Population Projections by Region, 2012-2061
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Population projections illustrate how Australia's population will change in the future as a result of certain assumptions. This dataset presents 72 scenarios, comprising combinations of different rates of fertility (x3), mortality (x2), net overseas migration (x4) and net intersttae migration (x3).

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At 30 June (financial year)

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Projected persons

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Australian Statistical Geographic Standard 2011 (ASGS)

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Population Projections by Region, 2012-2061Abstract

Population projections illustrate how Australia's population will change in the future as a result of certain assumptions. This dataset presents 72 scenarios, comprising combinations of different rates of fertility (x3), mortality (x2), net overseas migration (x4) and net intersttae migration (x3).

Contact person/organisation

For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.

Data source(s) used

The base population used to calculate projections for each capital city /balance of state is the Estimated Resident Population (ERP) as published in Regional Population Growth, (cat. no. 3218.0), The base used for ACT is Australian Demographic Statistics (cat. no. 3101.0).

Source metadata


Unit of measure used

Projected persons



Reference period

At 30 June (financial year)

Statistical population

For information about the scope and coverage of this collection, please see the Explanatory Notes (link below)

Classification(s) used

Australian Statistical Geographic Standard 2011 (ASGS)

Quality comments

Please refer to the quality declaration below
