Producer Price Index - Stage of Production
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Contains a range of producer price indexes. Firstly, economy-wide indexes are presented within a Stage of Production (SOP) framework, followed by a set of partial, stand-alone measures relating to specific industry sectors of the economy (selected manufacturing, construction, mining and service industries).

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For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or

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2 Weeks prior to publication.

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Business respondents based on market share.

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Stock - quarterly.

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Survey and Administrative data.

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Click to expand Base period
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From the September quarter 2012, all index numbers are calculated with an index reference period of 2011–12=100.0. This results in the index numbers for each index being set to 100.0 for the financial year 2011–12.

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Same as source data.

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Average price per quarter

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Variable depending on indices

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Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD). Where international trade is involved, the local currency is converted into AUD on the date that the goods arrive in Australia - Free on Board (FOB).

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Goods and Services produced in Australia.

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Sample data of the goods and services industry in Australia.

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Industries producing goods and services within Australia.

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Click to expand Aggregation & consolidation
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At the top is the total value of products represented by the index (corresponding to the value aggregate as discussed in Chapters 4 and 15). This is progressively divided into finer product groupings, following the structure of the classification until, at the lowest level, there are samples of prices for individual products. These highly detailed price samples are called elementary aggregates. Indexes are only published down to the regimen item level as this is the level at which the structure and weights remain fixed between index reviews.

Click to expand Classification(s) used
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Australian New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) 2006..

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Variable depending on indices.

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Variable depending on indices.

Click to expand Index type
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Price Index

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A price index measuring a fixed basket of goods and services produced in Australia.

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Web release on and hardcopy publication ABS catalogue number 6427.0.

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Variable depending on indices.

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Confrontation procedures with Consumer Price Index & National Accounts

Producer Price Index - Stage of ProductionAbstract

Contains a range of producer price indexes. Firstly, economy-wide indexes are presented within a Stage of Production (SOP) framework, followed by a set of partial, stand-alone measures relating to specific industry sectors of the economy (selected manufacturing, construction, mining and service industries).

Contact person/organisation

For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or

Data source(s) used

Survey and Administrative data.

Direct source

Business respondents based on market share.

Source Periodicity

Stock - quarterly.

Date last input received

2 Weeks prior to publication.

Unit of measure used

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD). Where international trade is involved, the local currency is converted into AUD on the date that the goods arrive in Australia - Free on Board (FOB).


Variable depending on indices



Reference period

Average price per quarter

Base period

From the September quarter 2012, all index numbers are calculated with an index reference period of 2011–12=100.0. This results in the index numbers for each index being set to 100.0 for the financial year 2011–12.

Date last updated

Same as source data.

Statistical population

Industries producing goods and services within Australia.

Geographic coverage


Sector coverage


Item coverage

Goods and Services produced in Australia.

Population coverage

Sample data of the goods and services industry in Australia.

Key statistical concept

A price index measuring a fixed basket of goods and services produced in Australia.

Classification(s) used

Australian New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) 2006..

Aggregation & consolidation

At the top is the total value of products represented by the index (corresponding to the value aggregate as discussed in Chapters 4 and 15). This is progressively divided into finer product groupings, following the structure of the classification until, at the lowest level, there are samples of prices for individual products. These highly detailed price samples are called elementary aggregates. Indexes are only published down to the regimen item level as this is the level at which the structure and weights remain fixed between index reviews.


Variable depending on indices.


Variable depending on indices.


Variable depending on indices.


Confrontation procedures with Consumer Price Index & National Accounts

Index type

Price Index

Seasonal adjustment


Dissemination format(s)

Web release on and hardcopy publication ABS catalogue number 6427.0.