Estimated Resident Population by Country of Birth, 30 June 1992 to 2015
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For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.

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Data used to estimate overseas migration are supplied by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). Data on births and deaths are supplied by the births and deaths registries of each state and territory.

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See Explanatory Notes 5 to 8.

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Compiled using Census data, birth registrations, death registrations, and estimates of overseas migration.

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30 March 2016.

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ERP by country of birth at the Australia level is released annually with the Migration, Australia publication. Refer to the Past & Future Releases tab of the Migration, Australia.

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This dataset refers to the period from 1 July 1992 to 30 June 2015.

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Age, Country of Birth, Sex.

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ERP by country of birth is an estimate of all usual residents of Australia.

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ERP refers to all people, regardless of nationality, citizenship or legal status, who usually live in Australia, with the exception of foreign diplomatic personnel and their families. It includes usual residents who are overseas for less than 12 months over a 16 month period. It excludes overseas visitors who are in Australia for less than 12 months over a 16 month period.

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The estimated resident population is an estimate of the Australian population obtained by adding to the estimated population at the beginning of each period the component of natural increase (on a usual residence basis) and the component of net overseas migration. For more details on the estimations used in ERP by country of birth, refer to Population Estimates: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2009.

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After each Census, estimates for the preceding intercensal period are revised by incorporating an additional adjustment (intercensal discrepancy) to ensure that the total intercensal increase agrees with the difference between the estimated resident populations at the two 30 June dates in the respective Census years.

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This dataset can be used to analyse how the demographic factors of age, sex and country of birth are represented in Australia's resident population across time.

Estimated Resident Population by Country of Birth, 30 June 1992 to 2015Abstract

The estimated resident population (ERP) is the official measure of the Australian population. This dataset contains annual ERP by country of birth, age and sex at the Australia level. At the state/territory level it is available for Census years only.

Contact person/organisation

For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.

Data source(s) used

Compiled using Census data, birth registrations, death registrations, and estimates of overseas migration.

Direct source

Data used to estimate overseas migration are supplied by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). Data on births and deaths are supplied by the births and deaths registries of each state and territory.

Source Periodicity


Source metadata

See Explanatory Notes 5 to 8.

Unit of measure used


Variables collected

Age, Country of Birth, Sex.



Reference period

This dataset refers to the period from 1 July 1992 to 30 June 2015.

Date last updated

30 March 2016.

Link to Release calendar

ERP by country of birth at the Australia level is released annually with the Migration, Australia publication. Refer to the Past & Future Releases tab of the Migration, Australia.

Statistical population

ERP refers to all people, regardless of nationality, citizenship or legal status, who usually live in Australia, with the exception of foreign diplomatic personnel and their families. It includes usual residents who are overseas for less than 12 months over a 16 month period. It excludes overseas visitors who are in Australia for less than 12 months over a 16 month period.

Geographic coverage


Population coverage

ERP by country of birth is an estimate of all usual residents of Australia.

Classification(s) used

For country of birth, the Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC) is used. For more information and codes see the Country Classification spreadsheet in the 'Downloads' tab of this publication online, or refer to the link below.


The estimated resident population is an estimate of the Australian population obtained by adding to the estimated population at the beginning of each period the component of natural increase (on a usual residence basis) and the component of net overseas migration. For more details on the estimations used in ERP by country of birth, refer to Population Estimates: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2009.


After each Census, estimates for the preceding intercensal period are revised by incorporating an additional adjustment (intercensal discrepancy) to ensure that the total intercensal increase agrees with the difference between the estimated resident populations at the two 30 June dates in the respective Census years.


For information on the ABS Institutional Environment, see below.

Dissemination format(s)


Recommended uses and limitations

This dataset can be used to analyse how the demographic factors of age, sex and country of birth are represented in Australia's resident population across time.

Quality comments

Please refer to the quality declaration below.
