

Explanatory Notes
Classification(s) used

The Greater Capital City Statistical Area (GCCSA) is based on the 2011 Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) (vol 1, cat. no. 1270.0.55.001) The definition of dwelling structure type for the purpose of the Residential Property Price Index (RPPI) is consistent with the ABS classifications: The Functional Classification of Building 1999 (revision 2011) (cat. no. 1268.0.55.001); and the Dwelling Structure Classification which is used in the Census of Population and Housing (refer to Census Dictionary, 2011 (cat. no. 2901.0).

Aggregation & consolidation

Explanatory Notes

Explanatory Notes

It should be noted that when the number of price observations available for a cluster is nil or extremely low in a quarter, a price movement for the cluster is derived using imputation methods based on price movements of other clusters.

Index type

Price Index


Concepts, Sources and Methods comments

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