Net Interstate Migration, Calendar years 1997 to 2014
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Net interstate migration (NIM) is the difference between the number of persons who have changed their place of usual residence by moving into a given state or territory and the number who have changed their place of usual residence by moving out of that state or territory. This difference can be either positive or negative. This dataset contains annual NIM estimates by age and sex at the state/territory and Australia level.

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For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.

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The Census is one source of information, with people being asked where they lived one year ago and five years ago. However, the Census is held only every five years. To produce quarterly estimates the ABS uses information on interstate change of address advised to Medicare Australia and to the Department of Defence in the case of the military.

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23 June 2016.

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This dataset refers to the period from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2015.

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Using the change of address data, the variables available include: Age, Interstate Arrivals, Interstate Departures; Sex and State and territory of usual residence.

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Age is in five year intervals.

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As interstate migration is unregulated, there are no direct quarterly measures of arrivals and departures between the states and territories. Post-censal quarterly measurements of interstate migration are therefore estimates. These estimates are modelled using administrative by-product data which by nature are non-compulsory and have incomplete coverage.

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Unlike overseas migration, interstate migration in Australia is totally unregulated. It falls within the unwritten freedoms enjoyed by Australians to live wherever they please and to move from one address to another without being accountable to government. In the absence of regulation, however, problems arise when data is required on interstate movements - for example when updating the populations of the States. It has therefore always been necessary to estimate interstate arrivals and departures for this purpose. Currently the ABS uses information on interstate change of address advised to Medicare Australia and to the Department of Defence in the case of the military.

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NIM is an important component of Australia's estimated resident population at the state and territory level. This dataset can also be used to analyse net interstate migration by the variables of sex and age group. Other variables related to NIM data are available on request. See the 'Variables' section above.

Net Interstate Migration, Calendar years 1997 to 2014Abstract

Net interstate migration (NIM) is the difference between the number of persons who have changed their place of usual residence by moving into a given state or territory and the number who have changed their place of usual residence by moving out of that state or territory. This difference can be either positive or negative. This dataset contains annual NIM estimates by age and sex at the state/territory and Australia level.

Contact person/organisation

For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.

Data source(s) used

The Census is one source of information, with people being asked where they lived one year ago and five years ago. However, the Census is held only every five years. To produce quarterly estimates the ABS uses information on interstate change of address advised to Medicare Australia and to the Department of Defence in the case of the military.

Source Periodicity


Source metadata

See Explanatory Notes 50 to 60.

Unit of measure used


Variables collected

Using the change of address data, the variables available include: Age, Interstate Arrivals, Interstate Departures; Sex and State and territory of usual residence.



Reference period

This dataset refers to the period from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2015.

Date last updated

23 June 2016.

Link to Release calendar

For release of quarterly NIM data refer to Forthcoming Issues in the Notes page of Australian Demographic Statistics.

Statistical population

See Explanatory Notes 50 to 60.

Geographic coverage

This dataset contains data presented at state/territory and Australia level only.

Population coverage

All Australian residents who have changed their usual place of residence from one state or territory to another.

Key statistical concept

Unlike overseas migration, interstate migration in Australia is totally unregulated. It falls within the unwritten freedoms enjoyed by Australians to live wherever they please and to move from one address to another without being accountable to government. In the absence of regulation, however, problems arise when data is required on interstate movements - for example when updating the populations of the States. It has therefore always been necessary to estimate interstate arrivals and departures for this purpose. Currently the ABS uses information on interstate change of address advised to Medicare Australia and to the Department of Defence in the case of the military.

Aggregation & consolidation

Age is in five year intervals.


As interstate migration is unregulated, there are no direct quarterly measures of arrivals and departures between the states and territories. Post-censal quarterly measurements of interstate migration are therefore estimates. These estimates are modelled using administrative by-product data which by nature are non-compulsory and have incomplete coverage.


Medicare data used to estimate NIM are adjusted by means of expansion factors. It is known that some people, particularly younger Medicare card holders, do not register changes of address with Medicare, or do so long after the fact. Expansion factors account for this under coverage of Medicare data by various ages and sex. For more information see the Information Paper; Review of Interstate Migration Method, linked below.


For information on the ABS Institutional Environment, see the link below.

Dissemination format(s)


Recommended uses and limitations

NIM is an important component of Australia's estimated resident population at the state and territory level. This dataset can also be used to analyse net interstate migration by the variables of sex and age group. Other variables related to NIM data are available on request. See the 'Variables' section above.

Quality comments

Please refer to the quality declaration below.
